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  1. #1
    seven4five20 is offline New Member
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    Starting my first cycle next week. Looking for advice

    Hello everyone. I am starting my first cycle next week, and am looking for a little advice. I am 5'10", around 175 LB with about 6% body fat. I have included a picture for referencing. I have decided to go with 2 CC's of deca and 1 CC of test for 6-8 weeks. Then Im going to run clen to clean it up. I dont know what I want to do for PCT, so any input would definitely be appreciated. My diet is pretty clean. I mostly focus on fat and sugar intake, limiting fats to under 25 G per a day, and cutting out all unnatural sugars. I really dont carb count, but am conscious of my intake, and dont care at all about calories. Any advice you may have would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Starting my first cycle next week.  Looking for advice-227922_2014687257779_1561749116_4023593_2469333_n.jpg  

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How old are you?

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    IMHO your higher than 6% BF in that Pic...

    Still in excellent contdition

    Your fats are seriously low and I would bring them up for sure...

    I really would head over to the diet section and post up there for some advise including your goals etc...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  4. #4
    RoidReaper's Avatar
    RoidReaper is offline Member
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    Id say about 9-10%

  5. #5
    seven4five20 is offline New Member
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    I am 24 years old. I had the measurement done three weeks before that picture, every other day for a couple of weeks, and it was always between 4-6% reading. Could have definitely changed by the time I took the pic, but Im not too concerned about it to be honest. I want to ad some size without adding any bloat if possible. How much fats would you ad, Baseline? Any specific sources where the fats should be derived from, such as red meat, chicken, etc? I mostly stick with fish and chicken and lace in lean steaks. Do you think the cycle I have outlined is sufficient for what I'm trying to accomplish? Thanks again for the input, any advice is helpful.

  6. #6
    brad1986's Avatar
    brad1986 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Id say about 9-10%
    no way hes in the double didgtis. Id say 8% maybe low 9's

  7. #7
    RoidReaper's Avatar
    RoidReaper is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    no way hes in the double didgtis. Id say 8% maybe low 9's
    Im at 10% in this pic
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  8. #8
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    who cares 8 9 10 it's close enough... and not excessive. This guy wants help.. is this your first cycle? since your asking about pct im thinking if it's not your still rokieing up your cycle status so deca will not be needed... personally at your age fina dick is not good wanted or even understandablle to you rite now.. kickstarts and test are so simple and work fantastic..
    Also idk what 2 cc and 1 cc means post up mg example
    deca 500mg
    test e/p/c/s 250mg
    then we will work on pct
    you are pretty lean so i wouldn't mind seeing you get a little sloppy on the diet during cycle to really nlow the freak up then clean up a month or two after pct...

  9. #9
    seven4five20 is offline New Member
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    The CC conversion is roughly what you suggested. Its basically 550 MG's of deca and 250 MG's of Sustanon . It is my first cycle. Do you think something like that would be good for a 6-8 week cycle? Yeah I really have no idea what I should do for PCT besides clen . I dont know what fina dick is, but it sounds like something I should try to avoid. What is it exactly, (just impotence?) and how is it caused?

  10. #10
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    WOW word to the wise your gonna get flamed for the compounds but screw it. i figured i would be close but gonna make som changes to my prefrence.
    really you have a small build unless it's just the angle..
    yes, first cycle is gonna give you everything you want and more to bad you did post up a few weeks ago could had them test levels up and slayin ***** already for summer.
    ditch the deca you wanna have you jimmy working this summer. no to mention test is supposed to be bas so it need to equal your other compunds but thats not an issue for you anymore!
    new cycle really basic..
    Thats a link for you to read that this board supplied..
    so i like sunday and wednesday injects necer used sust btw but understand the esters involved.
    sust250 250 or 1cc 2x week total of 500mg weekly weeks 1-10 dependent on your amount on stock..
    since you can get deca i think you can get a oral also. since you are lean lets talk tbol kickstarts it's freaking amazing!!!!!!! all i have to say
    I havn't kickstarted but i am using it at the end of my cycle now and i nut every time i pop one.. lol j/k
    as you can tell my cycle has me feeling great so cycle breakdown for you and others if you can get the tbol if not ditch the tbol and
    sust 250 250mg 2x week = 500mg week 1-10 ish
    tbol weeks 1-4 40mg ed
    tbol 40mg week 9-12 40mg ed
    day you pop your last tbol pct
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    Trib extract how ever you want to dose...
    clen 40mcg ed entire pct
    G2g in my eyes bro

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