For those of u who already know my story,,,sorry for repeating it...

hopin someone new may have some advice or how to go

last year (sept to oct) did a TREN ONLY cycle...
400mg per week for 8 weeks...

did a pct of clomid and nolva

never felt normal...even after the pct

got blooodwork done

total test 403
estradiol 43
shbg 37
fsh 2.9
lh 4.8
prolactin 3.4

my total test seemed low so did another 4 weeks of Liquid Clomid

blooodwork results

total test 701
estradiol 32
shbg 36
fh 4.2
lh 3.3
prolactin 4.9

got checked for both Thyroud n Prostate issues

been 8 months and im still having a tough time getting an ereection

my libido never got back to the way it was pre-cycle
and when i do masturbate or get penis is only 80% hard.....

does anyone have anything outside the box that can be causing this??

beeen to 2 different urologist and had a ultrasound and mri of my testicles done..everything comes back normal

endo seems to think its mental....when i was on tren i was jerkin off and gettin laid like 7times a made me a horney bastard

now that im "normal" body doesnt know how to not buying it

something else is goin on!!

i wake up with erections most days but no porn or no piece of asss has me getting those rock hard boners ive had my whole life

im 33
5 10

have done about 4 cycles in my life

one each summer...always a 12 week test only cycle

tried the tren...not sure if this is what caused it...but with a test level of 701 i would think my suppression is over....why am i not back to normal??