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  1. #1
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    Clenbuterol during pct??

    Has anyone ever used clen during pct for its anticatabolic anabolic effects? anyone with experience doing this?? If so what are some recommendations?

    Just looking for feedback on opinions and experience. Lemme know guys.


  2. #2
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    Like you mentioned, it is anticatabolic and i dont believe it affects the hpta.

  3. #3
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    so using during pct will be ok then?? any other guys have experience in this?? Ive been doing research and its seems to help maintain gains mainly strength when coming off AAS. I dont want to lose too much weight but a little less bodyfat would be nice as I'm cleaning up my diet a little better as well.

  4. #4
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    anyone? class, anyone?

  5. #5
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    I like clen but as far as anticatabolic goes i dont beleive it in animals and women who have higher beta 2 receptors. men have so few it isn't a real up side to it.. but it gives a good boost in the gym not to mention the higher the thermo your body is the higher your metabolic rate so you can eat more and not gain as much weight or loose weight key to keeping your gains ... I say do it my current pct starts in 4 weeks and looks l this.. I only have some left over clen so gonna just use it for the energy boost
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Clen 40mcg ed till i run out should last about 2 and half 3 weeks...
    and activate xtreme test booster...
    BTW isn't this your pct for the ronnie rowland slingshot method? not just end of cycle pct?

  6. #6
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Go ahead. Works fine, never had any issues.

  7. #7
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I have mentioned this to swifto before and he recommended a dose of 10mcg per day durring PCT so to not down-regulate the Beta 2 receptors and also to keep the benefits of the anti-catabolic effects....

    Maybe ask him to chime in with his opinion
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  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I use to use it when I did PCT, its was a great benefit to me during this phase and it would increase my strength and help with maintaining gains, I use the 2 wks on 2 wks off protocol and ramped up the dose slowly.

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I use to use it when I did PCT, its was a great benefit to me during this phase and it would increase my strength and help with maintaining gains, I use the 2 wks on 2 wks off protocol and ramped up the dose slowly.
    Nice to hear from a man with experience

    With regards to the 2 wks on 2 wks off I actually found 10 days on 5 days off pretty good while I was dieting....

    What dose are we talking here Marcus, it is certainly something I will be using in my PCT but still unsure on dosing protocol
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  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Nice to hear from a man with experience

    With regards to the 2 wks on 2 wks off I actually found 10 days on 5 days off pretty good while I was dieting....

    What dose are we talking here Marcus, it is certainly something I will be using in my PCT but still unsure on dosing protocol
    I wouldn't go to high or to my limit but I would do around 60mcgs daily for 2 wks on and then have 2 wks off then repeat. I was shocked how strong it made me in PCT and I mean strong! it always did that to me for some strange reason. I definitely held more gains and it was of great benefit to me maintaining my gains. Great addition to any PCT protocol IMHO, I did suffer palpitation though with clen which eventually made me stop using it.

  11. #11
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I wouldn't go to high or to my limit but I would do around 60mcgs daily for 2 wks on and then have 2 wks off then repeat. I was shocked how strong it made me in PCT and I mean strong! it always did that to me for some strange reason. I definitely held more gains and it was of great benefit to me maintaining my gains. Great addition to any PCT protocol IMHO, I did suffer palpitation though with clen which eventually made me stop using it.
    I know all about this LOL, seemed to happen every time sumat popped into my head.... Not nice

    I do remember you talking about Clen In PCT and saying you strength went up while on it....

    One thing I also remember you saying is that you grow like a weed on Winni..... Completely off subject but just popped into my head.... You must just grow on anything m8
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  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I know all about this LOL, seemed to happen every time sumat popped into my head.... Not nice

    I do remember you talking about Clen In PCT and saying you strength went up while on it....

    One thing I also remember you saying is that you grow like a weed on Winni..... Completely off subject but just popped into my head.... You must just grow on anything m8
    I must admit I am very sensitive to anything I put inside my body, thats why I don't drink alcohol because I only need one or two and thats it I'm unconscious and not many people can carry me home lol..

    Some compounds wouldn't agree with me but others did and I used this for future cycle planning and I would stick with this more or less, I had great success with shorter cycling and they did agree far more with me than longer ones, I could make better gains and maintain them and progress further. Experiment on yourself and find out what works best, its the only way..

  13. #13
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantbetouched View Post
    I like clen but as far as anticatabolic goes i dont beleive it in animals and women who have higher beta 2 receptors. men have so few it isn't a real up side to it.. but it gives a good boost in the gym not to mention the higher the thermo your body is the higher your metabolic rate so you can eat more and not gain as much weight or loose weight key to keeping your gains ... I say do it my current pct starts in 4 weeks and looks l this.. I only have some left over clen so gonna just use it for the energy boost
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Clen 40mcg ed till i run out should last about 2 and half 3 weeks...
    and activate xtreme test booster...
    BTW isn't this your pct for the ronnie rowland slingshot method? not just end of cycle pct?
    yes it is, I will also be using hcg 2500ius eod for two weeks as well. I started the clen today at 20mcgs and felt the effects at that low of a dosage but will stay at 40mcg like you stated above

  14. #14
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I use to use it when I did PCT, its was a great benefit to me during this phase and it would increase my strength and help with maintaining gains, I use the 2 wks on 2 wks off protocol and ramped up the dose slowly.
    Thanks marcus, im currently using 20mcg and am on my first day. What would you recommend ramping up too??

  15. #15
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    hell yea guys thanks for the responses! I will run it at 60mcg 2 weeks on 2 off. Thank a million guys for the input

  16. #16
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    No problem.. keep posted on your slingshot man really interested in giving it a try!!

  17. #17
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantbetouched View Post
    No problem.. keep posted on your slingshot man really interested in giving it a try!!
    will do man

  18. #18
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I have mentioned this to swifto before and he recommended a dose of 10mcg per day durring PCT so to not down-regulate the Beta 2 receptors and also to keep the benefits of the anti-catabolic effects....

    Maybe ask him to chime in with his opinion
    Did I?

    I always suggest Ketotifin when using Clen .

    I'd use a dose 20mcg's below your side effect dose and stay there (+ Keto), not 10mcg...

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