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Thread: Tried accutane?

  1. #1
    mikail is offline Junior Member
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    May 2011

    Tried accutane?

    Has anyone here tried Accutane for acne and whatnot? I never really used to get acne, but it's been like 5 weeks since my last injection, and my acne keeps getting worse. I'm preparing to start another cycle on July 4th - and i have a months supply of Accutane handy just in case. Can anyone give me some info on the proper usage of Accutane?

    My next cycle:
    1-8 winny
    1-8 test p
    2-4, 6-8 clen

    I want to cut down to about 8% bf

    22 YO
    excercising since highschool
    15-18% bodyfat
    on cycle going to have minimal carbs/oily/fatty foods

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    22 is too early for a cycle much less a second one.....
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    mikail is offline Junior Member
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    May 2011
    You know what, I've never thought about it that way before. I guess I'll hold off until I'm 25.
    But theoretically - what would a person do in this situation?

  4. #4
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Was prescribed accutane by a dermatologist back when was about 16(currently 24). Took 40mg/ED for 5 months straight, which is how long its supposed to be used for. If you end up using it for less than that your results will most likely not be permanent as they should be. I see too many guys self prescribing and they do not use it as long as they're supposed to be. For the majority of people prescribed accutane, it is a one time deal and usually completely free of acne problems for the rest of their life(small percentage need a second round). There should be no reason for people using this stuff for 2-3 months and then just stopping because acne is already gone. Don't be surprised if it ends up coming back, you do not want to be putting your body through another round accutane because this stuff is harsh! My sides were very dry skin and lips, that's about it in terms of side effects. They had me taking blood tests every month for liver, I believe. Ever since then I have never had acne problems, either when on cycle or coming off. Whatever it did, it was permanent. My acne was extremely bad for years and it was just about everywhere!

  5. #5
    mikail is offline Junior Member
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    I don't usually get acne at all(maybe one a month), I'm just concerned about getting it for the 2 months on my cycle - because I'm getting alot of people telling me that Winnie gives extremely bad acne. I'm not sure what the dosages are(i believe they are high though), but i believe that the pills come in caps. would it be okay if if i cut the dosages in half? like take half the cap instead of the whole thing? because my acne isn't bad on the regular

  6. #6
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Don't screw around with powerful drugs like Isotretnoin when you don't know what the hell you're doing. There's a reason why they keep that shit under lock and key in many countries the same way they do with opiates and other powerful drugs, with patients having to sign contracts and take monthly blood tests and whatnot. The reasons is because dumbasses who don't know what they're doing come along and buy the stuff from the same place they get their gear and think, "oh, if I get acne I'll just take same Accutane and everything'll be all good!" Fact is, isotretnoin is a powerful drug with lots of side effects and is generally CONTRAINDICATED with steroid use . It has to be taken for five months straight, every single day for proper results with monthly visits to the dermatologists and blood tests to make sure it's not frying your liver.
    So you got to make a decision - your body or your face. If you want your body to look good while your face keeps getting worse, then go on another cycle. If you want to have a little patience and clear up your acne, get a referral to a dermatologist and do it properly. No self-medicating with this stuff, man. Not when you so obviously have no idea how it works, how to take it, what the risks, contraindications and side effects are.


  7. #7
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    There have been plenty of accutane thread here.....

    While you are still too young to use steroids ..... and other methods should be used before accutane..... there are protocols that can be utilized to clear up the acne with doing as little harm as possible.

    When we use steroids we increase the oil production in our glands. Accutane directly affects those glands and the proper protocol from a dermatologist will shut down those glands and for the most part.... halt the oil production. This is especially useful for the person who has severe acne without the use of steroids.

    As a steroid user we can use smaller ammounts to slow down the oil production and clear up the skin. If the steroids are no longer being used..... more than likely..... the acne wont come back either.

    Again.... theres a ton of threads on this..... anyone can find them using the search function.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  8. #8
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    im on accutane right now and have been on for three months, stuff works but it comes with major side effects. chapped lips and crackin skin sucked for the first month or two and has gotten worse. but now it got to the point where i get about 5 nose bleeds a day that last for around 45 minutes and usually get dizzy from blood loss. i even put vasaline up my nose and it helps a bit but wont stop it. also gotta get monthly blood test cause its very hard on ur liver. dont take it unless u need too

    its a serious drug.

  9. #9
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    im on accutane right now and have been on for three months, stuff works but it comes with major side effects. chapped lips and crackin skin sucked for the first month or two and has gotten worse. but now it got to the point where i get about 5 nose bleeds a day that last for around 45 minutes and usually get dizzy from blood loss. i even put vasaline up my nose and it helps a bit but wont stop it. also gotta get monthly blood test cause its very hard on ur liver. dont take it unless u need too

    its a serious drug.
    Doctor prescribed dosage? I thought so.....

    What i'm referring to is 10mg/day for 30-45 days. Most users report clear skin with minimal side effects..... chapped lips seem to be the most common.

    NO ONE should be taking 40+ mg's for 90+ days without being monitored by a doctor.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  10. #10
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    im on 80 mgs a day, may up it too 120 cause my body weight, and its not acne from gear its acne ive had all my life from being a teen.doc said ill be on for 9-11 months. yes doctor prescribed and check up one a month. also get dizzy spells,

  11. #11
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    im on 80 mgs a day, may up it too 120 cause my body weight, and its not acne from gear its acne ive had all my life from being a teen.doc said ill be on for 9-11 months. yes doctor prescribed and check up one a month. also get dizzy spells,
    exactly my point.....

    I couldn't imagine 120mg's...... I've done 40mg's when my acne was bad and I needed to clear up fast before an event. In my experience..... 40mg's is PLENTY..... cleared me up in a few weeks from steroid induced acne.

    People need to understand though that running a doctors protocol for non-aas induced acne is more often than not a permanet solution but it comes with very serious side effects. Running lower doses for short periods of time will still clear you up..... but it's NOT a permanent solution.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  12. #12
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikail View Post
    Has anyone here tried Accutane for acne and whatnot? I never really used to get acne, but it's been like 5 weeks since my last injection, and my acne keeps getting worse. I'm preparing to start another cycle on July 4th - and i have a months supply of Accutane handy just in case. Can anyone give me some info on the proper usage of Accutane?

    My next cycle:
    1-8 winny
    1-8 test p
    2-4, 6-8 clen

    I want to cut down to about 8% bf

    22 YO
    excercising since highschool
    15-18% bodyfat
    on cycle going to have minimal carbs/oily/fatty foods
    ACCUTANE would be last ditch effort in treating/beating acne. It can be a VERY harsh drug in SOME people.
    Try other options first. acne annihilator by platinum labz is cheap,,effective,,OTC...and truly helps to a great degree
    with zero side effects.

  13. #13
    mikail is offline Junior Member
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    May 2011
    Thanks guys for the feedback. I think I'm still gonna try accutane - at about 5-10mg a day, hopefulyl side effects wont be too harsh then

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Doctor prescribed dosage? I thought so.....

    What i'm referring to is 10mg/day for 30-45 days. Most users report clear skin with minimal side effects..... chapped lips seem to be the most common.

    NO ONE should be taking 40+ mg's for 90+ days without being monitored by a doctor.

    i agree i had 20mg caps and was taking them eod or every 3rd day and it cleared me up on cycle.

  15. #15
    goldenchyld is offline New Member
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    Bad idea to take it only for 1 month. usually when you are on accutane you initially breakout for the first month or so then your skin starts getting better.

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