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  1. #1
    Devils Advocate's Avatar
    Devils Advocate is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2011

    Past EQ User Resutls?

    For those who've ran it, what kind of results did you obtain, and would you do it again? I've read it puts on some lean mass and some mad vascularity as opposed to deca . I've also read other people claiming that they didn't get anything from it. Sounds like taking a shot in the dark... Also, how long and at what dose did you run it?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I've ran it a few times, Ive even ran it on its own.

    Didn't get any gains from it,

    I wouldn't run it again EVER,

    I think the odd few users who report gains are being misdirected by the other compoundS within the cycle,

    Its a weak steroid and takes to long to see any gains and thats if your one of the lucky ones who report gains, you would be better using something what is known to build muscle tissue rather than taking a stab in the dark with a weak compound what is useless IMHO.

  3. #3
    itsmrgreen is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2011
    You have to run it for atleast 12-14 weeks and people go in the area of 400mg-800mg a week.

  4. #4
    Devils Advocate's Avatar
    Devils Advocate is offline Junior Member
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    Well marcus300's post sounds pretty solid so I don't think I'll bother wasting the money on it. Thanks guys.

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would never use it again. And i'm not sure why everyone kinda compares it to deca

  6. #6
    Devils Advocate's Avatar
    Devils Advocate is offline Junior Member
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    Most people have tried, tested and found to be true, the test/deca combo and usually want something else to try in a future cycle and are generally recommended EQ. I imagine that's why.

  7. #7
    brad1986's Avatar
    brad1986 is offline Senior Member
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    eq worked great for pissing me off! (not roid rage but the fact i wasted my money). Total joke imo. Waste of money and waste of oil.

  8. #8
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    May 2008
    If your 10% bf or bellow you will prob love EQ because it gives a very nice look! vascularity and full muscles. IMO Its an under rated compound and it is great if you are using it for the right reasons. The reason most guys dont like it is because you wont add 10lbs of bloat over night...but it will give you steady slow gains that are very easy to keep un like most compounds.

    Its an amazing coupound for endurance! one of the best.

    The gains are not massive but still solid at a dose over 400mg and are easy to keep with proper pct.

    Its very good for the joints and ligaments un like most steroids .

    Its doesnt shut you down nearly as hard as compounds like deca .

    If your looking for a solid lean cycle that will allow you to put on keepable gains and wont shut you down hard try.

    week 1-14 test 500mg
    week 1-12 eq 600mg

    Great stack!

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