Ive been reading a lot of posts on other sites asking is it possible to gain 30 lbs on a cycle. Unlike the answers of the other sites I say YES. It is not only possible but not too hard to achieve. However of those 30 lbs I would have to say a max of 12lbs is muscle, the other is water retention and fat gain. If you are looking to bulk up and gain as much mass as possible then you cannot worry about the fat gain. After the cycle then worry about loosing the extra fat but keep in mind that some muscle mass will be lost as well unless you are using gear to keep you LBM where it is. I personally tend to get enormous gaines on cycles. My friends call me Juice as a joke. Currently off cycle I am sitting around 225 - 230 12%bf. Im not a competitor so I dont mind not being shredded. My next cycle I am waiting until prob Aug to begin and planning on hitting 255 - 260 and hopeing to stay around 235 - 240 when im back to that bf%. This is my next 12 week cycle.....

pre cycle
100 epo ed for 10 days
1-12 250mg sus eod
1-12 50mg tren eod
1-12 400mg Eq (200mg twice/week)
1-6 50mg dbol ed
6-7 1000iu HCG (250iu twice a week just to keep the boys happy)
13-14 1000iu HCG (250iu twice a week for two weeks)
14-end 300mg clomid day one then 100mg clomid for 20 more days

have had great success with this post cycle therapy .