Ok i have several questions.... Ive been reading on other forums and found contradicting advice.......

i have fairly decent genetics when it comes to muscle development.... ive worked out on and off for a while since 98-2005 and each time saw decent results and stopped..... but have no experience with pro hormones or "designer steroids "

september 2010 i started hitting the weights for the first time in 5 years and havent stopped since ..... i was introduced to a preworkout called MEGANOX in june 2011 and ran out if it in Asugust 2011... I researched it and found out it had a designer steroid in it called Superdrol.... i got some really good results out of it, and found out there was a whole other "designer steroid" market out there that has been in existence or quite some time....but since i was a newbie i was not in the know....in september 2011 i ordered M-Stane(superdrol) and have been taking 20 mgs of it since stacked with 30 mgs of P stane(stanzabolin) only on the days i work out....

The results have been phenomenal... way quicker gains than i could have ever imagined, and based on my research i have been taking them for too long with no break.... i still have 2 60ct(10mg) bottles of M-Stane and i just got in a bottle of EP-Stane(15mg epistane).... i also ordered a bottle of 20mg/ml 60ml of Tamoxifen Citrate from *******....

its probably best i stop taking the M-Stane(superdrol) and take the EP-Stane(epistane).... so like say i finish the "cycle" of EPistane in a month from now,,,,,,, should i start taking Tamox now, concurrently with epistane or after im done with the EPistane cycle?
ive read other sites that say yes take Tamox and Epistane together and ive read other pros that say take Tamox alone after im off the pro hormones

when im off the pro hormones, what muscle builder do i take when im off the roids for a month.... or is keeping up my good low fat high protein diet enough? im taking gaspari myofusion......the best tasting protein i have tried yet