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  1. #41
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    LOL! dude you are ridiculous. you should be put in the hall of shame for some of the quotes. I am done talking here. Any veteran of the sport any mod on here will tell you i am correct. I do not see why you are even arguing this with me. You have been on here since 2001 and you are trying to have this discussion. Do you work out at planet fitness?
    I never said its 500 just said everything has a thresh hold but thanks for putting words in my mouth
    Im bigger and stronger than you and thats all that matters

  2. #42
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    lol! u mad bro!!! show me your 8 pack doggy!

  3. #43
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    so we can put this to rest just admit you are wrong pls

  4. #44
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    At some point you will quit making gains at your dose.Then you have to make the decision.Do you want to keep progressing or stay where your at.Well if you want to get bigger.You got to increase your dose.Now do I think a 1st timer will grow off 750 more than 500.No I dont.I believe you grow in steps.You cant get it all at once.

  5. #45
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    absolutely. its not a sprint its a marathon.

  6. #46
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Testosterone is without doubt dose dependant its been proven on studies and more so in my personal experience. You also have to remember that not everyone responds in the same manner and some are genetically gifted and don't need to run or ever increase AAS dose and still grow far over their natural limit. An example of this is I know two pro's one who uses very little AAS and always practises safe cycling, the amounts he uses are more less the same as any newbie and he's been at this game a long time. The other guy is at the opposite end of the dose scale, this guys uses large amounts and is always increasing and playing around with ever changing stacks, he states he needs to because he needs to maintain the size and mass he is carrying otherwise if large amounts aren't used he shrinks, or so he says or thinks.

    One thing you need to look at with dose is, if your gains are adequate enough and your reaching your goals with minimal sides etc then why increase but if gains are slow or stopped then adding further compounds or increasing ones what you respond to is the way forward. I don't want to get into very high dose with this thread because its not what its about, we are talking about 500mgs compared to 1000mgs and in my opinion and experience a 1000mgs is going to yield more gains than 500mgs but at what cost you have to ask yourself, with increasing dose comes increasing sides so this is something you have to be ware of. I don't think jumping to a 1000mgs from 500 is wise and more like 750mgs and see how you go would be a better option.

    There is also some kind of limit were the sides will outweigh the gains, so an every increasing stack isn't a wise move either because sides would overtake any kind of gains and health issues will raise there head. Balance is the key and knowing your body and how it grows.I also think many guys jump the dose up to soon rather than looking at other areas to carry on gaining. Its not mentioned much on here because I think many of us think we are all doing it correctly and if your not gaining its either your diet or AAS but in reality many and I mean many don't know how to train to grow muscle tissue. Changing training style or implementing some kind of intense training protocol can jumpstart you into further growth, I've done this with many on-line clients without increasing dose. Obviously diet is also a major player in increasing gains and size but we have to learn how to train hard, eat correctly and design stacks to suit how we grow and respond, once you get in tune with your body you will produce great gains.

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