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  1. #1
    MDMA's Avatar
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    MOD & VET Cycles

    What up Mods/Vets! Im curious, and Im sure a few others are as well as to the type of cycles you guys are running. You guys know your shit, maybe we can get a couple pointers/ideas by looking at what you've choosen for yourselves.

    Just a thought...
    Last edited by MDMA; 03-18-2003 at 10:54 PM.

  2. #2
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    Well as a future supermod I myself will run

    week 1-10 Test Enanthate 750mg/week
    week 1-10 Equipoise 400mg/week
    week 1-4 test proprionate 100mg/eod
    week 8-13 Winny 50mg/ed

  3. #3
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    well since im the man, i guess i qualify

    1-4 35 mg Dbol (naps) ED
    1-12 600 mg EQ EW (QV)
    1-12 625 mg Test enth (QV)

    might throw fina in at .75 cc ED weeks 7-12, still deciding.
    simple, but effective.

  4. #4
    MDMA's Avatar
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    Well since I started this thread, in 7 weeks from now Im running-

    Week 1-13: 400mg Enanth QV
    Week 1-10: 100mg Prop EOD QV
    Week 1-14: 800mg EQ QV
    Week 5-10: 60mg Winny ED
    Week 7: Three shots of 2500iu HCG , 1 every 5 days

  5. #5
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just finished:

    Days 1-40 :: Tren 75mg / Test Prop 50mg
    Days 41-76 :: Tren 75mg / Win 75mg(100mg the last 10 days)

    Days 1-40 :: 875mg total androgens per week - the more androgenic portion. Made good gains but gained water - weight increased about 12-14 lbs this first portion.

    Days 41-76 :: 1050-1225mg total androgens per week - the more anabolic with no estrogen portion. Leaned out with more vasculairty. Also ran Clomid 50mg EOD for a chance at a better recovery post cycle.

    Overall - am very satisfied with cycle.

  6. #6
    jammergsxr's Avatar
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    My next cycle will be
    weeks 1-12 600mgs EQ
    weeks 1-12 500mgs test enanthate
    weeks 8-15 75mgs winnyED

  7. #7
    adaptations's Avatar
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    Bout to start a

    prop 100 mg ED 1-8
    Fina 100 mg ED 1-8
    Dbol 50 mg ED 1-5

    Simple but very effective....

  8. #8
    palme's Avatar
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    MDMA do you think a mod or a vet´s cycle would be far greater then the rest of us can come up with?

    Anyway im at the end of mine...

    Test enth 500mg w1-12
    EQ 400mg w1-12
    Dbol 30mg ED w1-4
    Prop 100 EOD w13-15

  9. #9
    pumpseeker's Avatar
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    Next month. My second cycle:

    1-10: 750mg/wk sustanon (M,Thurs,Sat injects)
    1-12: 400mg/wk equipoise (M, Thurs injects)
    1-4: 30mg/ED dbol
    7-12: 50mg/ED winny depot
    7-12: 200mg/wk primobolan (Sun, Wed injects)

  10. #10
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Don't try this at home:

    Primotest 1,000mg/week; Week 1-12
    Prop 300mg/week; Week 1-12
    Eq 400mg/week; Week 1-12
    Dbol 100mg/day; Week 1-5
    Dbol 60mg/day; Week 6-8
    Anadrol 100mg/day; Week 9-12
    Slin 16iu/day post workout only Week 2-7
    HGH 4iu/day Week 2-?. (I'm going to run it for about 4 or 5 months)

    At the end of week 12 I will be lowering the test to Enan 750mg/week, and probably throw in some Winny (One Zambon/day). I'll run that for another 6 weeks or so. I'm actually using the Anadrol to diet on right now, so hopefully I can lose about 5 to 10 pounds of fat while maintaining my mass.

    Then it's back on for another round with about 1,000-1,250mg of Sus/week, and probably 500mg/week of Primobolan . All in all, I will run about 24 or 25 weeks. Then it's hcg /nolvadex time, and off for about 2 months. I haven't figured out what kind of goodies I'm going to try after that.

