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  1. #1
    inclemento is offline New Member
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    Agonising growing pains in arms and elbows??

    Ok so i'm 5 weeks into my first ever cycle of Sust 250 Deca 300 and Dianobol. I'm only just starting to notice the effects tbh. One of which is agonising pain in my arms and elbows. The pain comes on while i am working out and increases for a good 1-2 hours after i leave the gym and then slowly dies down. The only way of discribing the pain is the growing pains i used to get in my legs when i was a teenager. It also seems to be sensitive to temperature?!?!

    I had heard about dry joints on steroids but after some research have found this is only common with Winstrol ???

    Does anyone else experience this? is it normal? If so what can i do to reduce the pain cos without sounding too much of a wimp it's F**cking agonising!!

  2. #2
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Dbol gives me sore joints because it rapidly increases the amount of weight I train with. Natural lifting allows for much slower progression in terms of strength. Thus giving your joints move times to catch up. Dry joints is usually associated with low estrogen levels. Your cycle does not indicate that this is likely the case.

  3. #3
    inclemento is offline New Member
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    Yeah the weight i train has significantly increased. Almost doubled with some lifts. The pain seems to eminate from further up my arm though and shoots down my arm and twinges in my elbows. So you recon i should just persevere and put up with the pain? I've started taking high strength cod liver oil and glucosamine but doesn't seem to help

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    no, never felt like that on anything.

    that is a bad decision of a 1st cycle, how would you pinpoint what is causing you problems, not that i think the compounds are, sounds like you're injured plain and simple.

    what is your training history, age and stats?

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inclemento View Post
    Yeah the weight i train has significantly increased. Almost doubled with some lifts. The pain seems to eminate from further up my arm though and shoots down my arm and twinges in my elbows. So you recon i should just persevere and put up with the pain? I've started taking high strength cod liver oil and glucosamine but doesn't seem to help
    no, and it sounds like bicep tendons at an educated guess.

    i highly doubt you've doubled your weights without using seriously bad form in exercise execution, AAS arent that good.

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I have had pain like that on two occasions. Taking an AI when I didn't need it, resulting in bottomed out estrogen levels - and when not drinking enough water when on Clen .

  7. #7
    inclemento is offline New Member
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    Well Dec11, my training history is reletively short. Been at it 12 months, naturally until 5 weeks ago. Only gained about a stone naturally but since starting the steroids have gained another stone in 5 weeks. That may be partly due to the fact that i wasn't training entirely correctly until recently. I read far too many Mens Health magazines with conflicting workout information blah blah blah

    Stats are 25yrs 186cm's & 83kg. Still pretty weedy lol

    I have been hittin my arms and shoulders pretty hard last few weeks, maybe you're right about bein "injured"! Lay off it i guess.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inclemento View Post
    Well Dec11, my training history is reletively short. Been at it 12 months, naturally until 5 weeks ago. Only gained about a stone naturally but since starting the steroids have gained another stone in 5 weeks. That may be partly due to the fact that i wasn't training entirely correctly until recently. I read far too many Mens Health magazines with conflicting workout information blah blah blah

    Stats are 25yrs 186cm's & 83kg. Still pretty weedy lol

    I have been hittin my arms and shoulders pretty hard last few weeks, maybe you're right about bein "injured"! Lay off it i guess.
    oh dear.

    you are injured, back off and recover. im hazarding a guess that you havent build a sufficient base to cope with the overload from AAS. post up a pic if you can

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Typical mistake, starting cycle to soon, your muscles and tendons are not ready for the increase in weight and you can to long term if not permanent damage. There is a reason why keep preaching that you need to be in shape before starting a cycle. The rapid increase in strength will fool you and lead to years of recovery due to injury. Happens all the time.

  10. #10
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by inclemento View Post
    Well Dec11, my training history is reletively short. Been at it 12 months, naturally until 5 weeks ago. Only gained about a stone naturally but since starting the steroids have gained another stone in 5 weeks. That may be partly due to the fact that i wasn't training entirely correctly until recently. I read far too many Mens Health magazines with conflicting workout information blah blah blah

    Stats are 25yrs 186cm's & 83kg. Still pretty weedy lol

    I have been hittin my arms and shoulders pretty hard last few weeks, maybe you're right about bein "injured"! Lay off it i guess.
    12 months? Had you signed on here before you would have been advised not to touch steroids for awhile.

  11. #11
    inclemento is offline New Member
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    The reason i started them so soon was because i seemed to reach a platau and was told this was the time to start? Obviously wrong information again then lol

    I will try and get a picture up soon aye cheers Dec11.

    So whats the plan of action? Obviosly i can't just stop the sust right?

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would stop eveything and do yuor pct

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