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  1. #1
    julio2578 is offline New Member
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    Will i see gains with just 200mgs

    So i started my diet and weight training a month and a half ago. i weighed 235lbs. i weighed myself today and came in at 213lbs. seriously nobullshit. i got my diet and training in check. im doing this cause im preparing for my fisrt cycle. after months of research, ive learned so much about AAS. so i decided to go with a test only cycle. im looking into test cyp 400mgs a week cycle. My question is, will i see good gains with just 200mgs a week? im 33 213lbs. bf% is estimated at 25%. im working on that also. any advise would help. thanks!

  2. #2
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    I wouldnt run a cycle with 200mgs of test. Whats your motivation to only do 200mg? First cycle recommendations suggest 400-500 mgs of test.

  3. #3
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    200mgs a week will barely cover the amount of natural test that you're shutting down.
    For some people on TRT, 200mg a week puts them within NORMAL range.

    Don't half ass a cycle.

  4. #4
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    How tall are you?
    I'd suggest lowering the body fat some more, can be risky above 22%.

    So 400 or 200? Because you said both.
    As far as 200 being enough? Ignore anyone that hasn't tried it.

    I've done 250ew and made extremely solid gains. Start low and work your way up.
    Max I'd do is 400-500 but you will make solid gains with no sides on 250.

    Edit: You call it "half assing", frankly, I think it produces more in the long run, takes more patience, and more long-term dedication than starting high.
    Hell it's hard enough to convince a first timer to just do test.
    Last edited by sir.solidarity; 11-16-2011 at 08:21 PM.

  5. #5
    julio2578 is offline New Member
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    yes i was thinking of 400mgs a week of test cyp. i just wanted some opinions on just running 200mgs. mostly to avoid sides.

  6. #6
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    I'd bump it up to 250mg for an optimal mix of low sides and starter cycle gains.
    But once again, after your BF% is a bit lower.

  7. #7
    im83931's Avatar
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    I've never done only 200mg weekly but I am all for using the least amount that is effective. You will probably see gains but I dont think you will see anything like you would on 400mg / week.

  8. #8
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    I've never done only 200mg weekly but I am all for using the least amount that is effective. You will probably see gains but I dont think you will see anything like you would on 400mg / week.
    When I went from 250 to 500 my gains increased let's say...40%. Sides increased 80%...
    personal experience, different for everyone.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    my first cycle was 200mg every 5 days of cyp. I made very good gains

  10. #10
    julio2578 is offline New Member
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    what do you guys think of running test prop. for 8 weeks at 100mgs eod? i considered this cycle but i dont wanna pin that much. how are the gains on this kind of cycle?

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by julio2578 View Post
    So i started my diet and weight training a month and a half ago. i weighed 235lbs. i weighed myself today and came in at 213lbs. seriously nobullshit. i got my diet and training in check. im doing this cause im preparing for my fisrt cycle. after months of research, ive learned so much about AAS. so i decided to go with a test only cycle. im looking into test cyp 400mgs a week cycle. My question is, will i see good gains with just 200mgs a week? im 33 213lbs. bf% is estimated at 25%. im working on that also. any advise would help. thanks!
    you should most definitely not use AAS after only a month of training. you need to build up a natty base for at least a year. 25% bf is too high to be using aswell.

    gains can be made at 200mgs but i stress again, you are not in the game long enough to start

  12. #12
    johnblaze24 is offline New Member
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    im just about to do my first cycle ever and i was given test400 and dbol with nolvadex ... and since i,ve never done them before im looking for some info on what and how to do them from someone who actually knows what they're talking about. Helpp would be appreciated.

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnblaze24 View Post
    im just about to do my first cycle ever and i was given test400 and dbol with nolvadex... and since i,ve never done them before im looking for some info on what and how to do them from someone who actually knows what they're talking about. Helpp would be appreciated.
    make your own thread for answers

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
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    you posted this on oct 29th mate, theres no way you lost all that weight. you need to be honest on here if you want help and respect:

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    first cycle with test prop and tren . Need advice...
    gonna start my first cycle . im 33 y/o 5'10'' 240lbs. yes im a little overweight but im working on that. doing cardio and weights. i dont know what my bf% is. so far been doing alot of research. this is what i came up with. let me know what you think. a 10 week cycle with test prop, tren , EQ , clen . Am i on the right track? if i am, what is the exact cycle ?

  15. #15
    julio2578 is offline New Member
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    im being honest. that was an estimate weight. i got on a scale yesterday and thats what i weighed in at. im was surprised. really.

  16. #16
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    Average testosterone produced naturally is about 70 mg a week.200 mg is almost 3x normal levels so science says you will gain and see good results but not outrageous gains compared to using the higher dosages people recommend using,which is 400+

  17. #17
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I made solid gains when I started 200mg a week for TRT. The fast gains were mostly because I was previously making little of my own Test. Even 200mg is considerably higher than the body's natural production, but you won't see a huge difference if you already have respectable Test levels. The health risks of taking 400mg are small, so it seems worth it to go higher than 200mg.

    I would drop your body fat first. I dropped to 1800 calories a day on a 60/20/20 diet and am losing a lot of fat.

  18. #18
    cb714's Avatar
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    Your body fat is too high brotha. I'd seriously consider dropping some more weight before starting. Not only that but if you're 213 with 25% bf that means you're only 160lbs lean. Unless you're like 5' 2" you are not ready for AAS.

    Hit the gym hard, eat right and once you got a little more experience and size then consider AAS. What's gonna happen if you take it now is 1) you're probably gonna grow a pair of tits and get super bloated 2) you will injure yourself because your joints and tendons wont be able to handle all the extra weight you'll be putting up and chances are you will not be using proper lift technique so that will just increase your chances of getting hurt.

    And by the way you can make gains with 200mg... especially if it's your first cycle. But there is a study out there where they compared two groups, one taking 300mgs and the other taking 600mgs and the group that took the 600mgs made significantly more gains than the first group, although the first group did also make good gains. It's no secret that more will give you better results but the thing is that you MUST be ready for it. You have to go at your own pace. If 200mg gives you results and you are satisfied with it then why increase it?

  19. #19
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you should most definitely not use AAS after only a month of training. you need to build up a natty base for at least a year. 25% bf is too high to be using aswell.

    gains can be made at 200mgs but i stress again, you are not in the game long enough to start
    agreed. your body needs to know what heavy weight feels like before you start really throwin around some lbs. your gonna snap a tendon or tear something

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