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  1. #1
    shutupandsquat is offline New Member
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    TEST-E First Cycle! Are these side effects normal?

    Hey y'all,

    Just started my first cycle this week. I'll first briefly list my specs and my cycle so y'all have an idea of where I'm at. I am trying to gain mainly size, and strength. I have done a lot of work and research on my diet, and its on point.

    age: 23
    height: 5'10
    weight: 185lbs
    body fat percentage: 15%
    Experience: 5 years

    My cycle is the following

    12 weeks at 400mg's per week. PCT - nolva.

    I'm pinning 2 times a week, 200mgs each pin. I have been pinning my vastus lateralis (alternating of course).

    Now my first two shots were pretty sore but the pain would be gone within 3 days. No swelling, no redness, no tenderness. From what I've collected this is pretty normal, however the day of both of my shots I felt an elevation in body temperature, like a light fever. Thats all I've been feeling. I'm kind of nervous and a bit paranoid since this is my first cycle, and I just want to make sure I'm doing things right. Is this normal? Please critique my cycle or anything else if needed.


  2. #2
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    nervous and paranoid. I'm on my first cycle so far. Done 10 shots. The first few were creepy. Now a breeze. Relax, breath, and do it right, and you'll be ok.

  3. #3
    grumpee's Avatar
    grumpee is offline Associate Member
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    Part of it could be test flu. I and a few others I know experienced it on our first cycles

  4. #4
    benny g is offline New Member
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    hey guys im a new member just got a question im looking to get really big ive been hitting the gym every day for 4 weeks ive seen a slight change but not good enough for me can any one help me out.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by benny g View Post
    hey guys im a new member just got a question im looking to get really big ive been hitting the gym every day for 4 weeks ive seen a slight change but not good enough for me can any one help me out.
    Welcome mate. you should start your own thread instead of hijacking someone elses.

    but your kidding, right? 4 weeks? that's it??

    I can help you out. Not being a smart asss, but spend more time in the gym. Some of us live in the gym, and only get incremental results.

    No one sees much of anything their very first 4 weeks.


    let's get back to OP


  6. #6
    benny g is offline New Member
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    aww k sweet man sorry to hijack but im no good on computers i dnt even know how to start my own thread but im sure ill work it out soon enough. yeh n i know i need more time in the gym bro just need a lil help dats all thanks for the help man. take care

  7. #7
    benny g is offline New Member
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    hey roman dude could you please tell me how to start my own thread please bro thanks man.

  8. #8
    jeepfreak is offline Junior Member
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    I'm in the middle of my first cycle also, test-e 500/wk. Muscles get a little tender each time I pin but less and less each time....I also sometimes get a little " heated " after pinning....not so much right after I pin but later in the day....I get hot flashes sometimes too, woke up a couple of times at night sweating my arse off....doesn't really bother me much anymore, Hell, I kinda like it ! As long as you steralize (sp?) And asperate you will be me, I like pinning now, but on my first one I was nervous, took me about 20 min just to work up the nerve to do it....

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I can help Benny. Simply go to the Q&A Forum. When there, you'll see a blue tab that says "post new thread." Click on it and you'll be there.

    You're probably still a little anxious over the shot. You'll be fine. Might want to consider using clomid w/that nolva.

  10. #10
    shutupandsquat is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys, appreciate the input!

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    U know cycling @ ur age significantly increases the likelihood of potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA. And according to ur profile, ur 22 not 23.

  12. #12
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    My piss changes drastically when I'm on cycle.

  13. #13
    shutupandsquat is offline New Member
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    The Bear 79,

    I'm turning 23 tomorrow...posted a couple of days ago, so I figured I'd just say 23. And could you please elaborate a bit on the irreversible side effects you mentioned? Or perhaps, direct me to a website or books were I can read more about it. Thanks for your input!

  14. #14
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
    Macon_Bacon is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shutupandsquat View Post
    The Bear 79,

    I'm turning 23 tomorrow...posted a couple of days ago, so I figured I'd just say 23. And could you please elaborate a bit on the irreversible side effects you mentioned? Or perhaps, direct me to a website or books were I can read more about it. Thanks for your input!
    You are on the website that tells you about the irreversible damage you could be causing.

  15. #15
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    bump for curious on how this kids doing....

  16. #16
    shutupandsquat is offline New Member
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    Haven't been feeling any side effects at all anymore. Injection site is barely sore for a couple of days, no more hot flashes. Getting stronger, gaining weight. I'm excited, and its only week 2!

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