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  1. #1
    EatingMyWheaties is offline New Member
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    Anybody try Androgel? how bout with Equi?

    So I have run quite a few cycles with sustanon , equi, deca , and variations of test and got a buddy who uses the androgel . Now 1st off I know this isnt even in the same category as far as the others go and that the dosing for andro is WAY WAY WAY lower then its wud be compared to the typical 1cc IM test. Andro is for folks with low T, however its extremely accessible and I get it damn near free. With that being said it can be an advantage to me because I can not afford to "gain" to fast in my line of work. I dont bodybuild or powerlift, strictly lift to stay in shape and for the looks of being lean and still hold some size. I stay on a reasonable diet (im not training to be the next arnold or anything crazy, just another average joe that likes being in the 200lb club and looking good)

    1-My question is, has anyone tried it and whatd ya think?
    2-Was there a small but quality gain noted?
    3-Would it be possible to stack this with equi or is that asking for trouble, I know better then to run equi alone so would this be suitable on low dose?
    (I ask because I have 2 untouched vials of equi just sitting here I dont want to run without Test, and YES I have PCT covered.)

    Obviously I would be running this low dose cycle for about 12wks, just to build a lil mass and still stay fairly lean for summer. Once again I want to reiterate this is not a gain 20lbs in 10wk cycle, just looking to tone up and get back into shape for summer. I havent done in a cycle in probably 8months which is also why I wanna use that equi up at some point too, its just been sittin, not sure about shelf life (id imagine awhile in a cool, dark area) but dont wanna waste it either way.

    Ive been on here awhile and always find it to be a good source of info and always get the help I need so thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    Well as far as the Androgel , from what I've been told is that to see any gains using it, you would have to literally bath in it from head to toe. It is absorbsion dependent, meaning that depending on how dense your skin is depends on how much is absorbed. There are several men whose skin just doesn't absorb this crap and have to use shots. And even if you used the 10 gram daily maximum allowed legal dose, you are only getting like 1% absorbed. Not a good product for cycles at all. It's a waste of time IMO. Plus there are a host of worse reasons not to use this but you get the idea. If your concern is gaining mass too quickly, just lower your weekly cycle doses. Just my 50 cents
    Last edited by Shol'va; 06-04-2011 at 06:45 PM.

  3. #3
    EatingMyWheaties is offline New Member
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    sounds good, gotta track down some test then. cant run the equi alone, well i could but I shouldnt do it.... gyno, no sex drive, no test etc.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I had a bunch left over form when I started HRT. I figured it couldnt hurt to add to a small cycle, right? I mixed mine with DMSO with Aloe to get a higher absorption rate. I have no idea how much it increases but I would suspect it bumps it up quite a bit. It's better than just throwing it out. Test is test.

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Dude, if you have access to injectable test, use that. If you could get a high enough dose of test from that stuff, it'd work, but i think it'd be way more trouble than it's worth.

  6. #6
    ThE DarK KnighT's Avatar
    ThE DarK KnighT is offline Junior Member
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    androgel will do nothing for body building gains. It is used more often for older to middle aged men with low test levels. It will increase libido, but you will not see much more than that.

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Androgel and EQ??? lol
    I seriously can't think of a shittier cycle (for bodybuilding, at least).

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