  11. #11
    Madmax's Avatar
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    Originally posted by The Butcher
    Don't try this at home:

    Primotest 1,000mg/week; Week 1-12
    Prop 300mg/week; Week 1-12
    Eq 400mg/week; Week 1-12
    Dbol 100mg/day; Week 1-5
    Dbol 60mg/day; Week 6-8
    Anadrol 100mg/day; Week 9-12
    Slin 16iu/day post workout only Week 2-7
    HGH 4iu/day Week 2-?. (I'm going to run it for about 4 or 5 months)

    bro, i hope your not running this cycle, theres some flaws in it....your liver will be toast after this cycle...what are your stats....Madmax...

  12. #12
    Madmax's Avatar
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    heres my next 2 cycles...ill start one in august and one next june...Madmax...

    sust 250mg eod (1-15)
    eq 500mg (1-15)
    fina 75mg ed (10-18)
    var 50mg ed (10-18)
    hgh 8 iu per day (1-24)
    hcg 500 iu (7-8) and (17-18)
    liquidex .5mg ed (1-18)
    clomid 200mg ed 8 weeks, maybe longer

    anavar 60mg ed (1-9)
    prop 100mg ed (1-9)
    fina 75mg ed (1-9)
    hgh 6 iu day (1-20)
    bromo, ldex on hand

  13. #13
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    MM that's a lot of HGH, I'd bring it down to 4iu and run it 7 days a week. Tom Price only does 2iu a day. I guess I should ask how old you are?

    I've heard a few Bros say that after 4.5iu your results won't change, but your wallet will


  14. #14
    JohnnyB's Avatar
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    I just spent 20 minutes mapping mine out and it got lost I'll try again.


  15. #15
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Well, I do not bare the name of MOD or VET but shall contribute to the satisfaction of your curiosity.

    I'm off for a while(I make it a rule to do 2 a year)

    Planned to Start Sept 5, 03
    The Bulker:
    1-19 600mg Enan
    1-18 550mg EQ
    12-21 100mg Fina ED
    1-5 75mg Prop ED
    .75mg A-dex throughout, Cabergoline at .25mg twice a wk. during Fina
    Post Cycle-Clomid 300/150/100 split, 40mg Nolva, .25mg cabergoline 2x

    Cutting in Spring of 04
    1-10 100mg Fina
    1-10 75mg Prop
    20mg Nolva throughout, Assesing what prolactin inhibitor to use after Cabergoline administration.
    Post- Clomid 300/150/100, PR inhibitor of choice, nolva at 40mg

  16. #16
    nj_'s Avatar
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    Originally posted by Pheedno

    Cutting in Spring of 04
    1-10 100mg Fina
    1-10 75mg Prop
    20mg Nolva throughout, Assesing what prolactin inhibitor to use after Cabergoline administration.
    Post- Clomid 300/150/100, PR inhibitor of choice, nolva at 40mg
    Why are you assessing what prolactin inhibitor to use after cabergoline administration? If you can get it at a reasonable price to run throughout your cycle I'd just stick with the cabergoline the whole time.

  17. #17
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Here we go. I'm on HRT, so I'm always on at least 100mg of cyp a week. I'll be running t3, HGH and hcg with my gear. I'm using t3, 3-11, the cycleon method 100mcg max. HGH 11-42, 16 weeks 2iu 5 on 2 off and 16 weeks 2iu ed. HCG 2 days a week at 500iu a day, while I'm on gear. I'm not running the t3 and HGH together because it's been shown to stop IGF-1. T3 alone raises HGH slightly. The HGH will start the last week of the t3, so the HGH can burn fat, while I'm recovering from the t3. The first part of my cycle is QV gear and the second part is human grade. Glucophage all the way through at 500mg 2x a day, up it if I need to.

    1 prop 100mg ed
    2-4 prop 100mg eod
    1-14 enan 250mg e5d
    1-14 eq 225mg e5d
    15-17 prop 100mg eod
    16-23 anavar 15mg ed
    16-17 hcg 2000iu e5d + 20mg nolva
    18-20 20mg nolva
    21 have blood work do for HRT
    22 prop 100mg ed, Testopin-100
    23-25 prop 100mg eod
    22-38 enan 300mg e5d, ICN
    22-38 primo 250mg e5d, Schering, don't worry there real
    33-40 20mg anavar
    39-40 100mg prop eod
    39-40 hcg 2000iu e5d + nolva 20mg
    41 back to HRT for 4-6 months.

    I'm going slow, to make gains more permanent and it makes me feel like I'm 20 again

    I'm using the old bull theory, if you haven't heard it here it is.

