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  1. #1
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    New to this..needs some help

    Im an 18 year soccer and football player. Im also a swimmer. What would be the best use to lose fat and gain a decent amount of muscle while no putting one a huge amount of weight? This would be my first time useing anabolic steriods . What would be the best choice for me? thanks

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Welcome srsharp. At 18, ur body should b producing mor than enuf of the necessary hormones 2 make some VERY impressive gains naturally. What r the rest of ur stats?

  3. #3
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    well i just recently started working out for swimming. As of now im really not sure. Im basicly looking to bulk up a little and loss fat cuz its always been a huge problem for me. Im in good running shape since I am an avid soccer player. But my upper body is really weak im not going to lie.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Training Experience?
    Current diet?

  5. #5
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    I just started acutlly working out this month.

  6. #6
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Well bro, you've got 2 things workin against u, 1, if u cycle @ ur age, there is a significantly greater risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA. 2, u "recently just started working out" so ur ligaments & tendons r not conditioned 4 the rapid growth AAS brings on, u will most likly injure urself in very short order if u cycle b4 getting settled in2 a good routine.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    ^^^^ Agreed

  8. #8
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    well thanks for the help. Appreciate it!

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    well thanks for the help. Appreciate it!
    Don't run off bro! If you'd like, we can help u with a diet & training regime 2 help u achieve ur goals naturally.

  10. #10
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    that would be great!

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    that would be great!
    OK, let's hav a look @ ur diet & routine then. Post them here.

  12. #12
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    well for my routine i normily run 2miles everyday just to stay in running shape for soccer. Then on mondays and wednesday i work on my lower body. tues. and thurs. i attempt to work out my upper body. (normily doesnt work out to well.) and for diet, if u mean by what i eat im pretty sure im on a 3000 calorie diet. I dont eat much "junk" foos or i rarelt eat fast food. Mostly my daily meals consist of chicken, eggs, ect.

  13. #13
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Let us know what your workout routine looks like.

  14. #14
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    well for my routine i normily run 2miles everyday just to stay in running shape for soccer. Then on mondays and wednesday i work on my lower body. tues. and thurs. i attempt to work out my upper body. (normily doesnt work out to well.) and for diet, if u mean by what i eat im pretty sure im on a 3000 calorie diet. I dont eat much "junk" foos or i rarelt eat fast food. Mostly my daily meals consist of chicken, eggs, ect.
    OK buddy, ur gona hav 2 elaborate a bit, post wut exercises u do. How many meals do u eat? Wut do they consist of?

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    And thanks for listening to sound advice and the willingness to learn how to do things right and not possibly hurt yourself!!

  16. #16
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    well ive done reports on steriods about 3 times now. and i thought id actlly ask people that know what they are doing and talking about instead of just jumping into something serious like this.

    And as meals go. I try to eat 3 meals a day.
    Morning consists of either eggs or wholegrain bagels. Side of water or whole milk. Also an apple at times.
    Midday is normily just a salade with chicken or such. nothing to big
    Dinner. normily eiter chicken, pork, or beef. Vegetables, water, 1 peice of wholegrain bread.

  17. #17
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    well ive done reports on steriods about 3 times now. and i thought id actlly ask people that know what they are doing and talking about instead of just jumping into something serious like this.

    And as meals go. I try to eat 3 meals a day.
    Morning consists of either eggs or wholegrain bagels. Side of water or whole milk. Also an apple at times.
    Midday is normily just a salade with chicken or such. nothing to big
    Dinner. normily eiter chicken, pork, or beef. Vegetables, water, 1 peice of wholegrain bread.

  18. #18
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    well ive done reports on steriods about 3 times now. and i thought id actlly ask people that know what they are doing and talking about instead of just jumping into something serious like this.

    And as meals go. I try to eat 3 meals a day.
    Morning consists of either eggs or wholegrain bagels. Side of water or whole milk. Also an apple at times.
    Midday is normily just a salade with chicken or such. nothing to big
    Dinner. normily eiter chicken, pork, or beef. Vegetables, water, 1 peice of wholegrain bread.
    That's not 3000 calorie bro. My 1st suggestion is 2 up ur intake, we can go deeper in2 that in the diet section. How bout that training routine, detail wut exercises u do.

  19. #19
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    alright. and like i said. i try to keep my intake low.
    and on training.
    when i do lower body. normily i do ,parelle squats, leg press, leg curls, calf raises, and im not to sure of the name of all of them. so feel free to cerrect me haha
    when i do upper body i normily try to do, dips, pullups, incline benchpress, benchpress, curls, and a couple other things but im not to sure what they r called.
    also i fit in ab works.

  20. #20
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    alright. and like i said. i try to keep my intake low.
    and on training.
    when i do lower body. normily i do ,parelle squats, leg press, leg curls, calf raises, and im not to sure of the name of all of them. so feel free to cerrect me haha
    when i do upper body i normily try to do, dips, pullups, incline benchpress, benchpress, curls, and a couple other things but im not to sure what they r called.
    also i fit in ab works.
    Wut do u do 4 ur Triceps, Back & Shoulders? If ur a swimmer, back & shoulders should very important 2 u.

