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  1. #1
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    finally registered and would like some help

    Ok so I have been lurking around these forums for awhile now. Trying to gain knowledge before I hopped on and sounded like a complete idiot, like I have seen many ppl do here.

    So ill start with stats

    I have been lifting a good 9 yrs and also trained and competed in mma and jiu jitsu. about 2 yrs ago I let myself go. Got married and had a baby, the usually excuse for getting lazy. but I have been hard at work back on the diet and training for a good 6 months. went from 26% bf down to now 18-19
    I have never used AAS before

    Ok so now my plan is to get down to 13-15% bf and start a cycle. so prolly sometime in january. before I learned anything about the proper use of AAS I was planning to take a 12wk cycle of test c and winny the last 6 weeks. now im thinking of just taking test c for 12wks and see how I fare. I figured I would do a bulking cycle, PCT, wait a little then do a cycle of test with winny. But I hear the great effects of "jumpstarting" your cycle with 4 wks of dbol especially when using long chain esters and am getting really tempted to do that. is 4 wks of dbol really going to hurt someone on their first cycle? also I got a reliable source that has offered test 400 should I do that or just stick with cyp? test 400 sounds good I mean with being able to have the long and short esters in one. Also ive always been heavy. Any diet I have been on was to cut so im a little iffy on eating for a bulking cycle. I mean ive read alot on it but just never actually done it. I just dont want to get puffy or put on any fat. But i am used to eating very clean so hopefully that wont happen. Any suggestions or words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated. And I look forward to being a part of this community for a long time.

  2. #2
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Everyone is going to tell you to work on diet first. Better post that soon

  3. #3
    jasc's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard gs... Nice to see someone put in some effort to learn before posting nonsense

    It sounds like you have a pretty good grip on the AAS, Do you have a pct planned out?
    A test only cycle would be recommended by 95% of the people on here and would be the best way to go. If you insist on dbol , you could use it towards the end after you have seen how your body reacts to test, although it would be a good idea to save it for your 2nd cycle. Also, for most people dbol puts on a bit of water weight and bloat which could give you that puffy look you're worried about.

    Also, as Denver said, If you need help sorting out the diet to cut bf quicker head to the Nutrition section, got some real pros there. If you are serious about cutting fat and getting your body in an optimal state to put on lean muscle check out Marcus's thread on "Priming before cycle".

    As far as Test C or T400... It'd be personal preference. As you said, the T400 has a variety of esters and the short esters will begin to work faster than the Test C. Personally, I have not used either of those 2 so I'll let someone with more experience guide ya further.
    Last edited by jasc; 11-19-2011 at 10:35 AM.

  4. #4
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    very true, wasnt going to post it cause I work nights and am off to bed soon. ok heres my diet

    2250 cal,~220 protein, 220 carbs, 50 fat

    meal 1
    7 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1/2 rolled oats

    meal 2
    tbsp peanut butter, 2 slices ezekial bread, 10 strawberries

    meal 3
    5oz chicken breast, sweet tater, 1 cup broccoli

    meal 4
    5 oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 3cups spinach 1/2 avocado

    meal 5
    5 oz fish, 1/3 cup brown rice, 1 cup steamed veggies

    meal 6 (post workout)
    protein shake, and a quick white carb, usually bagel or english muffin

  5. #5
    DIESELPWR's Avatar
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    i woudnt do t400.. usually it can be quite painful for injections and you would rather have the single long ester of test c or e to keep your levels stable

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    First. Your initial cycle should be test only. Standard cycle of test c or e, 12 weeks, 500mg/week. Go here to figure out a proper PCT.

    Do not start any cycle without all your gear on hand, including your PCT!

    The reason for your first cycle test only, is you need to learn and become familiar with what that does to your body. Never add two compounds to a cycle that you have no experience with! Why? If something goes wrong, how are you to know which one is causing the problem? If you start with test first, then you will know what that does to you. Next time, you can add one (1) additional compound, such as dbol or winnie. Make sense?

    Next. 18 or 19% body fat means you should be thinking about a cutting cycle, not a bulking cycle! your BF% really is too high to start cycling (due to potential negative feminine sides), so if you must cycle, then do a cutting cycle and drive down your bf%. (Are you guessing, or do you have calipers?)

    I see your diet above. Without a deep analysis (we can do that in the diet section), you will need to gain an understanding of your BMR/TDEE by going here:

    (btw.. i see about a 200 caloric variance between your total calories and your grams of prot/carb/fat - to fix this, go to the macro section here: )

    To cut, you need to be in a caloric deficit mode. You may be there already with only 2250 cals. But without knowing your BMR/TDEE, you won't know for sure by how much.

    I believe that 15% (others will say much lower) is the maximum BF% you should be at before cycling. And therefore, since bulking brings on additional BF%, you should be below 15% before considering a bulking cycle.

    To learn more about a cutting cycle, go here:

    I hope some of this makes sense, and I'm sure we will be seeing you in the future bumping around here at the board!

  7. #7
    jasc's Avatar
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    Overall food choices look pretty good. Personally, I am not a fan of meal #2. Fat and Carbs should not be present in the same meal unless bulking. You'd be better off doing protein/fat or protein/carbs imo.

