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  1. #1
    jackedbatman's Avatar
    jackedbatman is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Question Advice on length of back to back cycles for contest prep

    I do alot of my own research for cycles and what not, I've done 4 cycles previous to my next 2. I am competing in my first body building competition in 8 months, I have my bulking cycle and my cutting cycle and PCT already just gotta go through the motions. Here are my stats

    age: 25
    weight: 200lbs
    height: 5'11"
    training exp: 8 years, personal trainer for last 4 years
    diet: clean, carb cycling while dropping BF%

    A few people I spoke to have told me to run my bulking cycle straight through to December then switch to my cutting cycle with no breaks in between and after the competition run a fairly long and aggressive PCT, originally I planned to have at least a 12-16 week break with a PCT between both large cycles. I would be nervous running injections for roughly 8 months straight, there would be a taper period of running just test but still looking for advice.

    My cycles are as follows:
    Bulking = sust + decca + dbol
    Cutting = test e + tren + winny (I cycle between clen and ECA low dose)

    PCT = Arimidex on hand during cycle
    Nolva + Clomid + HCG

    My real question is just should I PCT twice in between the cycles or just run straight through to my comp, with low dose arimidex if any problems arise and aggressive PCT when its all over.

    I appreciate any advice. Thanks

  2. #2
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    This looks fine. look up ronnie rowlands slingshot method. it's just like what your running but a 2 week deload period. a couple of guys on here just finished up and loved it. said nothing but this method ever again...

  3. #3
    jackedbatman's Avatar
    jackedbatman is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks for the reply, I'll keep you posted.

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