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  1. #1
    dhfresh is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up How much is too Much!?!?!?! pro cycle?!

    so im on my thrid cycle now and just wanted some feed back. im 21, weighting in at 210lbs at around 15% BF. ive been off for 6 months and decided to jump back on.

    Im kicking the cycle off with T water 100 (suspension) at 1cc Per day and halotesin at 40mg per day for about 5 weeks. I have also started 3cc of tren 100, 1cc EQ 300, 1.5cc test 250(cyp), 1.5 test 300(eth), 1cc Deca250, 3cc Primobolan 100, Vitmin B12 2cc - PER WEEK. after the halo runs out i will be taking Dbol and Anavar for the home strech. it will be a 4-5 month cycle. throughout the cycle i will be running HCG at 500iu every 4 days.

    I think its a pretty solid cycle... I do feel like a pin cushion but that's alright. Any feed back would be GREATLY appreciated!

    Happy Lifting!!!


  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Welcome dhfresh. R u aware of the significantly greater risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA that comes with cycling @ ur age? BTW, that's a ridiculously insane cycle 4 a beginner, hell, thats a lot 4 a pro.

  3. #3
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
    rippedfromabove is offline Associate Member
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    dude.. All that at 21? Any problems have occurred thus far?

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i see health issues in your future

  5. #5
    dhfresh is offline New Member
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    I just started last week so i will have to wait a little while but im looking to go up to 240lbs. i understand its a large cycle but i want to go big and thats what im going to do. any feed back guys?

  6. #6
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhfresh View Post
    I just started last week so i will have to wait a little while but im looking to go up to 240lbs. i understand its a large cycle but i want to go big and thats what im going to do. any feed back guys?
    Stop now & save urself from urself.................

  7. #7
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Way to many compounds
    Way to young (esp for a 3rd cycle)
    How tall are you? Seems its a waste for all the compounds and at 15% bf, natural work could be better
    Smart using HCG , but better have a good PCT planned
    Get bloodwork done afterwards (should have done so before starting...)
    realize what you are doing to your body, and if you truely understand what you are doing and become very informed on the usage of AAS.

    good luck

  8. #8
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm thinking this is a troll post as this cycle would be such a waste of gear for someone at your level that you might as well ship it to me so it wouldn't go to waste. I probably have a good 20lbs of LBM on you and Test e 125mg/wk with tren ace 400-700mg/wk is more than enough to give me great progress. A cycle you described is for someone thats been doing roids for years and even then most "smart" users wouldn't run a cycle like that.

  9. #9
    dhfresh is offline New Member
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    I just rounded up the 15% bf... I am certain it is lower than that prob 12% or less but w.e. I have a good PCT set up as well as precision dieting and nutrition (multi, liver support, heart support, etc plus 15mins of cardio daily) I eat 8 times a day and am in the gym lifting everyday without fail. I understand its a big cycle and that I'm "breaking" the rules a bit but I take this seriously which is why I've decided to go on a serious cycle...

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhfresh View Post
    I just rounded up the 15% bf... I am certain it is lower than that prob 12% or less but w.e. I have a good PCT set up as well as precision dieting and nutrition (multi, liver support, heart support, etc plus 15mins of cardio daily) I eat 8 times a day and am in the gym lifting everyday without fail. I understand its a big cycle and that I'm "breaking" the rules a bit but I take this seriously which is why I've decided to go on a serious cycle...
    15 mins of cardio daily..............WHOA!!! Don't over do it now buddy.........

  11. #11
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Good God, I feel I'm taking risks at 46 years old taking 500mg test and 400mg deca . I couldn't imagine taking all that. I hate to be blunt but the term get big or DIE trying comes to mind. That is one scary cycle. Good Luck I really hope you don't hurt yourself doing this.....sigh ...crazy

  12. #12
    dhfresh is offline New Member
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    well i plan on proving the nay sayers wrong... i will post results per month. all input is appreciated. thank you

  13. #13
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhfresh View Post
    well i plan on proving the nay sayers wrong... i will post results per month. all input is appreciated. thank you
    I hope for your sake you prove us all wrong. I don't want to be right this time.

