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  1. #1
    jayd1272 is offline New Member
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    questions about my trt therapy

    hi everyone, I am new to this site and 1 week new to trt therapy. I received my bloodtest the other day and everything was good except my test levels which was 182. My doctor said i should go on therapy to get my levels up. I am 38 yrs old 5"11 and weigh 233 lbs. He prescribe me 200 ml biweekly of test cyp. I was an athlete a long time ago but after getting married and three children priorities have turned to them. I just started working out about three months ago. weight training 4 days with a 30 min cardio after each work out and then a 1 hour cardio session on one of my off days. my questions are if i have to be on test cyp is 200 ml biweekly enough to build muscle and burn fat? should i do injections every 10 days or every 14 days? I have only had 1 injection how long does it take before it starts to do anything. It has only been 5 days since i had my first injection and i do feel alittle more energized just not sure if it is the test or mental. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    splitting up injects weekly would be ideal.
    getting your diet in order will be the big factor in building muscle
    100mgs pw isnt going to show much in gains im afraid, ave male produces 70mg pw naturally, but you are now in a position to blast every now and again. personally id leave cycles for a bit until your trt is sorted out and spot on with levels etc. you also would need a good base to cycle on, i'd recommend a good consistent year of training and good diet. good luck

  3. #3
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Why would splitting up injections be ideal? Just in the other thread you said its a paper difference and makes no difference cuz u won't feel it?

    Biweekly test cyp at 200mg is typical dose. Yes enough there to build some muscle but nothing out of the ordinary just make sure ur diet and workouts r good

  4. #4
    jayd1272 is offline New Member
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    thanks bro, all advice helps.

  5. #5
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    it baffles me how docs will prescribe trt shots every 2 weeks and not factor in the half life of the ester basically sending you on a hormone rollercoaster.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Why would splitting up injections be ideal? Just in the other thread you said its a paper difference and makes no difference cuz u won't feel it?

    Biweekly test cyp at 200mg is typical dose. Yes enough there to build some muscle but nothing out of the ordinary just make sure ur diet and workouts r good
    he asked if he should do them every 10days or 14days, try reading the post. the other thread is a completely diff scenario

    you are now on my ignore list so dont waste your time following your det oak vendetta
    Last edited by dec11; 05-07-2011 at 10:42 AM.

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    it baffles me how docs will prescribe trt shots every 2 weeks and not factor in the half life of the ester basically sending you on a hormone rollercoaster.
    yeah, would be a serious drop off by day 13

  8. #8
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Yea the half life is 14 days so its perfectly fine to inject every 2 weeks. Also being a closer to physiologic test amount you don't havethe fluctuations

    As no in the other threads you claimed shooting eod for prop and 1x week for deca is the perfectly fine, however when the case is a long ester why move them closer ? All the other ones u said its a paper difference and you won't notice anything. Nice contradiction, not bad for just a sh*t stirrer

  9. #9
    Jerseystepup is offline Junior Member
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    I was originally put on 200mg of cyp biweekly when i first began TRT... but my levels were dropping off around day 10-12 (i have bloodwork to prove this) so my endo switched me to 100mg per week, and my t levels stay even at around 875-900... Been over a year now and i feel great

  10. #10
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Yea the half life is 14 days so its perfectly fine to inject every 2 weeks. Also being a closer to physiologic test amount you don't havethe fluctuations

    As no in the other threads you claimed shooting eod for prop and 1x week for deca is the perfectly fine, however when the case is a long ester why move them closer ? All the other ones u said its a paper difference and you won't notice anything. Nice contradiction, not bad for just a sh*t stirrer
    Lots of guys here have problems when injecting every two weeks. The peaks and valleys can be lessened with weekly injections. Are you on TRT? If so, I assume you inject every two weeks with no issues?

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Lots of guys here have problems when injecting every two weeks. The peaks and valleys can be lessened with weekly injections. Are you on TRT? If so, I assume you inject every two weeks with no issues?
    no, he just wants to provoke me. i am on trt and apparently know nothing about it

    hes just another stupid kid.

  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    PYup a stupid kid with more knowledge than u

    And no just tryin bring to light who u are, a flamer who only yells and points fingers with no genuine input whatsoever.

    Oh and congrats on trt @35.. OoOo I wanna be you
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 05-07-2011 at 12:21 PM.

  13. #13
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    while although most guys will feel more comfortable at once weekly injections, or 2x a week, or with sub-c injects, some men actually feel fine dosing bi-weekly. this is due to a number of reasons, 1 being that different guys have different amounts of esterase. so it really just depends.

  14. #14
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    I was on 200mg bi-weekly, switched to 100mg per week then asked to goto 200mg per week. Endo said yes to everything and his reason was "Whatever makes you feel better, but I will watch your blood work to make sure you're OK".

    I will say that I felt better on weekly w/ split injections. Shoot a little at the beginning of the week, and then on 'hump' day, and I was good.

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