I am new to this site so feel free to critique.
Stats: 6 foot 1, current weight 235, 11% BF
Training: mon thurs is back and bis, tues fri is legs, and wed sat is chest,shoulders, and tris.
Diet: typical 40/40/20 split with about 4800 clean calories a day.
Cycle experience: been in the game 3 years with about 2 cycles a year.
Next cycle(starting in about a month)
Test 400 weeks 1-10 twice weekly
Test prop weeks 1-2 EOD
EQ 200 weeks 1-10 twice weekly
Decca 300 weeks 1-10 twice weekly
A-50 weeks 1-4 100 mg ED
D-Bol weeks 6-9 50mg ED
PCT will consist of clomid, nolva, and HCG starting 2 weeks after last pin.
Adex throughout cycle at .5 mg a day.
Will obviously have supporting supps like fish oil, milk thistle, etc...
My question is has anyone ever ran these two 17aa in the same cycle. What were your results? How was your liver enzyme count after? I have used both these compounds but never in the same cycle. Any info or experience would be appreciated. Thanks