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  1. #1
    jholl's Avatar
    jholl is offline Junior Member
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    Proviron dosing opinions

    Currently running some prop and dbol and along with proviron at 50mgs ed. I'm looking for anyone that has experience with running proviron at 50mgs ed and above. Since i have the quantity to do so, i was wondering how much more beneficial it would be at say 75 or 100mgs ed and if any sides would show as well. So far at 50mgs, it seems to be doing a pretty good job of keeping down my water retention and not seeing any negative side effects. Thanks for your hlep.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    i haven't used it myself but from what ive read it would seem that 100mgs per day is the guideline

  3. #3
    djdizzy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i haven't used it myself but from what ive read it would seem that 100mgs per day is the guideline
    dec, can you elaborate a little more on why or the benefits at that dose? I have read anywhere from 25-150mg. I am currently also running 50mg a day and notice much less bloat on a test/deca cycle right now than running it without previously. Just wondering what 100mg might do for me as well as the OP.


  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    dec, can you elaborate a little more on why or the benefits at that dose? I have read anywhere from 25-150mg. I am currently also running 50mg a day and notice much less bloat on a test/deca cycle right now than running it without previously. Just wondering what 100mg might do for me as well as the OP.

    im sure if you use search function you'll find more, but iirc to get the noticeable libido rise you need to be taking 50mg x2 per day

  5. #5
    jholl's Avatar
    jholl is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the input. I don't think it will hurt and i have enough so i'll try bumping it up to 100mg and see what happens.

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