Hi all,

I'm a 31 year old male, 6'4", 16.4st & fairly fit

I eat quite well (fish, chicken, red meats - all grilled. Pasta, Rice, Veg, Salad, Fruit, Nuts etc, drink plenty of water), train with weights about 3 - 4 times a week on different muscle groups & do cardio (5 mile runs, some sprint work) about 3 times a week. Take protein shakes after every workout too.
Been told by a friend who's a personal trainer that i've trained with that i have an ectomorphic skeleton so sturggle to add bulk muscle. (I'm not skinny & have a small amount of flab but would just class myself as average build which is what's frustrating me)

I've tried a course of Anavar which had little effect other than slight muscle growth but nothing more than you'd get if you worked out hard for a while without any roids.
I've heard Nat 50's or Nap 50's (not sure on actual spelling). Can anyone offer any advice or info on this or any other steroid for that matter that might be beneficial to me.

My main aim is to find one that i can take orally (hate needles) and that won't aromatize too much leading to the breast tissue to grow too rapidly as i always worry about getting 'bitch tits'

Like i say, any help, advice or info anyone can offer would be muchly appreciated. Thanks.