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Thread: advice ?

  1. #1
    anabolics2011 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    advice ?

    hey bros, im a 26yo been lifting weights eating right for 6+ years now currently im 84kgs 12%bf and im just not happy with it , ive run numerous 12 week test-e cycles and a few prop cycles to but i always seem to get alot of water and loose all my lines and cuts. wat would be something i could throw in with a 12 week test-e cycle maybe tren 8-12 any ideas would be great ??

  2. #2
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    you want to?

    remain cut when on?

    have you been using an AI when on for bloat?

    or are you talking about bloat and loosing detail when off?

    any dht deriv would be good on cycle to harden loose water

    winny, primo

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