    If you haven't done so yet, I'd post your diet in the Nutrition section. Gbrice or one of the other vets have more specialized knowledge in that area and will help you with it more than folks in the Q&A section.

  8. #8
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    Roman- I would absolutely not start my cycle at 18%bf. In my opener I meant get to 13-15% and then start my cycle. Not start it to get to 13. Im not going to start until late january- early february. I wanted to bulk at that time then pct and then try a cutting cycle right at summer time. so for my first cycle I will do 12 wks of test c followed by nolva pct 40/40/20/20 (I didnt mention this in my first post, but I was not going to forget to do PCT) I would like to use hcg also but have no idea where to get it, guess ill ask my source. I dont suppose ar would have that right? also will have letro on hand just in case. Also from what i've read I figured everyone would say stick with one compound and I do because I dont want to **** myself up.

    jasc- thats funny I never even realized that I had just fat/ carbs in meal 2. when I get on my days off here on wednesday ill head to the diet section and try to get on the most optimal meal plan (14- 12 hr days in a row kinda kill the want to do research while exhausted)

    Just want to thank the both of you for your input did I mention that im ****ing stoked and cant wait to experience this?

  9. #9
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    I was also wondering why t400 is so painful to inject. I've heard it a few times. But I don't see why its just a combination of the tests I guess its also a combination of their pain too lol.
    Last edited by gsRuffneck; 11-20-2011 at 02:44 AM. Reason: Spelling

  10. #10
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
    gsRuffneck is offline New Member
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    Ok a little more. should I pin 2x a week or just all 500 at once? I just ordered my pct but then read a post on how research chemicals are hit and miss! I did buy these from a website and they are research chems. Should I count on these for my PCT??

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsRuffneck View Post
    I was also wondering why t400 is so painful to inject. I've heard it a few times. But I don't see why its just a combination of the tests I guess its also a combination of their pain too lol.
    Higher the mgs per ml the more pain usually, depending on what is used as a solution.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  12. #12
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    still looking for someone to weigh in on the research chem thing. I would hate to have wasted my money on something I cant count on and I wont take them if I cant trust them. someone pls let me know. hopefully roman or another vet can give me some wisdom.

  13. #13
    jasc's Avatar
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    Split the cyp in to twice a week

    The research chems are a tough call. Many board members use/have used research chems with success, but it all depends on the company. Some are better than others n some are crap.
    Board rules, we can not discuss rc sources openly at this point n you can't pm yet so not much anyone can do for you yet.
    While you're dieting down get enough quality posts on here n you should be able to pm vets for a source check before you start.

  14. #14
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    maybe I can sneak this one in. It is or used to be one of the sponsors for this forum. three letters and a dash. Not sure if im crossing the line just trying to see if I need to buy pharm from my source.

  15. #15
    jasc's Avatar
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    Do a quick search on research chems and you will see the old sponsor talked about frequently. You'll be happy with what you find.

  16. #16
    cb714's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsRuffneck View Post
    maybe I can sneak this one in. It is or used to be one of the sponsors for this forum. three letters and a dash. Not sure if im crossing the line just trying to see if I need to buy pharm from my source.
    Good to go

    Quote Originally Posted by gsRuffneck View Post
    Ok a little more. should I pin 2x a week or just all 500 at once? I just ordered my pct but then read a post on how research chemicals are hit and miss! I did buy these from a website and they are research chems. Should I count on these for my PCT??
    twice a week is recommended to keep blood levels stable although I know people that pin once a week. Only thing about once a week is that per my Doc, you shouldn't inject more than 1ml (of any substance) into small muscle groups such as delts. So if you plan on pinning delts stick to twice per week, which is probably the better choice anyway.

  17. #17
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    so I was wondering if my PCT was good enough for a 500 mgs of test a wk cycle or if I should add clomid?? any thoughts? or would clomid be used more for a cycle with more to it like dbol or other compounds

  18. #18
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    so can anyone help me out. Is nolva 40/40/20/20 sufficient for a test only cycle or should I add clomid??

  19. #19
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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  20. #20
    lenovo69's Avatar
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    whats up ruffneck.. if u need any help getting anything PM me.


  21. #21
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    Well seen as I am a new member I cannot pm and you are to so I doubt you can either. any ways I have the best source in the world and have access to everything under the sun. all pharm quality. I was just wondering if clomid should be added to my pct or is nolva was sufficient. also nothing against you but I wouldnt buy anything from ppl on a forum sorry

  22. #22
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    Wtf im trying to ask this question in the pct forum because this post has headed more that way and also cause no one is helping me with my last question. but my post keeps getting denied because of spam .is nolva suffiecient or do i need clomid also?

  23. #23
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsRuffneck View Post
    Wtf im trying to ask this question in the pct forum because this post has headed more that way and also cause no one is helping me with my last question. but my post keeps getting denied because of spam .is nolva suffiecient or do i need clomid also?

    Nolva alone is fine. Its preferable to use both for best effect.

  24. #24
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    ok well I def want the best effect so maybe clomid 50/50/25/25 with 100 the first day?

  25. #25
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
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    And also thank you for helping me.

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