Hey guys,

I did a cycle of prop/tren /winny for a show last year ... It's been 11 months since Iv been off and besides some
Gyno that I had on pct that I cured with a few weeks of letro. I feel fine. I had blood work done last week just a party of a regular checkup and got a call from the lab today saying that they found high levels of test in my blood! It was over the phone so I did not discuss detail and just made an appointment to go see the doc. But I'm wondering is this something I need to be worried about? I'd figure if anything was wrong wouldn't I have low levels of test in my blood? ... It's been almos a full year so it can't be traces of the gear.. Any ideas/ siggestios.. Do you guys think this is something I should be concerned abouf? I'm
Obviously going to go to the doctor on Monday but very anxious so any ideas will be greatly appreciated