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  1. #1
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    Wink About to start my first cycle! Can you PLEASE double check this!!!!!

    Hey, I have done as much research as I need to before a cycle, I have visited my Doctor, I have my needles and I am about to go out and buy my supplements and the gear. I just want to make sure everything is perfect before I start splashing out.


    25 yo
    10%bf (on a cyclic ketogenic diet at the moment to prime before my cycle)
    Training for >2 years
    Diet is down to a T.

    Cycle I am going to do:

    Testosterone Cypionate 400mg 12 Weeks

    500ui HCG ED throughout my cycle

    18 days after my last injection I will start PCT


    5 Weeks Clomid 25mg ED and Nolvadex 20mg ED

    Supplements I will be taking are:

    Milk Thistle
    Nizoral Shampoo (if I see signs of baldness)
    Glutamine Solphate
    Fish Oil
    Flax Seed oil
    Cocoa butter
    Vitamin E

    I will be being monitored by a Doctor throughout for General health check up, and will get my own blood work down before and after.

    Feedback would be kindly appreciated!

    So excited!!

  2. #2
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    So before you were 21 and now your 25. What planet are you on that has time that goes by that quickly ? You were already advised not to cycle because you haven't been training long enough and your very light in terms of weight.

    You didn't listen to anyone before so why now lie about your age.

    Nobody is going to tell you anything except fix your diet and training. Your 21 years old

    GOodluck, you will need it.

  3. #3
    Bigd89's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Dobert's Avatar
    Dobert is offline Junior Member
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    Yah dude. Do you really want to fack with your test production. I had friend "not me" who did to long of a cycle when he was 22 and he had to go to the DR. to get things turned around. He wound up getting ED from it and his test lvl's are still low to this day, unless he's on a cycle and he is now 33. He has a wife and their trying to have kids. It isn’t going so well for them. I also cycled early when I was in my early 20's but it was only for 3 weeks till I got great info from some great guys at my gym and stopped. Today I have great lvl's when I’m off and 2 kids. So my advice is if your young don’t do it. I personally like having sex to much to get ED. I’m sure young girls wouldn’t think it to cool for some one to have to stop and go pop a blue pill in the middle of things. I don’t mean to lecture, But the SR. Members here know a lot I listen to their advice.

  5. #5
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    I'm going to post updates of how I get on when I'm cycling.

    Somethings makes me thing you'll be eating your words my friend.

    I'm not your average gym goer, ever heard of the expression 'Train smart, not hard'. I'm one of those people, I read A LOT, I research A LOT, and when I do something I really throw myself into it.

    From what I've read, my genetics and how I put on weight now; I see myself putting on about 20kgs on a 12 week cycle.

    I know the risks, I'm not a retard. But lets face it, this is a light cycle with good PCT, I am having a Doctor monitor me and I'm ****ing motivated. I personally think you're annoyed that I am going to look nice after this cycle and it annoys you because I will reap the benefits young.

    Listen, I don't want to peak at 26. That's too late, the best years for enjoying a good body are 18-30, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I have assessed the pro's and con's and as an ADULT I am making a decision to do a cycle. Deal with it bro.

    If you don't give me advice, I will go elsewhere for it, and I'll find it eventually.

    See ya in 12 weeks

  6. #6
    Dobert's Avatar
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    Dude we all know your gona do what you want anyays. No one can make up someone elses mind for them. I was just telling you a story that I know. So good luck hope all goes good for you.

  7. #7
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobert View Post
    Yah dude. Do you really want to fack with your test production. I had friend "not me" who did to long of a cycle when he was 22 and he had to go to the DR. to get things turned around. He wound up getting ED from it and his test lvl's are still low to this day, unless he's on a cycle and he is now 33. He has a wife and their trying to have kids. It isn’t going so well for them. I also cycled early when I was in my early 20's but it was only for 3 weeks till I got great info from some great guys at my gym and stopped. Today I have great lvl's when I’m off and 2 kids. So my advice is if your young don’t do it. I personally like having sex to much to get ED. I’m sure young girls wouldn’t think it to cool for some one to have to stop and go pop a blue pill in the middle of things. I don’t mean to lecture, But the SR. Members here know a lot I listen to their advice.

    I appreciate what you're saying. But your friend probably didn't have good PCT did he? What was he cycling? I'm sorry, but I just can't see this happening on a 12 week test c only cycle whilst taking HCG THROUGHOUT my cycle and with good PCT; And with all due respect I'm not going to change my mind on a 'alleged' horror story about taking steroids , when I don't even know, for one, if it is true, what he was taking, what does, how long for, what with, whether he was drinking during, what his PCT was like?? Like you guys always say.. "STATS???!?!".

    I do appreciate what you're saying though man, it's things like this that make me look into it more and double check everything!

  8. #8
    Dobert's Avatar
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    In truth some people have their test lvl's stable out younger than others. But you wopuld only know this if you tested monthly. Like I said I hope every thing goes well for you. and this was a true story hes one of my best friends.

  9. #9
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobert View Post
    In truth some people have their test lvl's stable out younger than others. But you wopuld only know this if you tested monthly. Like I said I hope every thing goes well for you. and this was a true story hes one of my best friends.
    What was he cycling? What dose? And did he have PCT?

  10. #10
    mustang331's Avatar
    mustang331 is offline Member
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    You're such a moron..what's funny is that you know the people here are genius's when it comes to aas, that's why you continue to try and get support from us..i think I've been here for ten years, and researched for most of them,i for the same advice when I was 20 then..and took I'm 30 and on my first cycle..well worth the wait... You need to obviously grow up first mentally bro.because you sound like a very scarred and confused KID.. Learn to use your personality to get girls, trust me muscles might get the initial look, but it's going to be who you are that allows you to penetrate them... your just a scared little boy, hoping for approval...

