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  1. #121
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    It's obvious devildog is being ignorant, and instead of admitting he doesnt know everything and he was wrong, he keeps digging himself into a bigger hole. I gave up when he told me "Just saying it as I see it". Which translates to me as "I will not learn more and admit my wrongs because thats how I see it". He keeps changing the debate to other topics. I'm wasting my time typing this, but I'm trying to stop other people wasting their time.

  2. #122
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    It's obvious devildog is being ignorant, and instead of admitting he doesnt know everything and he was wrong, he keeps digging himself into a bigger hole. I gave up when he told me "Just saying it as I see it". Which translates to me as "I will not learn more and admit my wrongs because thats how I see it". He keeps changing the debate to other topics. I'm wasting my time typing this, but I'm trying to stop other people wasting their time.
    Take it you did not read all the threads !!

    I never said i know about HRT cycling E.C.T .. i know more about mental health than TRT E.C.T. And as you know if you are diagnosed low T one of the many symptoms include depression ( WHICH IS MENTAL HEALTH ) So that means most on TRT have mental issues unless you just pick and choose what symptoms you have.

    All i know about medically prescribed TRT /HRT is that it helps many symptoms in health and mental health. So think before slating mental health as everyone at some time in there life will suffer with it.

    So what ever you say about TRT i will only look at the medical benefits of prescribed TRT /HRT .. and NOT the blasting side.

    And the threads went off the original when others decided to insult and bring mental health into it. The reason i see it as it is is cuz i use TRT for medical reasons and not vanity..And your problem with that IS ??? Not everyone in this world use AAS to increase muscle mass buddy.
    If you think its wasting your time typing on this thread then why reply on it ? Theres lots and lots of threads on here you could type on .. just walk on by this one if you dont like it ..simple .

  3. #123
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    It's obvious devildog is being ignorant, and instead of admitting he doesnt know everything and he was wrong, he keeps digging himself into a bigger hole. I gave up when he told me "Just saying it as I see it". Which translates to me as "I will not learn more and admit my wrongs because thats how I see it". He keeps changing the debate to other topics. I'm wasting my time typing this, but I'm trying to stop other people wasting their time.
    I agree but I think things become more clear when we discovered he had 20 yr history of mental health problems and he came off his medication 8 weeks ago. I knew he had issues when he kept putting words into members mouths and going on about something what wasn't in debated but the biggest give away was everyone could see it except him. I think the best thing we can do is not get involved, he's in his own world.

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