I got gyno (Hard lump under left nipple, feels like pushing on a bruise when touched) I got it my 7th day while taking

Week 1-5 60mg dbols per day
Week 1-15 Sus450 (750mg per week)
Week 1-13 deca /NPP (500mg per week)

After noticing the gyno I immideatly stopped taking the dbol and took

.5mg anstrozole for 2 days
1mg 3th 4th day
wasnt getting better so I then ran:
1mg anstrozole every 12 hours with 40mg nolvadex on day 5, 6, 7, 8 And it still isnt getting better. I am also running .33mg caber every 3 days.

MY anstrozole is from extreme peptide and the nolva is GP from Naps. I also have **** letro, should I transition to that and see if that works? If so should I even take anstrozole with letro?

And will letro shit on my gains on this cycle?

I had the same issue last cycle of test and tren on week 10, I used 2.5mg of letro and it disapeared after 3 weeks. After a propper ptc and 15 weeks of I started this cycle and it came back quick but worse then before. I have never noticed any side effects or change in the way I feel taking any of these a.i's/serms, not even when I previously ran the letro. Help would be apreciated.