  21. #21
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    yeah those are the exercises i dont know the name for.
    But if u could. could u give me some tips on working out? because i have a feeling that im not doing it right since the next day im barely sore.

  22. #22
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    yeah those are the exercises i dont know the name for.
    But if u could. could u give me some tips on working out? because i have a feeling that im not doing it right since the next day im barely sore.

  23. #23
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    sharpy listen up us older cats whre all there "18 and wanting to be ripped or huge" trust me when i say your a little too young to be taking short cuts!! you would be trully shocked to find out that a good diet a a tweak of your training would really show. i understand u play sports and juice would help u in that area but you would be opening a pandoras box when going that route.... but just like most of us choose not to listen if u go ahead an do a cycle i cant stress enough for you to do crazy research and start light...

  24. #24
    Acezz is offline New Member
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    If you only just started lifting starting gear right now would be beyond pointless. You gain awesome results right away if you start properly may i susgest looking into Mark riptose starting strength routine. it's not what i did because it took me awhile before i start taking lifting serious. but it worked very well for a mate of mine and my little brother.

    i'm 18 at the moment and have done two cycle already but i started lifting at the age of 16. my first cycle was test prop, i was 17 my diet wasn't all planned i relied on macca's for calories and protein. Just ate anything. i gained close on to about nothing... 5kg's would be everything i gained of both fat and muscle and i thought wow i can't believe i did that i picked up my act greatly did insane amount of research on steroids and dieting and actually working out. My next cycle was Dbol with Test E and the results were amazing. i gained close on to 15kg's went from 80kg's all the way to 95kg's. i'm now planing my second cycle in feb for a Dbol, Deca and Test E.

  25. #25
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    i completely get where all of you are going with this. Thats why i wanted to ask people that know what they are talking about so i dont do something stupid and destroy my body. im just looking to bulk up for football since i have a 75% chance of going D1 for kicking. But if you saw me you wouldnt expect me to play football. im to be honest im not to great at working out i guess you can say.

  26. #26
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    you dont have to be "great" at working out. You just need to be dedicated and motivated. If you get on a proper workout program and diet, stick to it. You will make very good gains at your age.

  27. #27
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acezz View Post
    If you only just started lifting starting gear right now would be beyond pointless. You gain awesome results right away if you start properly may i susgest looking into Mark riptose starting strength routine. it's not what i did because it took me awhile before i start taking lifting serious. but it worked very well for a mate of mine and my little brother.

    i'm 18 at the moment and have done two cycle already but i started lifting at the age of 16. my first cycle was test prop, i was 17 my diet wasn't all planned i relied on macca's for calories and protein. Just ate anything. i gained close on to about nothing... 5kg's would be everything i gained of both fat and muscle and i thought wow i can't believe i did that i picked up my act greatly did insane amount of research on steroids and dieting and actually working out. My next cycle was Dbol with Test E and the results were amazing. i gained close on to 15kg's went from 80kg's all the way to 95kg's. i'm now planing my second cycle in feb for a Dbol, Deca and Test E.
    Please dont promote under 25 use Acezz. If ur planning on sinking YOUR ship, do as u please, but don't bring other people on board 2 take down with u.

  28. #28
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    what do you think a good work out program would be since im just starting out?

  29. #29
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    smart move .
    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    well ive done reports on steriods about 3 times now. and i thought id actlly ask people that know what they are doing and talking about instead of just jumping into something serious like this.

    And as meals go. I try to eat 3 meals a day.
    Morning consists of either eggs or wholegrain bagels. Side of water or whole milk. Also an apple at times.
    Midday is normily just a salade with chicken or such. nothing to big
    Dinner. normily eiter chicken, pork, or beef. Vegetables, water, 1 peice of wholegrain bread.

  30. #30
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by srsharp View Post
    what do you think a good work out program would be since im just starting out?
    On the forums home page, if u scroll almost 2 the bottom, you'll c the "workout" section, if u post ur stats & goals in there, ur guaranteed 2 get the help u need bro. Also on the home page, you'll find the diet section, do the same thing there, post ur stats & goals & they will help u put 2gether the perfect diet 4 YOU.

  31. #31
    Acezz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Please dont promote under 25 use Acezz. If ur planning on sinking YOUR ship, do as u please, but don't bring other people on board 2 take down with u.
    Most of the greatest bodybuilders out there started gear before 25. and where did i promote it i just said that you shouldn't just straight up think gear.

  32. #32
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acezz View Post
    Most of the greatest bodybuilders out there started gear before 25. and where did i promote it i just said that you shouldn't just straight up think gear.
    Just bcuz those "great bodybuilders" don't publicly advertise the adverse side effects of cycling too yung, doesn't mean there were none, they cant publicly advertise it, it would end their career. I guarantee u, a lot (not all) of them r on TRT / HRT 4 life as a result of the damage they did 2 their undeveloped Endo. / HPTA. Wut u did without actually saying the words, is show that it's OK 2 cycle under 25 cuz u did & ur "fine" (@ least u think u r.............time will tell) Maybe "promote" was the rong word, but hopefully u & every1 else can c the point I'm making.

  33. #33
    srsharp is offline New Member
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    well thanks guys for the help. Appreciate it!

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