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Thread: guyz plzzz help

  1. #1
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    guyz plzzz help

    hello guys i finished my cycle last month and i did pct after it am facing a huge problem with my sex drive and barly getting erections. what can i do ? and how long would it take for things to go back to normal ? thanks

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Are you having sex with one woman? How old is she? if she is under 30 and attractive it would be really important to acertain whether or not her technique is the problem. Due to respect for fellow members, I would be willing to try her out and let you know whether the problem is her fault or yours......

    Sorry could not resist, actually what would be best is to get lab work and see if any hormones are out of balance and then address the needed changes, to assume that test is too low or Est too high is shooting in the dark and not a good idea.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike10 View Post
    hello guys i finished my cycle last month and i did pct after it am facing a huge problem with my sex drive and barly getting erections. what can i do ? and how long would it take for things to go back to normal ? thanks
    At your age no one is going to give you cycle advice but since you already have what pct did you run?

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Wut wuz ur cycle? Deca alone by chance? Tren maybe? How long? Wut doses?

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what was your cylce and what was your pct?

  6. #6
    getfit28's Avatar
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    This all denpend on what cycle you ran and for how long. Also, what were you pct like?

  7. #7
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    first two cycles were testosterone and winnistrol then did pct with clomid ,nolvadix and pregnyl. i didnt have any problems after than then i took trenobelene in a third cycle and faced the problems after it . did some blood test to check my hormones and my fsh was 6.54 mU/ml , LH 6.91 mU/ml ,testosterone free 22 pg/mL. am finding it hard to get erections like i used to befor and driving me crazy . i finished my last cycle a month and a half ago. plz help .

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    How much time did you take off in between cycles after pct?

    Quote Originally Posted by mike10 View Post
    first two cycles were testosterone and winnistrol then did pct with clomid ,nolvadix and pregnyl. i didnt have any problems after than then i took trenobelene in a third cycle and faced the problems after it . did some blood test to check my hormones and my fsh was 6.54 mU/ml , LH 6.91 mU/ml ,testosterone free 22 pg/mL. am finding it hard to get erections like i used to befor and driving me crazy . i finished my last cycle a month and a half ago. plz help .

  9. #9
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    around 3 weeks i found out after that i should have waited longer . what do u think of the hormone results ? what should i do?

  10. #10
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    help nyone ?

  11. #11
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    so you did tren by itself? or what?
    what were the doses of the gear you ran?
    what were the doses of PCT meds u used? nolva, clomid, HCG ?
    if you could post those in the typical fashion of what you did that would be helpful

    Gear week #-## at ***mg
    PCT *drug* *dose* *daily/week dosage*

  12. #12
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    ya i did tren by itself i use to take 2 shots a week 1 ml each for 5 weeks.
    for pct it was ay 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg
    and for hcg i was only to get my hands on 1 shot.

  13. #13
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    yea i did tren by itself. i had two shots a week for 1 ml each for 5 weeks
    my pct was Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    and i only was able to get 1 shot of hcg

  14. #14
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    yea i did tren by itself. i had two shots a week for 1 ml each for 5 weeks
    my pct was Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    and i only was able to get 1 shot of hcg

  15. #15
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    its not letting me post the doses for some reason

  16. #16
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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  17. #17
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    i did tren by itself. i had two shots a week for 1 ml each for 5 weeks. my pct was day 1 clomid 200mg + nolva 40 then following 10 days clomid 50 and nolva 20. for hcg i only got my hands on one shot thats it.

  18. #18
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    well you did tren by itself, which is a no-no. and your pct plan sucked and a single shot of HCG ? all wrong. all wrong.

    I would re-do a pct, or if you have some test e take a single shot of 200mg then start on HCG E2D for 2 weeks then start pct of clomid at 100mg ED for the first week then 50mg ed for the 2nd week. along with nolva at 40mg ed for 2 weeks followed by 20mg ed for 2 weeks.

  19. #19
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    i can get hcg now . wut r the doses i should do for it ? and how long do u think it will take for things to get back to normal? thanks

  20. #20
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    250iu e2d sry i forgot to put that on tee

  21. #21
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    and u think things will go back to normal after ?

  22. #22
    MastaMan's Avatar
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    You should just go to your doctor or endocrinologist, explain what you've done, and plead mercy

  23. #23
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    ya i think thats my last choice..

  24. #24
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    yea that should bring things back to normal. if not then there are more underlying causes that cant be seen w/o proper blood work.

    actually... you have decent LH and FSH values (they are mid normal)

    you may have some LH responsiveness issues. imma adjust that first advice. Use clomid 50mg ED for the first week then go with nolva at 40mg ed for 2 weeks then 20mg ed for 2 weeks.
    only use the hcg if you have some test you can inject. That way you have some test in your system, then use the HCG in the weeks between the shot and PCT. you dont wanna be taking hcg and nolva/clomid at the same time
    Clomid and HCG lead to LH desensitivity which you dont want, if done for to long of a time. Nolva has the oppsite effect but it doesnt have the same LH surge that clomid has.

  25. #25
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    so clomid daily 50 mg for a week then nolva and clomid together for 2 weeks. how many shots of test would i need and wuts the dose ?

  26. #26
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    would going to a doctor be a better idea ? what do u think

  27. #27
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    no, clomid 50mg ed for a week with nolva 40mg ed for a week then stop clomid and continue with nolva 40mg for one week then 2 weeks at 20mg ed.
    thats if you dont go with the test injection route.

    the reason for having a test shot is to get some normal test in your system and with your pct you did, you arent getting much test production hence all the issues. If you go that route, it would be like 200mg test e a week (2x higher than TRT dose, but not extremely high like the typical beginner anabolic cycle dose). Depending on how much you get a few weeks (2-3) weeks of test only to get some funcitonal test in your system will help.
    Then in the 2nd week of test shots start the HCG at 250iu 2x a week and do those up untill your first day of taking a pct med. then do a full pct of clomid for 2 weeks of 100mg ed the first week then 50mg ED the 2nd week; along with nolva at 40mg ED for 2 weeks then 20mg ED for 2 more weeks.

    So... thats prolly confusing so ill try to clean it up.

    non-test injection route:
    Clomid 1 week at 50mg ED
    Nolva 2 weeks at 40mg ED then 2 weeks 20mg ED

    Test injection route (very short 'cycle' basically getting test in your system, around 200mg/week for 2-4 weeks)
    HCG (begin week 2) at 2x a week at 250iu each shot up untill your first day of TAKING a pct med
    Clomid (2 weeks after last test e shot, aka normal pct start time) at 100mg ED the first week, then 50mg ED the 2nd week
    Nolva (same time as clomid) at 40mg ED for 2 weeks then 3 weeks of 20mg ED

  28. #28
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    the thing with going to a doc is, that your lh and fsh values are still normal so prolly wont do much. your free test is normal , but you should have gotten total test also.

  29. #29
    mike10 is offline New Member
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    thanks man. but r u positive that i should take test injection ? am scared it makes things worse coz i saw the side effects of testa and it said it has to do with the sex drive after ur done with the course which is wut happened to me

  30. #30
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    doing tren by itself brings on those problems more than test does. Tren isnt natural to the body , test is.

    its your choice, i would say either of those options would be good. Personally, i would go with the test route so there was some test in my body since there isnt much now.

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