  14. #14
    caseih8882 is offline New Member
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    Sounds like a terrible idea

  15. #15
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    why SOOO many components? deca AND tren ? ...why

    40mg halotestin daily? you realise 30mg daily of this shit has sent people straight to their grave, and 20mg to the hospital? halotestin is some serious shit, bro, its nearly 19 times as powerful as test (tren is 5x and is considered the most powerful injectable)

  16. #16
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Might want to give the mrs alot of sex over the next cpl of weeks. Cuz that'll probably the last time she'll ever get it, at least from you anyway!! Hope this is a troll post if not then if you need that much gas to grow, you have some serious problems and will not maintain a lb of are 21 /facepalm

  17. #17
    streeter's Avatar
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    Sorry OP I gotta raise the I serious can't believe your gonna do this after what everyone has told you. I think your trolling.

  18. #18
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    im 20 and i also take alot of gear/not coming off. but this cycle is just stupid.ull be in the hospital peeing blood by the time ur finishing ur cycle.alot of these people wont help u cause ur young. but im the same as you so ima give you my 2cents.

    why not just go with a gram of test and 75 tren ace ed? run it 12 weeks(which is along time to run tren) ull grow like a mofo. adding all those other compounds would be almost useless,added stress on the system. your blood will be very thick from all this aswell. say hi to being on stroke and heart attack watch as for halo will do nothing but give u strength. u wont gain a pound from it. if u run these compounds u will be in trouble. the orals and the oral doses will guarentee u with liver problems unless u get a prescribed liver aid.

    cycle like these do not turn kids into pros, they turn kids into hospital patients peeing be a pro ull need tons of gh and slin. but im not even gonna talk about that with you as u dont even know what ur doing and shouldnt be on aas cause u cant even make ur third cycle.
    Last edited by markdbg; 11-24-2011 at 03:41 AM.

  19. #19
    moseley2004's Avatar
    moseley2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Clown! Thanks for the read!

  20. #20
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    15 mins of cardio daily..............WHOA!!! Don't over do it now buddy.........

  21. #21
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhfresh View Post
    I just rounded up the 15% bf... I am certain it is lower than that prob 12% or less but w.e. I have a good PCT set up as well as precision dieting and nutrition (multi, liver support, heart support, etc plus 15mins of cardio daily) I eat 8 times a day and am in the gym lifting everyday without fail. I understand its a big cycle and that I'm "breaking" the rules a bit but I take this seriously which is why I've decided to go on a serious cycle...
    *face palm*, im not even getting into this one............

  22. #22
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    im 20 and i also take alot of gear/not coming off. but this cycle is just stupid.ull be in the hospital peeing blood by the time ur finishing ur cycle.alot of these people wont help u cause ur young. but im the same as you so ima give you my 2cents.

    why not just go with a gram of test and 75 tren ace ed? run it 12 weeks(which is along time to run tren) ull grow like a mofo. adding all those other compounds would be almost useless,added stress on the system. your blood will be very thick from all this aswell. say hi to being on stroke and heart attack watch as for halo will do nothing but give u strength. u wont gain a pound from it. if u run these compounds u will be in trouble. the orals and the oral doses will guarentee u with liver problems unless u get a prescribed liver aid.

    cycle like these do not turn kids into pros, they turn kids into hospital patients peeing be a pro ull need tons of gh and slin. but im not even gonna talk about that with you as u dont even know what ur doing and shouldnt be on aas cause u cant even make ur third cycle.
    here comes the dumb to lead the dumb.

    please do not post rubbish like this

  23. #23
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    here comes the dumb to lead the dumb.

    please do not post rubbish like this
    I was going to literally say the same thing. This thread is ridiculous.

  24. #24
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    15 minutes of cardio a day
    lifts weight "EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAILURE"
    Takes evry drug under the sun including
    5 months of orals.
    I can only hope this is total bullshit.

