Hello guys, Im from Brazil, Im 27 years old and been training everyday for the past 2 years. Im 1,75m and 71 kg with 12-14 BF.

Im statrting a new cycle that includes HGH, GHRH and Durateston ( a really popular testo here in Brazil ) and I intend to reach my goal by the end of the year wich is 75 kg with 6-8 BF.

So my cycle is like this:
1-2 week - 2 UI of GH per day and 100 mcg of GHRH per day
3-10 week - 4 ui of GH per day, 500 mg of durateston (2 dosage of 250 mg per week ) and 100 mcg of ghrh per day
11-12 week - 4 UI of gh per day and 100 mcg of ghrh per day.

So my question is: "Does GHRH fit in this cycle ?", "Does GHRH have good synergie with HGH ?"


PS: Im Brazilian and english is not my native language so I tryed to be as clear as possible, My topic lack from diety and tpc but its because of my lack of vocabulary sorry.