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  1. #1
    lineback3r is offline New Member
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    Long time reader. first time poster. Need advice.

    Hey bros-

    First time posting on this forum, been on here reading up for about a year and a half. Lots of great info, has helped me tremendously.

    Long story short. I have 3 cycles under my belt. As of cycle #2 I have been experiencing gyno issues and looking for alternative cycles and everyone's input on them. First here are my stats and cycle history:

    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 231 lbs
    BF: 10%
    Cycles: 3

    1st cycle
    Test C, 10 weeks @ 500mg/wk
    PCT: Nolva, clomid

    Before weight: 182 lbs
    Before BF: 6% (171 lean)

    After weight: 201 lbs
    After BF: 9% (182 lean)

    Net gain of +11lbs

    Test Level Before: 751
    Test Level After: 465

    2nd cycle
    Test E, 12 weeks @ 500mg/wk
    PCT: HCG , Nolva, Clomid (started HCG last day of cycle, ran for 2 weeks and started PCT)

    Before weight: 195
    After weight: 215

    Before BF: 7% (181 lean)
    After BF: 10% (193 lean)

    net gain: +12 lbs

    Test level before: 680
    Test level after: 865 (apparently HCG made a huge difference) This was 2 months after PCT

    Started experiencing gyno symptoms at week 7. Started popping nolvadex at 20mg ed for 3 weeks. So week 7-9 was on Nolvadex. Symptoms subsided.

    3rd cycle
    Test E, 12 weeks @ 500 mg/wk
    Dbol , 4 weeks @ 40mg/day
    PCT: Nolva, Letro, HCG

    Before weight: 210 lbs
    Before BF: 8% (193 lean)

    After weight: 251 lbs (huge increase)
    After BF: 16% (unfortunately huge fat increase as well) Needless to say I'll never do dbol again. Lean weight 210

    Net gain: 17 lbs, awesome but not awesome enough for the amount of fat I put on.

    Test level before: 815
    Test level after: 410

    That last cycle was a bitch. Gyno scares the shit out of me. I started experiencing puffy nipples at week 6, took 20mg of nolva for two weeks only to feel a lump start developing 1 week after taking nolva. I got scared and ordered some letro. Took about a week to get there. Stopped nolva and started letro week #8. Symptoms and lump subsided by end of week 9. Stayed on tiny dose of letro throughout cycle. Letro gets me super tired. I was having a hard time working out and took 110% to finish my workouts. Nolva also gets me tired for whatever reason but not as bad as letro. Last day of cycle I started my HCG and bumped up letro to same dose I was taking during gyno week. Started PCT 2 weeks later with just nolva this time because I was already feeling so shitty from the letro that nolva and clomid would have killed me at the gym.

    I have a feeling my test came back lower this time because of the letro but it did save me from having to start buying bras. I was a little freaked out on cycle #2 when I started getting itchy nipples and tenderness but cycle #3 scared the living shit out me.

    I want to do another cycle in a few months but wanted some feedback on lower aromatizing cycles like sustanon or even completely non-aromatizing cycles. Are those a waste (the latter)? I've heard of people doing them but haven't really seen numbers to support any gains. This is where I need your help bros. If you can recommend me a cycle that will give me minimal estrogen effects but yet still effective I would greatly appreciate it.

    btw after my crazy fat gain and then trying to lose it all I currently stand at 231 @ 10% bf. Having a hard time getting below that. This last cycle really got me.
    Last edited by lineback3r; 07-25-2011 at 10:16 AM. Reason: spelling/grammar correction

  2. #2
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    well def dont take dbol again cause that was prb the kickstart to the fat/bloat. Maybe go with a test/anavar ,, or test/winny

    btw great job on the testing before and after
    Last edited by chuckt12345; 07-25-2011 at 10:41 AM.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well you were fine until the Dbol chubby No just bustin on ya.Dbol can and will do that to you.I am sure you will loose it.Probaly water weight.Good luck Bro

  4. #4
    lineback3r is offline New Member
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    ChuckT: Have you done any of those two stacks? If so, were you satisfied with the results?

    Songdog: Chubby! lol.. .more like fat ass!!! I was so upset at first but found some humor in my mistake.

    You think the dbol added to the gyno sides? I was a lot worse than the previous cycle. I was kind of thinking of replacing test with sus to give it a shot. I've heard good reviews about it but they were mainly athletes looking to increase performance and not necessarily looking for size gains. Also their doses were a little lower. Just looking for opinions from people with experience with sus and their overall opinion of it (including sides).

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yea dont use dbol , it aromatizes easily which can give u gyno way faster and easier.

    If you dont mind injecting, i would go with test prop. Less water weight

    and Use hcg on ur next cycle during your cycle and not during pct.

    as for a stacking... you may wanna add in a 19nor, depending onw hat you want. nandrolone is a good one for bulk and i woudl go with NPP so you dont get nearly the bloat. Or even tren , but since you havent stacked much i wouldnt use it.

    but go with short esters if u dont mind injecting and you will avoid alot of the water bloat.

  6. #6
    lineback3r is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Yea dont use dbol , it aromatizes easily which can give u gyno way faster and easier.

    If you dont mind injecting, i would go with test prop. Less water weight

    and Use hcg on ur next cycle during your cycle and not during pct.

    as for a stacking... you may wanna add in a 19nor, depending onw hat you want. nandrolone is a good one for bulk and i woudl go with NPP so you dont get nearly the bloat. Or even tren , but since you havent stacked much i wouldnt use it.

    but go with short esters if u dont mind injecting and you will avoid alot of the water bloat.

    Yeah Dbol is definitely out for good.

    No problem injecting, I actually like it. You say test prop but that's kind of why I was asking about Sustanon . It has prop in there along with others.

    Honestly bro, the water bloat is not much of a concern to me since it goes away quick after cycle is done. What really concerns me is gyno. I want to keep estrogen as low as I can without having to run an AI throughout the cycle.

  7. #7
    nguadagno's Avatar
    nguadagno is offline Associate Member
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    tests fluctuates that much before and after cycle even with proper pct? wow

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    sust is test. its just a blend of 4 different esters.

    people always seem to forget sust just a brand name. not some extra special substance

  9. #9
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    done them both,, prefer var way over win though. You can try deca or npp but if you want to stay away from the bulkier look i wouldnt. Its really up to diet and exercise either way. from my exp i dont see any diff in bloat between prop, e, c or sust.

  10. #10
    lineback3r is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    sust is test. its just a blend of 4 different esters.

    people always seem to forget sust just a brand name. not some extra special substance
    I understand its 4 blends.. prop, phenylprop, decanoate and iso****ate sorry cant remember the exact spelling off the top of my head. I was just looking for people's experiences while on sustanon and what sides they experienced... especially gyno prone people.

  11. #11
    lineback3r is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    done them both,, prefer var way over win though. You can try deca or npp but if you want to stay away from the bulkier look i wouldnt. Its really up to diet and exercise either way. from my exp i dont see any diff in bloat between prop, e, c or sust.
    Cool... appreciate the feedback.

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