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  1. #1
    mani_bono's Avatar
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    Second Cycle: Test Prop + Primo Depot

    Hi guys I just finished my first steroid , Anavar only, cycle, and since I'm getting ready for my first contest on February 2012 and I'm kind of short in time, I started my second cycle immediately. (yesterday)

    first hear about my first cycle I was 79kg (175cm height) at the beginning of cycle with about 14% bodyfat not good definition actually when I started my cycle: ( so it was a cutting, fat burning cycle )

    25 mg Anavar ED + 2100 Calories diet ( 285g protein + 187g carbs + 20g fat )

    - every 7 days I had a high carb day.
    - did 5 days a week weight lifting + 5 days (35 min) separate cardio sessions
    - continued this cycle for 7 weeks.

    Result: I'm pretty happy with the result my waist came down from 34 to 31 inch and I got all the six packs, got lots of vascularity + difinition even on my quads ( which always have been my weak point ), I'm 77 kg now.

    I can post the before and after picture if you guys are interested.

    anyway I started my second cycle yesterday:

    Test Prop 50 mg + Primobolan Depot 100 mg EOD
    priviron daily

    it would be 200 mg test + 400 mg Primo every 8 days.
    I'm going to do it for six weeks. ( probably will continue primo for aditional two weeks and will go to PCT )

    I will increase my calories intake to 2500 and will drop cardio to 2 sessions per week. additional calorie is from carbs because I think I already eat enough proteins (285g daily).

    I'm interested in slow and clean muscle gains that's why i choosed primo, putting anything between 6 to 10 lbs of muscle would be great. considering it's my first test and primo cycle ( and my second cycle ever ) I guess they should work better on me. I will train hard 5 days a week.

    I'm going to monitor everything and will ancrease the calorie intake slowly (and maybe even test dosage) if i didn't saw my favourite results.

    by the way I work with a guy who is among top 3 guys in his class ( he came 3rd in World Championship Amateur contest ) and he believes that the art is to use minimum amount of steroids and get maximum result by using good diet + training so if this cycle (specially test dosage) seems very little to you guys that's his influence and since the first cycle (anavar only) which I know many guys would say it's to weak to do a anavar only cycle worked wonderfully for me, so I'm trusting him on this one.

    so what do you think? anything I missing here?
    Do you think It's crazy that I had no time off between anavar cycle and this one? I'm very short on time ...

  2. #2
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    i think the test prop needs to be taken for longer period of time. 8 weeks at least

  3. #3
    mani_bono's Avatar
    mani_bono is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the reply Granovich, actually We are going to monitor everything If we don't see the result we will increase the dose and lentgh probablt to 8 weeks and primo to 10 weeks. What do you think about proviron only as anti e during cycle, since my test dosage is low I think it should be ok.

  4. #4
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Proviron used by athletes as anti-estrogen but its believed that it works like anti-aromatase in the body preventing or slowing the conversion on testosterone into estrogen.the results is somewhat comparable to Arimidex (though less profound).the drug acting to prevent the buildup of estrogen in the body, that is in direct contrast to Nolvadex ,which only blocks the ability of estrogen to bind and activate receptors in certain tissues. so its much preferred than Nolva.
    also. if the Nolvadex discontinued early there is a chance of rebound as high serum estrogen levels are again free to take action!!! which means possibility of Gyno. its best to be used both nolva and proviron in heavy estrogenic cycles but test cycle is not heavy so proviron would be nice addition during the cycle

  5. #5
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    i think the test prop needs to be taken for longer period of time. 8 weeks at least
    acctually you can take test prop for as long as you want is a short ester so if the op wants to do 6 weeks thats perfectly ok as it kicks in quicker then say test e or c....if your primo is a long ester then i wouldent bother cus that would need to be run longer though...good old are you by the way, im curiouse...

  6. #6
    Granovich's Avatar
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    but in 6 weeks you wont get that much of gains its much better to extend it to more. 8-12

  7. #7
    mani_bono's Avatar
    mani_bono is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    acctually you can take test prop for as long as you want is a short ester so if the op wants to do 6 weeks thats perfectly ok as it kicks in quicker then say test e or c....if your primo is a long ester then i wouldent bother cus that would need to be run longer though...good old are you by the way, im curiouse...
    I'm 27, I attached some of my pictures right before beginning of the cycle, I think my weak point is my quads what are guys thinking?

    Second Cycle: Test Prop + Primo Depot-dsc00990_copy.jpgSecond Cycle: Test Prop + Primo Depot-dsc01002_copy.jpgSecond Cycle: Test Prop + Primo Depot-dsc00996_copy.jpg

  8. #8
    mani_bono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    Proviron used by athletes as anti-estrogen but its believed that it works like anti-aromatase in the body preventing or slowing the conversion on testosterone into estrogen.the results is somewhat comparable to Arimidex (though less profound).the drug acting to prevent the buildup of estrogen in the body, that is in direct contrast to Nolvadex ,which only blocks the ability of estrogen to bind and activate receptors in certain tissues. so its much preferred than Nolva.
    also. if the Nolvadex discontinued early there is a chance of rebound as high serum estrogen levels are again free to take action!!! which means possibility of Gyno. its best to be used both nolva and proviron in heavy estrogenic cycles but test cycle is not heavy so proviron would be nice addition during the cycle
    yeah that's what I thought and also according to proviron steroid profile:

    if you are taking a simple stack of proviron and testosterone, you'll have more of the test you shoot as free testosterone floating around building muscle (compliments of the Proviron), more androgen receptors to be bound to (compliments of your testosterone) by your Proviron, thus causing more fat loss. Testosterone and Proviron are a very nice synergistic stack, pretty nearly an "ideal" stack of an oral and injectable, because both drugs will actually act to enhance the effect of the other.

    Read more:

  9. #9
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    6-8 weeks at those dosages is a relatively light cycle... don't expect miracles, strength wise or size wise: but a few lbs of solid LBM is not out of the question

    and focus on your legs... your are right, they are your weakest points

    IMHO, separate leg workouts to a ham day and quad day and really go balls to the wall

  10. #10
    mani_bono's Avatar
    mani_bono is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    6-8 weeks at those dosages is a relatively light cycle... don't expect miracles, strength wise or size wise: but a few lbs of solid LBM is not out of the question

    and focus on your legs... your are right, they are your weakest points

    IMHO, separate leg workouts to a ham day and quad day and really go balls to the wall
    Yes I love Legs workouts and don't know how they are my weak point! currently I Leg Press 300 KG 8 reps and Do 140Kg 8 reps on Squat Smith Machine, I will go as heavy as possible, and will suggest to my trainer to separate ham and quad day and will see what's his opinion on this.
    and few lbs of solid LBM is my exact goal mate, thanks.

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