  11. #11
    lemonada9 is offline Junior Member
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    Well ill take a diff approach
    but due to age, wont spoon feed ya :P
    test cyp sucks for a cycle IMO. To long lasting, puts to much on willpower, and get over needle-phobia.
    12 weeks test cyp sucks. to short of a cycle for that long of a ester.
    HCG is wrong.
    PCT is wrong dosages.
    nizordal shampoo for baldness? <-- LoL
    I have no idea what 5'7'' 155 at 10% bf looks like, but i bet you can get more with a better diet and training. Get into supplements, truthfully i had good results with the BSN stuff (cell mass, syntha6, no expode), (pre, post, protein). Wait untill ur older so ur not like some people here on TRT at 35 years old cuz they killed their own test production

    if u want more advice, i wont post it here, contact me outside the forum

  12. #12
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    I can't private message on here, [email protected] email me.

    Also, I have read A LOT that suggest test c for a first cycle and that 10-12 weeks is suggested for a first cycle.

    As with the PCT that is from what I have read in forums etc. I'm not 100% on my PCT though.

  13. #13
    sdmlsu1 is offline Junior Member
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    Test C/E at 500mgs for 12-14wks is probably the most popular and safest first cycle. One thing I will say is 500iu HCG /Day is crazy, way to much. 250iu 2x/wk is plenty and pretty standard. I won't comment in detail on PCT since I never come off. With the simple cycle you have planned a straight forward nolva/clomid pct will work fine. They are posted all over this site. Milk Thistle isn't needed and if you see any signs of baldness on that low dose of Test only forget the shampoo and get used to the fact your going to go bald because its coming AAS or not.
    Last edited by sdmlsu1; 05-15-2011 at 05:00 AM.

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinderbueno View Post
    I'm going to post updates of how I get on when I'm cycling.

    Somethings makes me thing you'll be eating your words my friend.

    I'm not your average gym goer, ever heard of the expression 'Train smart, not hard'. I'm one of those people, I read A LOT, I research A LOT, and when I do something I really throw myself into it.

    From what I've read, my genetics and how I put on weight now; I see myself putting on about 20kgs on a 12 week cycle.

    I know the risks, I'm not a retard. But lets face it, this is a light cycle with good PCT, I am having a Doctor monitor me and I'm ****ing motivated. I personally think you're annoyed that I am going to look nice after this cycle and it annoys you because I will reap the benefits young.

    Listen, I don't want to peak at 26. That's too late, the best years for enjoying a good body are 18-30, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I have assessed the pro's and con's and as an ADULT I am making a decision to do a cycle. Deal with it bro.

    If you don't give me advice, I will go elsewhere for it, and I'll find it eventually.

    See ya in 12 weeks
    LOL, I love Cocky kids like this, they are the ones who come back with their tail (or dick) dragging between their legs because they have ED issues or other problems, if the have the balls to come back at all.

    We see your like here every day. Do a search, there are kids your age every day who didnt listen and have problems. Do you think they all come back? Will you? Ill bet less than 10% come back if not 5% so how many does that mean who really had problems? yes YOU will be the exception to this rule. LOL

    26 is to late. hahahah yes since he is starting now, (probably 18) 26 will be to late for him. When most of us are still growing, maturing and reaching our physical and sexual prime he will be spending his time at the doctors trying to figure out his ED issues, joint/arthritis aches/pains and why he has no energy or drive.

    You got busted for being a liar, fake, wannabe and now you are acting like a little school girl who got her feelings hurt. LOL
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-15-2011 at 08:36 AM.

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinderbueno View Post
    I can't private message on here, [email protected] email me.

    Also, I have read A LOT that suggest test c for a first cycle and that 10-12 weeks is suggested for a first cycle.

    As with the PCT that is from what I have read in forums etc. I'm not 100% on my PCT though.
    GEE, I hope know one takes this morons personal Email and signs him up to a spam, gay porn, bestiality mailing list. hahahahaha

  16. #16
    vtach12's Avatar
    vtach12 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you really think you are going to put on 40kgs in 12 weeks on 400 mg/wk of test? At your size and training level you will be lucky to gain 5kg, and more than likely you will lose most of that post cycle. You should rethink this cycle because you are in for a major disappointment!

  17. #17
    vtach12's Avatar
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    And if you are in fact a med student and have taken any basic medical instruction, you already know what is going to happen to your tendons and ligaments on AAS with just two years of intense weight training. Why would you even risk this?
    Additionally, why don't you post a pic of your " better than most " fed, trained, and proportional physique? It may earn you some credibility back, and get you some answers.

  18. #18
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    I didn't say I would put on 40kgs, I said hopefully 20kgs. And don't bullshit me with 5kgs in 12 weeks, don't be retarded. I have been doing intense weight training for the last year, and weight training for 2 years. I have had an excellent diet for the past year, and as an adult I am old enough to make the decision. Most of the people who **** up and end up with ED are people who are ****ing stupid, with a retarded cycle (eg I see people on here at 18, who are doing 600mg of test weekly with dbol at the beginning and some stacking with decca). This is a pretty light cycle, with good PCT. I AM going to do a cycle, I would just prefer you say "I respect that you want to do roids, but O think you should wait. If you really aren't going to wait, and you know that there are these risks: (x,y and z), then I will give you advice on how to minimise the risks.
    Rather than get all butthurt and itching about how immature I am.


  19. #19
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good luck but don't expect miracles.
    And please start a log in the members cycle area I for one would love to watch this.

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