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  1. #1
    musclesbrah87 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011

    1st cycle of test ethanate

    Hey guys, Im new to this forums. I'm 24 and soon to be 25 (i know the age rule) height is 5'8 and about 183lbs. I been training for over 3 to 4 years. My flat bench press is 335, deads is 450, squat is 450, and my body fats is around 13%.

    I actually started taking test ethanate last Sunday (Sun/Weds 250mg) and today was my third injection. I been injection myself on the quads; was plan on injection to my glute but i was too scared.
    In addition to the injections, today was the first time i took the arimidex .25. Planing on going .25 eod

    Currently, I have two 200mg of 10ml bottles of ethanate, one 250mg of 20ml bottle (different source) 1 bottle of aquadex 30ml bottle and nolvadex .

    My sample diet are the following
    Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 scoops of peanut butter, 12ounce of whole milk, 2 scoops of protein and 1 banana.
    Prework out: 8 egg whites and 1 whole egg.
    post: 2 scoops of protein, 2 pieces of fruit.
    Lunch: Steak, chicken, or salmon with yams and veges
    2nd lunch Chicken or salmon with brown rice and veges
    Snack: Half cups of mix nuts (almond, peanuts, raisins,etc)
    Dinner Steak, salmon, or chicken breast with brown rice.
    B4 sleep: 2 scoops of Casin with 1 tablespoon peanut butter and 12ounces of whole milk

    My goal in this cycle is to reach to 205. Please let me know if there's anything wrong with my cycle and diet. Thank you!
    Last edited by musclesbrah87; 09-18-2011 at 06:39 PM.

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    You are looking for 20lbs? Thats a nice chunk of change!! You need to up the calories, lots, do reach that. Hit the diet section and post what you have on here and let those guru"s take a look. You can also, find a few bulking diets you might like as well. How long is your preposed cycle and what is PCT?

  3. #3
    musclesbrah87 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011
    Thanks for the reply 10nispo,
    I have enough tests to run 500mg for 14 weeks. I'm not sure if I should run pass 12wks because of the possible sides. As for the pct, I'm thinking of taking the nolvadex 20/20/20/20 after two weeks from my last injection. Does this sound alright?

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    No your pct is weak hit the pct section.

  5. #5
    musclesbrah87 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks for ur advice. How about 40/20/20/20??? I only have novadex at the moment. I read many post n alot of people said for a tests only cycle is okay to run with just novadex. Also, do u think it would matter if I run the test 14 weeks instead of 12?

  6. #6
    jonathantrott29 is offline New Member
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    Hit the diet section and post what you have on here and let those guru"s take a look. You can also, find a few bulking diets you might like as well. How long is your preposed cycle and what is PCT ?
    Cho Yung Tea Trial & Bidrivals

  7. #7
    musclesbrah87 is offline New Member
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  8. #8
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Ok guys..Anyone have any idea whatsoever as to what is going on here. I'm talking the two posts above mine. Is it a software glitch on the posters part, spammers, trolls, all the above? Seriously this has been happening a lot lately and at first I thought it to be a joke but now it's annoying so if someone wants to say something, please do it in English not gibberish...Thanks Oh and BTW I always see that their screen names come in on English so judging by that this must be intentional and if it is then please go elsewhere as there are many more boards you can troll besides this one, besides after a while, everyone will know your motives and just ignore you altogether, so either show some dignity and post in english or leave as you have had your fun.

  9. #9
    musclesbrah87 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011
    I agree!!

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