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  1. #1
    dynamo_123 is offline New Member
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    Testosterone cycle at 19 years of age: bad idea?

    First of all thanks for reading. Before I progress any further, I believe it is of the utmost importance for me to admit that I naturally resemble a chick and that sorta pisses me off.

    So on the one hand, I'm under the impression that embarking on a test enanthate or propionate cycle at an earlier age where my body's still sorta forming will have more effects on masculinizing me than if I took it when older.

    But on the other hand the natural testosterone my body produces now probably kicks out of the window any natural test production levels my future self will achieve so messing up my body is on the cards.

    So if you would be so kind, what do you think should be done here?

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    hit up the diet forum and remember to grow you have to eat big. At your age your natural test levels are gonna be higher than ever! no need for aas until you get your training and diet down in the next 5 years.

  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Jesus what the **** does lack of viralization have to do with the diet forum unless you think he is not getting enough fat to support viralization???? ohh I get it, you are trying to tell him not to use juice on his own.

    Anyway guy speaking as someone who was also very sparsely haired smooth and always had men looking at my ass when I was younger I can feel your pain. Keep one thing in mind though lllloooottttzzz of women love an androgenous looking guy, when I was 19 and started working as the project manager at my buddies construction company we had a group of lesbian painters and damn after drinking with them and finding out how many bisexual women found a non threatining guy attractive I really had to rethink the whole thing. I was getting more ***** and more threesomes with lesbians than anyone I know, seriously its not all bad LOL. Another thing to keep in mind is when a lot of the guys who you look at now with jelousy will be bald with pot bellies by thirty and have hair coming out there shirt collars and ear canals, at 40 I could still pick up 20 something women on my appearence not wallet so there is really a lot to be said for this type of genetics. But its your choice to make so....

    If you just can't get past how you compare to your friends and like that seek out medical help, do not try to self medicate as the causes are often more complex than just a low test count and taking test on you own would likely make your problem worse afterward.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Jesus what the **** does lack of viralization have to do with the diet forum unless you think he is not getting enough fat to support viralization???? ohh I get it, you are trying to tell him not to use juice on his own.

    Anyway guy speaking as someone who was also very sparsely haired smooth and always had men looking at my ass when I was younger I can feel your pain. Keep one thing in mind though lllloooottttzzz of women love an androgenous looking guy, when I was 19 and started working as the project manager at my buddies construction company we had a group of lesbian painters and damn after drinking with them and finding out how many bisexual women found a non threatining guy attractive I really had to rethink the whole thing. I was getting more ***** and more threesomes with lesbians than anyone I know, seriously its not all bad LOL. Another thing to keep in mind is when a lot of the guys who you look at now with jelousy will be bald with pot bellies by thirty and have hair coming out there shirt collars and ear canals, at 40 I could still pick up 20 something women on my appearence not wallet so there is really a lot to be said for this type of genetics. But its your choice to make so....

    If you just can't get past how you compare to your friends and like that seek out medical help, do not try to self medicate as the causes are often more complex than just a low test count and taking test on you own would likely make your problem worse afterward.
    nicely put

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    OP, anyone who drops you advice on using AAS here is also too young to be doing them, so dont act on any. its a very bad idea for you go on test.

  6. #6
    Lift-Eat-Repeat's Avatar
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    Do not do it. I did it young and regret it more than anything. Your gonna throw your hormones way out of whack and yes you will grow more hair, but will also grow major health concerns that can never be taken back. Your basically saying I'm gonna ruin my health because I think it's already ruined because I haven't fully developed yet. Start eating right, work out hard and you will naturally develop into a man. Trust me, some kids are a little late, you will get there and will be healthy and happy doing it.

  7. #7
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    You're too young. Do not jeopardize your future health.
    Even if you weren't, AAS wouldn't be the answer.
    Even if AAS were the answer, IMO you'd be better off shedding your insecurities and accepting the genetics you're dealt.

    FWIW, I was shaving every other day by 8th grade (age 13/14), and had naturally low Test levels. Weird huh? Masculinization is a LOT more complicated than just having raging T levels. Talk to a doctor if you're truly concerned.

  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    OP, here is the thing. Everyone on here is telling you not to juice and I'll agree you shouldn't do juice on your own. I will however; suggest though is that you get looked at by a physician. Get some bloodwork done. Maybe you're suffering from a hormonal imbalance? I do think you need to accept yourself as the way you are regardless. There isn't any steroid that will make you secure in yourself. Hell, a lot of steroid users are some of the most insecure people you'll ever meet.

  9. #9
    dynamo_123 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Keep one thing in mind though lllloooottttzzz of women love an androgenous looking guy
    Not in the Middle East they don't. Here most women love the man their daddy says they should love, and the rest either have VD or look like Danny Trejo.

    There are few advantages I can think of to living in a religious macho neighborhood in the Middle East and looking like a chick. Thanks anyway though.

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