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  1. #1
    Irish16 is offline New Member
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    What do you experts think?

    First post, so hopefully I dont break any rules. I am 25, 5-11, 250 lbs, about 25lbs overweight. When I am in shape I am usually 225 with a very muscular build, my bench is has been over 400 for years. That said over the last 2 years I have been very busy with school and other things, I have not been in the gym enough and have ate and drank too much. I am gonna start a cycle next week and want to know what type of results to expect? I have some experience with steroids in the past, and have a lot of muscle and know how to get after it in the gym and eat right. I am gonna be working very hard and not drinking, also eating plenty of protein, and I really would like to see big results in both muscle gain and fat loss.

    Im hoping the muscle I have will help burn the fat I have faster, and I expect good results but the cycle Im starting is new to me. In the past I have done a test, and winstrol a couple times. Next week Im gonna begin running tren 100 mg twice a week, test 250 twice a week-Im planning like 3 day break then a 4 day break to add up to 2 shots a week, and I will be doing an Mcg of Growth monday through friday. The tren and test will be for about 90 days and the HGH will be for 6 months. After I am done with the tren and test I will run a week of hcg .

    I wanted to know what you guys think I could see in terms of results, and is the cycle good for fat loss and strength gain? I am excited as frig and can't wait. I aprecciate the advice. Also should I be taking some anit-estrogen products or is my stack missing anything? Thanks. One last thing I want to be a muscular 225-235 and have very little fat, that said I do not want to look like Im on roids, is this reallistic?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    get a good base built back up before trying anything

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i see a dissaster for results. Your not ready for a cycle any any means
    I see a high chance of side effects
    You dont say what kind of test or tren so really can comment if you are close to doing that correctly.
    1mcg of growth? Really?

    Why not forget about all this and get in some kind of shape first

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah Bro not a good idea.

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^ agreed to all above.

    your plan needs some work. 1 week hcg for pct?
    why go on a cycle if you have been lazy with school etc. you are increasing possible problems to near 100%

  6. #6
    Irish16 is offline New Member
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    I guess I made it sound like I was a marshmallow in my op, let me make it clear I am in good shape, and have a solid base. I would like to cut about 25lbs of fat, but I still have a lot of muscle. I have been lifting for years and this isnt my first rodeo I have just put on a beer belley and a little chunk. That said I came here looking for advice, and now I am unsure. The test is Test-E and as far as I know it will stack very well with the tren , as for the hgh I know it is measured in mcg, but I do not know about the exact amount. I know the rules say dont discuss sources so I didnt mention mine, but I am getting it from a pro who has planned this cycle out for me and set it all up. So I am confident in the amounts. I think I am in good enough shape to start this cycle, but I would honestly like to hear the reasons you guys think I shouldnt. As for side effects what would being in a little better shape do to avoid that?
    Just want to know what are your reasons for thinking I should not start my cycle. Also as far as side effects can you be more specific, I am aware of the usual ie shrinkage, aggression, acne, cough, joint pain, but is there something more serious you are talking about. Again Im not an amature and I know this is a potent stack, but I have a good muscular base and am ready to take the next step. That said, I want to know what you guys really think and legit advice, if you guys can offer more than "dont do it you are an amatuer" I would greatly appreciate it. I would like to really know the cons that you guys are talking about, if you could really explain to me why not to do it, it could really help me, thanks so much. Also would it be a better idea just to do the hgh for 3 months then start the other stuff the last 3 months when Im in a little better shape. Not trying to sound defensive but I really just dont see the reasons why I shouldnt start, I had a pro set it up, I will be lifting and eating right, I have a solid workout plan, I am not a 17 yr old newbie, and I have used before. I know this is a potent stack and stronger than what I have done before, but I was confident in starting it, now you guys have me thinking Im crazy, I would really appreciate you guys explaining what is wrong with what im doing so I can think about the pros and cons, please help.

  7. #7
    jla1986's Avatar
    jla1986 is offline Junior Member
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    I"m guessing your talking about tren a, if so i would take it eod. 500mg of test e a week is very reasonable. Also I think that starting the gh for 3 months would be good, it takes 2 months to get in your system. On the gh you should really find out how much your taking and remember to start low and slowly build up. I am also 25 and 250lbs and very strong and about to start my next cycle of 750 test e, 400mg eq and tren a eod. Good luck

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