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  1. #1
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    My first Course - this gave me epic results

    Hey all -

    On the proviso my diet is right, training is in check and all boxes are ticked I am thinking of doing a second course. The first one I ever did about 7 years ago was pretty amazing with amazing results - not only that - once I stopped I leaned right up.. when I didnt plan on doing it. It was the only time I saw my abs.

    This time I only want to gain about 5-6kg

    So here we go - tell me what you think if I should do it again

    Week 1 - 250mg Sust250
    Week 2 - 250mg Sust250
    Week 3 - 250mg sust250 - 4ml Stanazol 50mg
    Week 4 - 250mg sust250 - 4ml Stanazol 50mg
    Week 5 - 250mg sust250 - 6ml Stanazol 50mg
    Week 6 - 250mg sust250 - 4ml Stanazol 50mg
    Week 7 - 250mg sust250
    Week 8 - 250mg sust250

    Furthermore as last time I got sensitive nipples and no lumps I will be taking Arimidex 1/2 Tab every second Day
    and a shot of HCG 10 days after my course.

    Any feedback/tweaks/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    How old are you?

    You didn't mention anything concerning PCT.

  3. #3
    wkwkw is offline Junior Member
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    what kind of cycle was your first one?

  4. #4
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    seems a little low for a 2nd cycle .but i think that works for some people.keep the tolerance down. receptors clean

  5. #5
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    cycle was exactly the same as above and got really good results. I am 31. PCT is HCG after and arimidex durign the course.

    The first time I did this course I gained pretty big.. remember big for me is 8kg and I didn't want to go bodybuilder size.

    I am just sticking with what I know at this stage.

  6. #6
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    I have access to Dbol tabs maybe I can replace the sust with them or not really?

    Apologies - *Edit* I was tired when I made this post - I mean swap Stanaz with Dbol.
    Last edited by vyper88; 11-18-2011 at 05:43 PM.

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    So ur gona take a single shot of HCG . 10 days after ur cycle ends.....................................THAT'S UR PCT?!?!?

  8. #8
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by vyper88 View Post
    I have access to Dbol tabs maybe I can replace the sust with them or not really?
    HOLY CRAP BRO!! I wish u would do some mor research b4 u take action. Keep the Test. above ALL else.................keep the Test.

  9. #9
    cro's Avatar
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    replace the sust with d-bol WTF this is to much...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    HOLY CRAP BRO!! I wish u would do some mor research b4 u take action. Keep the Test. above ALL else.................keep the Test.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Your proposed "PCT" is lame. You need to stay here and learn a lot more before you use anything. And did you say replace the test w/d-bol? Big mistake if so.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what are your stats

  12. #12
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Its not advised to run HCG only for PCT. St Pete is right, its lame. And more research and higher learning required.

  13. #13
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    Okay so as for the course itself - lets not include the PCT at this stage. You guys think its fine?

  14. #14
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vyper88 View Post
    Okay so as for the course itself - lets not include the PCT at this stage. You guys think its fine?
    what does that mean? your not going to do a pct? or you just dont want to talk about it?


  15. #15
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    I'll take the advice fro myou guys and research the PCT - I mean moreso lets just look at the course itself.

  16. #16
    xo3et's Avatar
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    You need to run the test on cycle, this is the primary compound. Running dbol without the test will shut you down hard, you can stack the two together but do not run dbol alone.

    You need to put PCT as the primary concern and have your countermeasures in place to act upon such sides as you have already mentioned you are susceptible too. You will see many threads of people starting cycles without everything ready, you will be heading for trouble if you take this step.

    As the other have mentioned please give your stats so better advice can be given.

  17. #17
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    Okay Stats -

    Have done this course once before - without any PCT approx 7 years ago (yes stupid I know - and will definitely take everyones advice on here and research a solid PCT)
    Age: 31
    Height: 5ft10
    Weight: 76kg (Was 80kg and have started some hard dieting to get my BF % down)
    BF%: About 16-17%

    For the last 4 weeks I have been on a good diet with high protein - I have got all my bloodwork done by a Dr about 2 weeks ago with nothing alarming.

    I am wanting to go down to 13-14% before I even consider touching the Gas.

  18. #18
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    This is an easy one, Test E or C at 400 mg a wk for 10 wks with E or 12 if using C. Add 250 IU's of HCG taken twice per wk from weeks 2-end, none after your last shot of Test.

    If its been 7 years since your last cycle you will not need a second compound or a front load like Dbol to achieve good results, in addition since you wanted lean gains you would want to stay away from dbol bloat anyhow.

    Get an AI and Serms before you get your gear so you are not tempted to start before they are both in hand.

    Read Swiftos threads on PCT for information on PCT
    And Read Priming for a cycle for tips on how to nutritionally prime the body for the cycle to achieve best results.
    And yes get your body fat down before starting the cycle since you are estro sensitive this will lessen the amount of aromitization.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 11-18-2011 at 07:04 PM.

  19. #19
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^ If nothing else, listen to the guy above.

  20. #20
    vyper88 is offline Junior Member
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    wow thanks for the reply - dumb question

    What's Test E and Test C

    Test E - Enanthate - I do have access to that however I am referring sustanon as I have already used and know how my body reacts to it.

  21. #21
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    fine then run the sust alone .

  22. #22
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by vyper88 View Post
    wow thanks for the reply - dumb question

    What's Test E and Test C

    Test E - Enanthate - I do have access to that however I am referring sustanon as I have already used and know how my body reacts to it.
    thy're all test, makes no diff what you use. the sust is fine to use

  23. #23
    Gucks's Avatar
    Gucks is offline Member
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    test c is cypionate , its pretty much inter-changable with enanthate in terms of half life. im guessing u know sust is just a mix of test prop, phenylprop, iso and deca . 250mg is a bit low, why not go 500mg? and u edited the post about changing winny for d-bols, d-bols will give u faster gains with alot of water retention and good strength gains. its up to you, and if u run d-bols run them weeks 1-4 at 30-50mg ED.

    did u need alot of ai on ur first cycle? keep the arimidex on hand untill u see sides and then add the .5 mg ED, maybe .25 ED if u dont have bad sides at that low dose of test.

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