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  1. #1
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    Third Cycle - Test E + Deca

    Ok Ill start off with a little background.
    Stats: 5'10" 180lbs, not sure body fat but not much I look like I weigh about 165-170. Ive done 2 cycles of Test E only at 2x250mg injections a week. For PCT i used nolva and L-dex. My diet probably wasnt the best. I didnt calculate calories or protein or anything for that matter. But I did eat a good 4-5 meals a day always with some form of meat. Im putting together a diet now for my needs as a lifter and my busy lifestyle. Sorry for rambling... ON TO THE POINT!

    Im trying to put together a cycle. I have 12 or 13 ml of test e on hand as well as some liquid clomi, tamox, and letro from AR. I believe I want to go 12 weeks of test at 500mg a week and 10 weeks of deca at 200mg a week. I havnt seen a whole lot of cycles lately on the forums of those 2 alone. Im going to run letro throughout my cycle.

    Do you think the dosage of the deca is ok? My overall goal is to mass up a little bit this fall.
    Opinions welcome!

  2. #2
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    I have a good connect to get Dbol 50mg tabs for cheap but I wanted to try deca for its joint properties. I read that it can help collagen synthesis and bone minerals. Im taking glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM but I dont know how much its really going to help my joints.

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Get your diet sorted first, then worry about cycling again when you've got the eating thing down pat and have made gains from it.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    5ft 10 185 and you did 3 cycles and you want to get down to 170? You are thin now wat do you want the broom stick look? I dont think you have a clue on wat you are doing.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    5ft 10 185 and you did 3 cycles and you want to get down to 170? You are thin now wat do you want the broom stick look? I dont think you have a clue on wat you are doing.
    Dude...that's not what he said at all. But the last part was still pretty accurate.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 09-14-2011 at 10:11 AM.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Like what everyone else as said you need to sort your diet out, its pointless in using steroids if you dont calculate or have an idea how much cals your taking in for the goal in hand. You need to establish a solid diet over the next few months and build some more natural mass on your frame.

  7. #7
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    This forum is starting to piss me off. I didnt ask to critique my diet. My diet will be in check. Im not doing this for competition so my diet can slack a little bit. When Im not using gear and im eatting a bag of chicken breast, 5lbs of hamburger along with tuna, eggs, pork and everything else here or there im pretty sure im eatting more than the average joe. I have been around on these forums for years now its not like i rushed into this. I havnt cycled in over a year now. Ive been lifting naturally ever since and im ready to use the test e ive had sitting around for a year now. The only thing I asked is if 10 weeks would be fine with the deca . I do know what im talking about, im by no means an expert but Im not an idiot.

    The most ive ever weighed is 195 and thats on cycle. My usual weight I walk around with is about 170-180 depends on how recently i was at the gym and how ive been eatting that month.

    Please stick to the topic and give me your input besides my diet, hence this isnt in the diet section. I have been lifting on and off for 6 years, ive tried countless supplements, tried test, and now i want to experience test added with something. Don't flame me for it, i know my body. I promise I will not have a problem fitting 300-400 grams of protein and 300 grams of carbs into my diet. I ( or the wife ) cook all my own meals generally without fitness even in mind. Everythings whole grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat. All I said was I dont have a specific diet laid out. I eat about every 2-4 hours, even at work. My diet will be FINE.

    Don't criticize before asking questions.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Why answer your question when its not the answer to your problem and goal.....

    You dont understand that your diet is the whole problem why your gain weight and drift back down to 170-180lbs after cycle, just look at your weight after you have done 2 cycles. You will continue to do this forever and its pointless in you ever cycling, why go on cycle to only end up were you was before the cycle!!

    The forum is trying to help you thats why everyone told you the same answer, what piss's me off is when members dont listen and think they know better. Remember your asking the questions!

  9. #9
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    Im going to do it regardless. I come to the forum because of conflicting information i get from my supplier and stuff I read on here. Pretty messed up I can't get simple cycle ADVICE. What I eat is probably not enough regularly but im sure its close. I have huge body building friends as well as pro MMA fighter friends and by judging their lifestyles and diets, im not doing horrible.

    anyways the information isnt pointless because i wont keep bouncing down to 170-180. the last couple years were very ruff for me and kept me out of the gym (moving around etc.). I could get up to 185 naturally before i go on a cycle but im not going to. Im much more stable now, some where to live, job, wife, child. And btw ive done 2 cycles in 4 years of Test only. That's not that bad man... At least I stayed away from the other stuff this long, most dont even do that! No one even asked me my strength or anything. I believe I can handle the responsibility of added another substance in with my Test so please guide me in the right direction.

  10. #10
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    And btw, my weight hasnt changed much but m strength/physique is completely different so I cant say the Test never did anything for me.

