Hey guys, I just started a cycle of letrozole 3 weeks ago and I have gotten what I would consider the worst acne outbreak that I have ever had in my life... I'm only taking half of the 2.5mg ed and this stuff is still kicking my ass. My gyno has definitely diminished from what it was a month ago. I don't want to stop taking it until I know for sure that my nips will go back to normal because I did a cycle earlier this year of letro and soon as I popped some of those boner pills (tribuilus) and I instantly had a remission of flared up nips. I want to stick it out but this acne is crazy and Im talking to 100's of people every night at work so it's embarrassing as hell... I know it's the letro cause this started up 4 days after I started the cycle and I'm not taking anything or eating differently. Last time I took letro I was at the recommended 2.5mg and had other issues with it that I probably didn't take mind to acne. I tore my acl last cycle and I was just jumping rope so I'm trying a lower dose but it seems that this stuff works the same no matter what dose.