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Thread: anavar /// clen

  1. #1
    DeUcEkOn's Avatar
    DeUcEkOn is offline New Member
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    hi to u all...

    my stats : age 34 , 1.80 h , 205 lbs , 25% bf (30%fat--70%muscle)

    I'm a handball athlete and i have 2 day team practice and the other days i do lite cardio..
    I start a 1500-2000 cal diet from 1/9 till today
    I was 253 lbs from a bike accident ! (i'm ok now.. )
    ...anyway i would be grateful if you take the time and help me to get back in shape

    anavar /clen ... or..... anavar/proviron ...???

    i don't want to bulk just to cut.... im thinking from 25% bf i would like to drop to 15% bf

    thanks for your time...
    Last edited by DeUcEkOn; 10-03-2011 at 02:34 PM. Reason: deferent question same post...

  2. #2
    DeUcEkOn's Avatar
    DeUcEkOn is offline New Member
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    Anybody ...??

  3. #3
    spykemalo is offline New Member
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    Listen bro i know the idea is too nice to give up, I've been there before, and i made the mistake...but ur asking for magic.
    The clen is good, but for you to use it now is only going to make your future weight loss harder.
    When your at the weight and bf% that you are now, correct diet and cardio will melt fat off your body to a point. Once you've shed the easy portion of your excess pounds, you will realize that losing more fat will be harder, and thats when you introduce the clen.
    Think of clen as kind of like your final weapon when you've already done a good amount of the work. Also, by the time you get to that point, you will have a better understanding of how to diet and workout correctly so you can use the clen to its max efficiency.
    Just make sure that by then you have researched how to use it properly.

    Now the anavar is a different story. It will not help you burn fat, and it will not help you make any significant gains, it will only cause the mild suppression and a hole in ur wallet. What anavar is good for is its anti-catabolic properties, which allow you to diet harder and workout even harder and not lose too much muscle.
    The thing is, if you were at the level where you knew how to utilize ur diet and workout to get the best out of the var, you would a) not be asking this question, and b) more lean than you are now.

    Its up to u if u wanna listen or not, but it would be in your best benefit to listen, wait, research, work hard, then use and use well

    Drop down to 185 lbs. then go for it...honeslty u can do that easy naturally in 3-4 months its only 20 lbs. This will also give you 3-4 months to research more and perfect everything else.
    Good luck, lemme know if u have any other questions.

  4. #4
    spykemalo is offline New Member
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    Sorry, forgot to mention, you should't be doing just cardio....lifting should be ur main workouts.

  5. #5
    Cravenmorehead is offline Associate Member
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    Clen is SO unnecessary.........clean diet, no alcohol, superset lfting for cardio if you want...keep it simple.....squats, deadlifts, bench, and PULLUPS.......get to about 10% BF........then think about a test/var cycle.......until you have your fat under control you are asking for a mess imo.

  6. #6
    Cravenmorehead is offline Associate Member
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    Goals.....25 bodyweight pullups
    bench......1,5 times bodyweight
    squat.....2x bodyweight
    deadlift 2.5 x bodyweight

  7. #7
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I know you probably don't want to hear this, but AAS is for growing, not shrinking, which is what it sounds like your trying to do. As far as eating well/healthy, this is probably the one phrase that keeps people from having the cut, muscular body they're envisioning. You not only need to eat the right foods, but you need to eat the right amounts, the right combinations and at the right time. Google Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR). After that Google TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Open an account at then go to the diet section of this forum and figure out how much of each macro nutrient you need, how to pair them and when (partitioning) and when to eat them to do what it is your wanting to do. As I've heard Slimmer Me say (I love the quote but don't want to take credit for it), "The one secret thing that every guy and girl with what you think is the perfect physique is taking isn't a drug or a supplement, it's an absolutely accurate account of every single fvcking thing that goes into their mouth." BTW, she doesn't say fvcking, that's me....

  8. #8
    DeUcEkOn's Avatar
    DeUcEkOn is offline New Member
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    Thanks for everything ... I'll get back I hope somewhere between 10-15% bf for more intel ...

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