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  1. #1
    shooterdude is offline Associate Member
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    alcohol and steroids

    Im sure this has come up before, and well i know alcohol and steroids obviously don't mix lol, but would one beer be ok,
    i know alcohol has its obvoius neg affects on diet and also thins blood, but one or two at the most prob wouldn't do much or would it?
    If say the person was on a test e cycle

  2. #2
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, a beer or two should be okay.. On my last 3 month cycle I had alcohol twice. Never more than 4 beers.
    Drunken nights hurt your progress a whole lot.

  3. #3
    shooterdude is offline Associate Member
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    ya its not worth it, whats the point of spendin money on the gear if ur just going to piss it away right, just want to make sure its not going to hurt anything if i had one or two beers.

  4. #4
    Srobis15's Avatar
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    It wont kill you, but I wouldnt make a habit of drinking too much on cycle. I dont drink a drop during cycle. My body is usually under enough stress without the alcohol adding to it.

  5. #5
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    If you were at all serious about what you were doing this question wouldn't have even crossed your mind in my opinion.

  6. #6
    shooterdude is offline Associate Member
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    lol i know i prob actually wont ever have a beer during a cycle, i was just curious, to me its kinda pointless to drink one or two beers anyways, water and juice tastes better, and of course protein shakes top it all,

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
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    This depends on your goals IMHO.

    If your living the bodybuilder lifestyle, apart from a beer or two to relax or some red wine due to its antioxident properties, I dont see the reason to go out and get smashed to f*ck at the weekend.

    If your not living that lifestyle, then keep it as moderate as possible. I have drunk at weekends but I do not advise drinking on orals. They really hit me hard when combined with a hangover. Its literally 2-3x worse for me.

    On Test, with regular BW, I have had no issues really.

  8. #8
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    get smashed at least 1-2 times a month (max)

    and take orals for a few days at a time

    liver values are fine

    if you know your going out a few day in advance

    stop all orals and double up on support supps

    Edit: As was said the hangover is more deterrent on gains than alcohol itself

    Were on test and AI's alcohol itself will have zero impact on our gains
    Last edited by PK-V; 08-16-2011 at 02:25 PM.

  9. #9
    shooterdude is offline Associate Member
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    i think il pass on that advice pk but thx im always open to everyones input, i play a lot of pool and there may be a time where i might want to have a beer or two, i won't get smashed because i don't want to thin my blood while cycling and i don't feel its worth taking the chance on messing anything up.

  10. #10
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    get smashed at least 1-2 times a month (max)

    and take orals for a few days at a time

    liver values are fine

    if you know your going out a few day in advance

    stop all orals and double up on support supps

    Edit: As was said the hangover is more deterrent on gains than alcohol itself

    Were on test and AI's alcohol itself will have zero impact on our gains
    If you want to get scientific, thats not entirely true.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    my training has improved vastly since i gave up binges, one glass of red wine on a sat and sun nite is all i have now and it does me no harm at all.

  12. #12
    guitario's Avatar
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    If you are on say, a 12 week cycle and you get drunk 2/3 times then it won't be a big problem in itself but the main issue is that if you do get drunk, you can write off the next 2/3 days training which will definitely hinder your progress. Over a course of 12 weeks that could be as much as 9 days where your body is feeling rough.

    A few beers to relax or a couple glasses of wine at the weekend may actually do you some good. Studies show this to be true but use your head and keep alcohol to a minimum.

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    If you are on say, a 12 week cycle and you get drunk 2/3 times then it won't be a big problem in itself but the main issue is that if you do get drunk, you can write off the next 2/3 days training which will definitely hinder your progress. Over a course of 12 weeks that could be as much as 9 days where your body is feeling rough.

    A few beers to relax or a couple glasses of wine at the weekend may actually do you some good. Studies show this to be true but use your head and keep alcohol to a minimum.
    for def, too much booze at w'ends killed my appetite, motivation and sense of well being until mid-week, might have got off with it when i was younger but once i hit late 20's and early 30's it started to catch me up big time

  14. #14
    guitario's Avatar
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    At 30 my hangovers literally last up to 5 days on occasion. At 18 i could train the day after. :-(

  15. #15
    Sicko's Avatar
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    1,571 can tell it is much talk of beer on the forum..
    Mmmm... beeeer....

