Hey, Just started my first cycle, tomorrow is my second week so at the moment don’t feel any effects. But whether am just paranoid or I got sympotons I feel my nipples a bit tender when I touch them.

I honestly think they are fine and just paranoia but I am going to start an AI throughout my cycle to be safe. Ill run it at a low dose to not hinder gains and keep water levels down. Now I can get A-Dex or Aromasin for basically same price. I have posted this before but I am after dosage aswell.

Firstly what would you suggest for a test e 500 for 12 weeks cycle, A-Dex or Aromasin and what dosage for Aromasin if u suggest that as I heard it has to be run ED. Could you run it EOD or what dosage, I don’t want to take a lot and have to low of an estrogen count. If I take A-dex ill run .5mg EOD, but if u suggest Aromasin a dosage would be appreciated.

Also for my PCT I have nolva but cant get Clomid, so would u suggest running an AI with my Serm (nolva). I heard A-dex during cycle and Aromasin and Nolva for PCT. Or will Nolva be ok by it self for a test only cycle. Just paraonid about gyno and not losing my gains and making sure my body recovers. I no alot of people at my gym who dont even no what a PCT AI or Serm is and is on roids, but my number 1 aim is making sure my body get backs to normal fine and im as healthy as i can be during cycle.