  11. #11
    mwilkinson's Avatar
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    for whatever it's worth i'm doing pretty much the same cycle now with the addition to 40mg dbol e/d for first 4 weeks and my deca is 400mg every week on a mon/thurs 200mg split. a-dex on hand (was going to do .5 ed but i'm not prone to gyno) and hcg on hand but i'm not going to advise how to administer it since it's been a hot topic lately i'm sure you can find some sources. ive read 250x2 a week every week up to pct, i've read the same dosage only after last pin for 4 week through pct, and other variations... bottom line is, i'm using it. my pct starting 2 weeks after last pin of test e. tamox: 40mg ed x 2 weeks then 20mg ed for two weeks. doing deca for 10 weeks and test 2 for 12weeks. i have "my fitness pal" on my droid to count my calories, protien, and carb intake. i'm trying to bulk so i'm at 4500 calories, 1.5 gram protien per body weight, and 2.5 gram carb per body weight. i'm on 10th day and was horribly sick for 5 days after first pin. been eating perfect for 4 days and lifting great. everything is on point and i'm up 6lbs since first pin. i keep track with a pic every monday and weigh in. i'm sure 75% is water weight but i know if i'm consitant i will be up at least 10 by the end of the month... i'm no pro, or even intermediate, just a dude trying to learn everyday. hope this helps. good luck

  12. #12
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply mwilkinson. This was all I wanted, someone to tell me about personal experience and what the deca did for them. Im doing it to help with my joints, I could add in some dbol but Ill wait for a future cycle.

    But are you saying I should run my deca the same length as my test 2 weeks before pct? And 200mg is to low for the deca? maybe ill try 400, 200mg 2x a week. Btw none of this is set in stone, I dont even have any deca yet. Just something I want more info on before I purchase some.

  13. #13
    mwilkinson's Avatar
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    from what i've researched as far as the most common is that you cut deca 2 weeks short of your test e. so run test and deca 10 weeks together and then two weeks of just test. from what i gather, this allows you to start proper pct times due to deca needing 4 weeks off and test e 2 weeks off before you start your pct. i just copied the "intermediate cycle" in the examples given by the site here. i know the site is a little overwhelming but if you look hard enough you can find just about EVERY answer without ever posting a question because a. its either already available in a forum or b. it's already a thread that has been posted and responded too. good luck man!!!

  14. #14
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    Right, I just know all the steroid profiles are out of date. Thanks for replying though. Seems if your not over 200lbs ppl just laugh at you on this forum. Funny thing is I know people that are 6-8 cycles deep and weigh 165, but are RIPPED. My buddy has a 8 pack and just runs like crazy. Hes also a registered RN. My dealer doesnt even do a PCT at all unless theres Test in his cycle. Thats why I come to the forums though because I know thats not correct. I know more than people project....

  15. #15
    rhino6218's Avatar
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    well bro i encourage you to use google. thats why i am only just now joining this site but i have been reading on it for 4 years. I will answer ur question but plz look into the diet thing before doing so. 200mg of deca will only shut you u down more and not add significant gains to your cycle. you would be better off running more test than adding a mere 200mg of deca to your stretch. dont flood yourself with AI's and and blockers and do the unecessary damage to your liver if its not needed. And to the last post, your dealer is retarded if he doesnt do pct...period. I know the guys on here like to ROOOOAAAAR when you ask "a dumb question" and yes they prob could have a diff approach to your answer but they are just trying to help...whether it seems that way or not

  16. #16
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    I read studies of 200mg of deca doing alot of good, but they are post from like 2005. Anyways I got that part, im gonna do 400 a week. I completely understand the diet thing, obviously if you dont eat like on your cycle how do you expect to keep your gains after cycle if you eat different? Im not ignorant to the fact. All Im saying is just because of my weight dont tell me i need to change my diet, im aware of this. I even stated in my first post I was going to lay a diet out. Im just curious to see what will happen with test and deca combined. I dont plan on starting my cycle for at least 2 more weeks. And I know my friends an idiot for not doing a PCT. He sold my best friend some Tren and Winny for a cycle and told him because hes using Winny he doesnt need a PCT. He said Winny will by itself works as an AI... idunno he said he gets all his info from a 3 inch thick encyclopedia on AAS. But like I said, this is why im on here, and lucky I was on this forum wayyy before I knew he was selling gear so I had a head start on researching.

  17. #17
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    Right, I just know all the steroid profiles are out of date. Thanks for replying though. Seems if your not over 200lbs ppl just laugh at you on this forum. Funny thing is I know people that are 6-8 cycles deep and weigh 165, but are RIPPED. My buddy has a 8 pack and just runs like crazy. Hes also a registered RN. My dealer doesnt even do a PCT at all unless theres Test in his cycle. Thats why I come to the forums though because I know thats not correct. I know more than people project....
    Does he also pull money from an automated ATM?
    And does he run PCT Therapy?

  18. #18
    RotorHead's Avatar
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    He has done pct before but im sure he doesnt even know the half lives of the shit he takes. Hes a know it all, ive gotten in arguements with him years ago bout AAS and he just thinks im an idiot because "he studied medicine". and hes good friends with my dealer as well.

  19. #19
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    He has done pct before but im sure he doesnt even know the half lives of the shit he takes. Hes a know it all, ive gotten in arguements with him years ago bout AAS and he just thinks im an idiot because "he studied medicine". and hes good friends with my dealer as well.
    I see my derisive humor went over your head...
    Did anyone else catch the point of my post?

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