  25. #25
    alllooksnnogo's Avatar
    alllooksnnogo is offline Junior Member
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    wow way to many compounds thrown together in one big mess. Not a good idea. LESS IS MORE!! You will make great gains if you stick to proper nutrition and small amounts of gear. You will clog your receptors and waist waist WAIST your time and money!!! At 21 your GP's are still open as well.

    I hope that this was just compiled because you simply don't understand and not that you thought this thru, because if you think you thought this thru then please stop putting things into your body that you dont understand and save your health!

  26. #26
    dhfresh is offline New Member
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    Ok, so this is the deal. I obtained bad advice about dosage and apparently mixture from a resource that I trusted (my big bro). So what I'm taking from this thread is that this much gear will take me in and/or around my grave or damage me for life. so with this in mind Id like to ask for some advice for a safer dosage that is still on the heavier side of things and I've already decided to cut down to 12weeks base on this thread alone. I'm not troll or putting up fake post. I'm really put this much in my body as we speak based on bad advice so good advice is what I need. I want to stay on the same compounds but at better dosages keeping in mind that my liver and heart health are optimal and dieting is bang on. (the 15mins of cardio was high intensity interval just to give my heart a good pump and keep it healthy, my focus is on lifting). All real advice is appreciated! advice from exp persons please! I made a mistake based on bad advice so lets see if we can get me back on track

  27. #27
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The fact is you need more education you are risking hurting yourself badly. Your health is not something to expiriment with.

  28. #28
    Blade15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Welcome dhfresh. R u aware of the significantly greater risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA that comes with cycling @ ur age? BTW, that's a ridiculously insane cycle 4 a beginner, hell, thats a lot 4 a pro.
    ^^ Agreed 10000000X....

  29. #29
    STEVEMK85 is offline New Member
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    crazy and I thought 900 mg of test a week alone for 12 weeks was a big cycle for me. I have done 6 cycles and still haven't tried, Tren , Mast, or halo. I would never take halo anyways unless I was into powerlifting.

  30. #30
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Surely this isnt for real... Can there seriously be anyone that stupid

  31. #31
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhfresh View Post
    Ok, so this is the deal. I obtained bad advice about dosage and apparently mixture from a resource that I trusted (my big bro). So what I'm taking from this thread is that this much gear will take me in and/or around my grave or damage me for life. so with this in mind Id like to ask for some advice for a safer dosage that is still on the heavier side of things and I've already decided to cut down to 12weeks base on this thread alone. I'm not troll or putting up fake post. I'm really put this much in my body as we speak based on bad advice so good advice is what I need. I want to stay on the same compounds but at better dosages keeping in mind that my liver and heart health are optimal and dieting is bang on. (the 15mins of cardio was high intensity interval just to give my heart a good pump and keep it healthy, my focus is on lifting). All real advice is appreciated! advice from exp persons please! I made a mistake based on bad advice so lets see if we can get me back on track
    Stop lifting weights EVERY DAY. Choose 1 test and stick with it. Pick one....tren or deca . Pick one......anavar or dbol . That is my advice. Don't just continue to take everything but in smaller doses. I've been cycling for a long time and have never taken more than 3 compounds at once.

  32. #32
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    There certainly is aot going on here. Agree with above post. But you really are too young. Listen to all the vets posting

  33. #33
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhfresh View Post
    Ok, so this is the deal. I obtained bad advice about dosage and apparently mixture from a resource that I trusted (my big bro). So what I'm taking from this thread is that this much gear will take me in and/or around my grave or damage me for life. so with this in mind Id like to ask for some advice for a safer dosage that is still on the heavier side of things and I've already decided to cut down to 12weeks base on this thread alone. I'm not troll or putting up fake post. I'm really put this much in my body as we speak based on bad advice so good advice is what I need. I want to stay on the same compounds but at better dosages keeping in mind that my liver and heart health are optimal and dieting is bang on. (the 15mins of cardio was high intensity interval just to give my heart a good pump and keep it healthy, my focus is on lifting). All real advice is appreciated! advice from exp persons please! I made a mistake based on bad advice so lets see if we can get me back on track
    give me your scientific reason for rounding your bf up tp 15% and then reckoning its below 12%. go on, im all eyes............

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