    The young bull sees a herd of cows and says to the old bull lets run down there and f^&* one. The old bull replies lets walk down and F^&* them all.

    Some of this could change as my body speaks to me and I'm still learning.


  18. #18
    painintheazz's Avatar
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    Here is my next cutting cycle (if I need it)

    Week 1-8 Test Prop 80mg ED
    Week 1-8 Var 40-50mg ED
    Week 2-7 Winny 50mg ED ( I might drop this infavor of Fina)
    Week 2-3 DNP 200 - 400mg ED
    Week 5-6 DNP 200 - 400mg ED

    I will also be taking all the good liver helpers as I am a little worried about the Var and winny.


  19. #19
    Iron horse's Avatar
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    im a senior member, but...

    btw - if you guys remember my first planned cycle, this is it revised because i want to make madmax happy

    test enth 700mgs/week (1-13)
    eq 600mgs/week(1-13)
    dbol 40mgs 6 weeks ED
    end with suspina

    i decided for the suspina at the end for spot injections, and I dont have tons of experience with them, but i found spot injections worked better for me at the end of a cycle after i put on the weight.

  20. #20
    Madmax's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Iron horse
    im a senior member, but...

    btw - if you guys remember my first planned cycle, this is it revised because i want to make madmax happy

    test enth 700mgs/week (1-13)
    eq 600mgs/week(1-13)
    dbol 40mgs 6 weeks ED
    end with suspina

    i decided for the suspina at the end for spot injections, and I dont have tons of experience with them, but i found spot injections worked better for me at the end of a cycle after i put on the weight.

    glad to see you took my advice, id drop the d-bol down to 5 weeks..other than that your good bro....Madmax...

  21. #21
    MDMA's Avatar
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    Ya, JhonnyB's cycle gave me some good ideas... quality cycle right there, well thought out. I aggree with him too about making slow, steady gains as they are easier to manage and maintain and keep after cycle.

    So thx for JhonnyB, I'm going to be sprinkling some t3 in my cycle as well and see if I cant get ahold of some ICN test instead of QV. Thx for the good post Jhonnyb

  22. #22
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by MDMA
    I'm going to be sprinkling some t3 in my cycle
    I just read an article written by Raver. In it he says that he and some of his clients have used 25-50mcg of t3 ed, in their cycle, it reduced bloat and water retention.


  23. #23
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by nj_

    Why are you assessing what prolactin inhibitor to use after cabergoline administration? If you can get it at a reasonable price to run throughout your cycle I'd just stick with the cabergoline the whole time.
    Becasue I've never used cabergoline. I've used Bromo and Pergolide. When I asses which one benefits me with the least amount of sides, I will decide which I use.

  24. #24
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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  25. #25
    ripped4fsu's Avatar
    ripped4fsu is offline Anabolic Member
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    TEST ENAN 700mg wk 1-10
    EQ 600mg wk 1-12
    Winny 50mg ED 11-15
    liquidex .5ml ED 1-12
    milk thistle 1000mg ED 1-15

  26. #26
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    MM, thanks for your concern. Actually, my liver is fine. The 100mg/day of dbol came from 2-50mgdbol tabs a day. I have serious doubts that these are truly 50mg each, so I would guess that they total more like 75mg. Then I switched to Pink Thais for the 60mg/day period. Then I started British Dispensary A-50s for the 4 weeks of Anadrol . I have run 17AAs for 10-12 weeks at a time about 3 times in the past (be it Winny, Dbol, or Anadrol) and have done just fine. Yes, I do get my liver values checked by the doc.

    As far as my stats go, I am 300lbs. About 10-12% BF. I have run many cycles, and there is no way I would suggest doing what I am doing to someone else (unless of course they had similar experience with aas usage). But, since I know my body pretty well (10 years of continuous weight training, and 5 years of AAS experience) I'm not too concerned that I will be ok. In fact, now that I am about 10 weeks in I'd have to say that I am doing pretty well. That's why I said at the top, Don't Try This At Home. But, thanks again for your concern.

  27. #27
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    actually - I will probably just continue to run GH and anavar ED for a long time

  28. #28
    superman1975's Avatar
    superman1975 is offline New Member
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    i am on 750mg of enanthate 10 wks
    100mg of fina ed 10 wks
    and 40mg of dbol the first 6 wks

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