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  1. #1
    ramacher's Avatar
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    Shooting ED or EOD, which is better?

    What do you guys prefer? I remember someone saying they got less sides on EOD than ED, but I would rather pin 2cc of oil ED than 4cc of oil EOD. What are the differences for the body?

  2. #2
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    What are u pinning each day that is 2cc?

    Yeah iv heard arguments for both sides. ED more stable blood levels. But I think it just comes down personal preference and what works best for u. Maybe try both see what works

  3. #3
    gym_junki's Avatar
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    Nice looking dog you got.. The difference between Ed and eod will not be noticeable but Ed is a better stabled blood pressure. I prefer eod

  4. #4
    gym_junki's Avatar
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    dont kno
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    What are u pinning each day that is 2cc?

    Yeah iv heard arguments for both sides. ED more stable blood levels. But I think it just comes down personal preference and what works best for u. Maybe try both see what works
    Lol you beat me to the reply

  5. #5
    ramacher's Avatar
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    i was thinking of doing delts 30 g 1/2 inch ED.

  6. #6
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
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    What u shooting braaahhhh?

  7. #7
    nilrac is offline Member
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    For me EOD is enough hassle as it is. I suppose it's up to the individual and how much of an issue scar tissue and injection sites are going to be... that would be my main concern, not stable blood levels as I feel 'stable enough' on two shots per week of long ester compounds (personally). I had this issue with my primo, as it is only 100mg per ml. So in combination with the 500mg of test weekly it became more injections per week and a bit more to think about.

  8. #8
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    If your sides are worst doing Ed its because your dose is higher than EOD unless you use a non estered steroid like Winstrol or test suspension. Sides are usually dose related.
    Last edited by MR10X; 07-19-2011 at 06:30 AM.

  9. #9
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    I go ED.

    the half life of prop is 36 hours for 1/2 the population. i like pinning anyways, do it right before workouts.

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Im assuming the thread is referring to short esters like propinate and acteate. I have shot them EOD for years and done very well. At one point i decided to try ED injections - made no diff whatsoever in results or sides (wasnt having bad results or sides anyway) . For me EOD works great ...

  11. #11
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    I go ED.

    the half life of prop is 36 hours for 1/2 the population. i like pinning anyways, do it right before workouts.
    Depends on where you read the half life,i have seen it claimed to be 2 to 3 days and 3 to 4 days depending on your metabolism.
    But that’s not all the ester does…

    In 1954, a researcher named Reifstein and his colleagues compared an injection of Testosterone Propionate with Testosterone Enanthate , and they found that the injection of testosterone propionate resulted in nitrogen retention of 1.02g/day with a total measurable anabolic activity of 12 days, while the Enanthate version resulted in nitrogen retention of 1.76g/day and had a total measurable anabolic activity of 33 days. (1). Therefore, a 200mg shot of Testosterone (long ester) is going to have a greater overall anabolic effect than a 200mg shot of a short ester. That’s actually kind of common sense, isn’t it?

    So does that mean that the ester effects the anabolic ability of the actual steroid . Well, yes, that would seem to be the case. If a steroid hangs out in your body for a longer amount of time, and helps you retain more nitrogen, then its overall anabolic effect would be greater. Granted, they’re studying a single injection- but with a typical injection schedule of testosterone propionate, as compared to testosterone enanthate, most people gain more weight from the enanthate version. Think about it; experience tells us that with an every other day injection schedule of 100mgs of testosterone propionate versus 400mgs/week of testosterone enanthate, most people gain more weight from the enanthate. Yet, the actual amount of injected (pure) testosterone is virtually the same, even when you subtract the weight of the ester.

    Heres the link to the whole article.

  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Depends on where you read the half life,i have seen it claimed to be 2 to 3 days and 3 to 4 days depending on your metabolism.
    But that’s not all the ester does…

    In 1954, a researcher named Reifstein and his colleagues compared an injection of Testosterone Propionate with Testosterone Enanthate , and they found that the injection of testosterone propionate resulted in nitrogen retention of 1.02g/day with a total measurable anabolic activity of 12 days, while the Enanthate version resulted in nitrogen retention of 1.76g/day and had a total measurable anabolic activity of 33 days. (1). Therefore, a 200mg shot of Testosterone (long ester) is going to have a greater overall anabolic effect than a 200mg shot of a short ester. That’s actually kind of common sense, isn’t it?

    So does that mean that the ester effects the anabolic ability of the actual steroid . Well, yes, that would seem to be the case. If a steroid hangs out in your body for a longer amount of time, and helps you retain more nitrogen, then its overall anabolic effect would be greater. Granted, they’re studying a single injection- but with a typical injection schedule of testosterone propionate, as compared to testosterone enanthate, most people gain more weight from the enanthate version. Think about it; experience tells us that with an every other day injection schedule of 100mgs of testosterone propionate versus 400mgs/week of testosterone enanthate, most people gain more weight from the enanthate. Yet, the actual amount of injected (pure) testosterone is virtually the same, even when you subtract the weight of the ester.

    Heres the link to the whole article.
    the half life thing is textbook defination of a half life. Its the amount of time for 1/2 the drug to be used for 1/2 the population, there is individual metabolism to consider.

    and to compare a single injection of test e vs test p, test e last much longer than test p which gives it an increased nitrogen retention time. Test e 1x a week is gonna have more retention because you are getting all your test at once and it last that long. the prop last much shorter so it doesnt have the time to increase retention. I would love to see a study comparing a week of prop to a single shot of enan which would be more of a comparative study for our uses here.
    also test e has more water retention than test p, due to the water needed for hydrolysis to cleave off the ester and the fact that it is stored in fatty tissue, which has higher aromatization rates than other places. this increases paracrine activity of the test, yes its not much of a diffrence but it accounts for the bloated look while on test e.
    and the arguement of the increased estrogen will increase IGF1 is true, but how many people run AI's on cycle with test e? just about everyone and its reccommended. so by adding in the aromatase inhibitor will lower estrogen, most likely negating any benefit compared from test e to test p.
    so test e gains more weight, but what about after pct? how much gains were water weight and lost during pct? lol i keep finding things to pick apart in that article.
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 07-19-2011 at 09:08 AM.

  13. #13
    themoreyouknow's Avatar
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    i've done both and noticed virtually no difference. except, pinning ED get old real quick.

  14. #14
    Devils Advocate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramacher View Post
    i was thinking of doing delts 30 g 1/2 inch ED.
    How do you push oil through 30G? I never tried it but damn that must take forever....

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