  16. #16
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If you were at all serious about what you were doing this question wouldn't have even crossed your mind in my opinion.
    NO Just because were dedicated doesnt mean we dont like to let loose a lil somtimes. Drinking a couple beers at night 1 time a week isnt much different then eating a cheat meal

  17. #17
    Swifto's Avatar
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    When I was 19 years old and cycled, I put on a good amount of muscle on Test 500mg/wk and got smashed almost every Friday or Saturday night. My liver values doubled from 49 to 112 and then I had a reality check. I was also on Tbol for 15 weeks at 50-60mg/ED. Stayed on the orals, consumed NO alcohol and my liver values returned to around 35 in 3-4days.

    A bender will push them up, but I found it was on temporary. They hovered between 25-35 on the orals+Test.

    Which is why when I see members banging on about hepatoxicity, I think its bullshit.

    Also been pissed on other orals, but I really do not suggest it. They really kick the hangover into a high gear and it lasts days, not 24hours.

    One more reason why regular BW is needed when using AAS, with alcohol or not.

  18. #18
    yungone501's Avatar
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    I always blend dbol with my margarita's...seems to keep me anabolic .

    And for the hangovers? I simply drink fluids for recovery: liquid nolvadex and clomid.


  19. #19
    guitario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    When I was 19 years old and cycled, I put on a good amount of muscle on Test 500mg/wk and got smashed almost every Friday or Saturday night. My liver values doubled from 49 to 112 and then I had a reality check. I was also on Tbol for 15 weeks at 50-60mg/ED. Stayed on the orals, consumed NO alcohol and my liver values returned to around 35 in 3-4days.

    A bender will push them up, but I found it was on temporary. They hovered between 25-35 on the orals+Test.

    Which is why when I see members banging on about hepatoxicity, I think its bullshit.

    Also been pissed on other orals, but I really do not suggest it. They really kick the hangover into a high gear and it lasts days, not 24hours.

    One more reason why regular BW is needed when using AAS, with alcohol or not.
    Agree 100%

  20. #20
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How did this thread get beyond a simple: "you'll be fine" answer?

  21. #21
    hwy1378's Avatar
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    everything in moderation.... you have to enjoy life to... I do feel like crap if I drink on the days I pin... not good for your lver and kidneys if your getting sh-- faced all the time and taking AAS..

  22. #22
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If you want to get scientific, thats not entirely true.
    Dish it out swift

    I though exogenous testosterone was enough to keep the scales in our favor

  23. #23
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    How did this thread get beyond a simple: "you'll be fine" answer?
    Its called "discussion" :-)

  24. #24
    munsun86 is offline Junior Member
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    would it not be better to use the search button? must of seen this question 100s of time!

  25. #25
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    A beer or two isn't going to make too much of a difference every now and then. I mean that is if you're not training for a competition or something. You probably don't want to mix booze with an oral or anything. There isn't any sense is seeing how badly you can rape your liver.

    I will say this, you don't need to drink to have a good time. But it's your life your choice.

  26. #26
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    A beer or two isn't going to make too much of a difference every now and then. I mean that is if you're not training for a competition or something. You probably don't want to mix booze with an oral or anything. There isn't any sense is seeing how badly you can rape your liver.

    I will say this, you don't need to drink to have a good time. But it's your life your choice.
    how do you know how strong it is unless you test it?

    And yes you will be fine. Enjoy yourself if you want. 99.9% of us on here arent making money off our bodies and its a hobby. Enjoy your life and dont miss out on things.

  27. #27
    nilrac is offline Member
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    I like my beer. Don't care for any other kind of acoholic drink really, unless it's a special occasion (champers!)
    My liver and kidney values are fine up until this point according to my bloods.
    I do cut my alcohol consumption down while on a cycle, but I don't stop it completely. A cold beer relaxes me after a stressful day lol

  28. #28
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    how do you know how strong it is unless you test it?

    And yes you will be fine. Enjoy yourself if you want. 99.9% of us on here arent making money off our bodies and its a hobby. Enjoy your life and dont miss out on things.
    You're probably right. How would I know how much it can take unless I push it to the limit?

    I think the general consensus is a few beers will be fine.

  29. #29
    Sicko's Avatar
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