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  1. #1
    adictx is offline New Member
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    Cool Amateur MMA Fighting Steroid Cycle - Deca, Test E, Test P, Test C


    I am 21 years old and 210 LBS. I have taken quite a bit of ligit pro hormone cycles (15+) and have also taken approx 5 steroid cycles. The reason I have taken so many is because I have always been into working out and increasing my performance. I also Fight MMA at the amateur level here in California. I have the time right now to get bigger and lift b/c I need money before I can Re-Register with the amateur MMA league here in CA, - CAMMO.

    So I was going to take some good juice and bulk up
    I have these steroids currently available to me.

    - Deca
    - Test E
    - Test C
    - Test P

    I want to bulk up and put on some muscle! So I am not really concerned with how much weight i put on in lean mass. So far all I have taken is 250 mg/1cc of Deca and 250 mg/1cc of Test Propinate.

    Where do you suggest I go on cycle from here to gain some true size?

    How should I incorporate the other steroids in my cycle?

    What is a safe but strong dose of all three different test's?

    Anyone know exactly what Deca dick is?

    So thanks in advance for any help you may have to offer me.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    too young. do not mess with any hormones. you have a high natural supply at your age.

    you srsly mean to tells us you've done 20+ cycles?

  3. #3
    adictx is offline New Member
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    Dude, I just need some some good direction. Please don't give me a hard time about the age thing. Its not ideal, I know. I just need some good advice so I can move up a weight class soon.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by adictx View Post
    Dude, I just need some some good direction. Please don't give me a hard time about the age thing. Its not ideal, I know. I just need some good advice so I can move up a weight class soon.
    well, with that attitude, you can go truck yourself.

  5. #5
    TheClinch's Avatar
    TheClinch is offline Senior Member
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    Dec is right truck off with that attitude here. People with immature hormonal systems are not going to receive cycle advice on this foum

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    if it took you that many cycles to get to 210. There is no way you will be competive at a heavier weight class

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adictx View Post

    I am 21 years old and 210 LBS. I have taken quite a bit of ligit pro hormone cycles (15+) and have also taken approx 5 steroid cycles. The reason I have taken so many is because I have always been into working out and increasing my performance. I also Fight MMA at the amateur level here in California. I have the time right now to get bigger and lift b/c I need money before I can Re-Register with the amateur MMA league here in CA, - CAMMO.

    So I was going to take some good juice and bulk up
    I have these steroids currently available to me.

    - Deca
    - Test E
    - Test C
    - Test P

    I want to bulk up and put on some muscle! So I am not really concerned with how much weight i put on in lean mass. So far all I have taken is 250 mg/1cc of Deca and 250 mg/1cc of Test Propinate.

    Where do you suggest I go on cycle from here to gain some true size?

    How should I incorporate the other steroids in my cycle?

    What is a safe but strong dose of all three different test's?

    Anyone know exactly what Deca dick is? Your GF/BF will tell you when it happens and you will know. LOL

    So thanks in advance for any help you may have to offer me.
    Besides being young I dont see any mention of a PCT so you should be finding out about DECA dick or ED soon enough. Also after 5 cycles you should know the differences between Test E, Test C and Test P and how they should be run together, or not run together or if it makes a difference...

  8. #8
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    bumping and hi jacking this thread i have about the same question as him.

    im 24 in 6 months though and been wanting to juice since i came here but u guys convinced me to top out some natty potential...

    so my lifts are now bench 315 for 3 deadlift 500 for 1 no straps seated milt 225 for 3 and squat 315 for 8 ass to grass, im a runt and worked hard to get where i am im about 190lbs at 13-14% bodyfat the goal is to get to the same weight or say 185 with 5-8& bodyfat, I have wanted to cycle for a long time.

    I dont wanna might cardio affected too much though and not much water retention, what do u think of test e or c at 600mgs running arimdex at .25 i think it was for 12 weeks?

    is that going to murder my cardio? I wrestle so concern is getting wayyyy too pumped when doing so and gassing out instantly...

    ur thoughts?

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