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  1. #1
    Chris J's Avatar
    Chris J is offline Associate Member
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    no sex drive while on gear...whats up?

    I f#cked up and ran a 21 week cycle of test cyp. I post cycled 2/16/11. I felt like total shit odviously and jumped back on after about 3 weeks. I ran a 10 week on / two off. I ran a 8 on / 2 off over several times to present. One week ago I got back on after another 2 week lay off. I have basically been on gear too long. Over a year to be exact. I was doing 1000 mgs a week on my last cycle (slowly increased over time) I know my receptors are prob. clogged/ saturated. I stopped making any noticable gains some time back, but felt good. Well 7 days into my last 2 week lay off I had difficulty maintaing an erection while in bed. 5 days ago I pinned 500 mg's and and today another 250mg's. I have never had a problem while on gear or prior to ever doing gear like this. I am a little concerned. Yea I know I need to man up and get off the gear for a couple of months, but can anyone explain the lack of sex drive while on?? Thanks

  2. #2
    Chris J's Avatar
    Chris J is offline Associate Member
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    sorry for the double post...lets ignore this one please

  3. #3
    brad1986's Avatar
    brad1986 is offline Senior Member
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    I think it has to do with your estroen levels increasing over the time of usage and saturation of receptors. You should get some bloodwork and see what your estrogen levels are... also high prolactin causes e.d as well. Blood work is what you need to see. After this redicules cycle you ran Im willing to bet you will need trt from now on

  4. #4
    Chris J's Avatar
    Chris J is offline Associate Member
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    You may be right brad. Even on a moderate dose of trt I may not get it back. If I am on close to 1000mgs now and having probs..I hate to think about only 250 every two weeks administered by doctor.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds like an estrogen issue.

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    tapering is a thing of the past, esp coming off a gram to 1/4 a gram.

    Give it time, and your body will readjust to it if you are going to stay on the 250mg.

    Or stop now and run a full PCT. You are on cyp, so use HCG in the off weeks before PCT then start a pct of clomid/nolva and stop the HCG then.

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I think it has to do with your estroen levels increasing over the time of usage and saturation of receptors. You should get some bloodwork and see what your estrogen levels are... also high prolactin causes e.d as well. Blood work is what you need to see. After this redicules cycle you ran Im willing to bet you will need trt from now on
    thats a myth. you are correct about estro be most likely the culprit. bloodwork will show exactly where the prob is

  8. #8
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    How long have you been doing this? as in only having two weeks off.. which if your taking cyp is fairly pointless as it wouldnt be out of your system.

  9. #9
    brad1986's Avatar
    brad1986 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    thats a myth. you are correct about estro be most likely the culprit. bloodwork will show exactly where the prob is
    really?? Ive never heard that before but i hope your

  10. #10
    Matt's Avatar
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    Yeah sounds like elevated estrogen however bloods are needed to be sure.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  11. #11
    Chris J's Avatar
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    now what??

    dec, Matt , brad, lemonada8, I appreciate the feedback. Big mo, I have been rolling like this for a little over a year. dec, so you are saying the clogged/ saturated receptor thing is a myth? What about myostatin that seems to stop or slow growth? It is mentioned in Ronnies info/stickie. He said you can use basically any gear and keep growing 8 on / 2 off. I will invest in HCG , also, if I were to cruise on say 250mgs a week of cyp, what do you recommend I use to lower my E levels to get my sex drive in check? How much also? Thanks for your help.

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