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I've been off aaa for almost three months ad my test levles still haven't come back. I've been thinking about running some hcg and then following up with another run of clomid/nolvdex pct. I've read that you need to take hcg while on cycle and I don't want to further shut down my system so I've been thinking about running a small amount of test prop, proveron, anavar , and arimidex . I'm looking for thoughts on mg amounts and duration. This is what I'm thinking:

40 days of
test prop 300mg per week
anavar 60mg per day
proveron 50mg per day
hcg 500mcg per day

clomid 100mg nolvadex 40mg 2wks
clomid 50mg nolva 20mg 2wks
nolvadex 20mg 2wks
nolvadex 10mg 1wk

wait two weeks and follow up blood test.