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Thread: Anavar only

  1. #1
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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    Anavar only

    Age 27
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    I want it run a cycle of Anavar for 8 weeks 60 mg a day split into 30 morning 30 night.

    Pct nova

    Hcg ?????

    I have access to pretty much anything so I am open to any suggestions.

    Thanks bros!!

  2. #2
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Can you please elaborate on why anavar is an attractive option for you? Goal etc.

  4. #4
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    you don't need HCG , also try to take them in different doses like 20/20/20 split throughout the day to keep blood levels steady

  5. #5
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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    I have Psoriatic arthritis and I down want to inject and I heard winny is bad on your joints I thought Anavar would be a good option for me

  6. #6
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
    rippedfromabove is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, you should always run plain Test on 1st cycle. This way you see how your body reacts. You are gonna have to get over fear of needles. HCG is good when running test.. But if you do decide to take it, it will be split twice weekly , and discontinued 5 days before pct. And welcome to the boards!

  7. #7
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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    Im not scared of needles I inject my self once a month for the Psoriatic arthritis

  8. #8
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    Anavar only cycle is fine. I've done it a couple of times. It's much better coupled with Test. 60mg for 8 weeks is a good cycle. I did one cycle at 80mg/8wks and one cycle at 100mg/8wks. I always do a full pct at Nolavdex 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50. If you run a low dose Test, about 200mg/wk, you'll see good results. Test in low doses helps joints. In high doses it doesn't do much.

  9. #9
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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    How is it on the hair though I don't really want to lose my hair

  10. #10
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Rockstar maybe anabolic agents are not for you.

  11. #11
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
    rippedfromabove is offline Associate Member
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    Just keep it simple with test first. You have virgin receptors so you are gonna grow like a weed!

  12. #12
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
    rippedfromabove is offline Associate Member
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    Just keep it simple with test first. You have virgin receptors so you are gonna grow like a we*d

  13. #13
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    I also agree that Var can be run by itself with good results. It asll dpends on what you are expecting to achieve.

  14. #14
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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    How does my pct look?

  15. #15
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    I've done Var only a good few times with great results. My first was 60mg a day but now if I run that cycle I run 80.
    I love the cycle.
    I'd throw 50mg/day of Prov keep ya cock raging well just incase. introduce it about week three. i do anyway just in case.
    and I only use Nolva for PCT with it.
    Clomid ****s me up lol
    No need for HCG .

  16. #16
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    I've done Var only a good few times with great results. My first was 60mg a day but now if I run that cycle I run 80.
    I love the cycle.
    I'd throw 50mg/day of Prov keep ya cock raging well just incase. introduce it about week three. i do anyway just in case.
    and I only use Nolva for PCT with it.
    Clomid ****s me up lol
    No need for HCG.
    I agree. 80mg/day for 8 weeks is my sweet spot. Nolva @ 40/40/20/20. No need for clomid. Make sure you get some liver support, dial in your diet and up your cardio and youll be fine....

  17. #17
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Hair will be fine on var

  18. #18
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    why are you saying this ?wtf .because he wants to run var on its own .its 1 of the few that can be run with out test.WHY NOT>>>>>>..l
    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Rockstar maybe anabolic agents are not for you.

  19. #19
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove;5815***
    Ok, you should always run plain Test on 1st cycle. This way you see how your body reacts. You are gonna have to get over fear of needles. HCG is good when running test.. But if you do decide to take it, it will be split twice weekly , and discontinued 5 days before pct. And welcome to the boards!
    theres nothing wrong with the op's decision to run anavar is one of the few aas that you can do so with...just throwing that out there...

  20. #20
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    My first ever cycle was anavar and HCG ,i was impressed with the results i got with it.The HCG will keep your test level in the high range of your normal levels..

  21. #21
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    why are you saying this ?wtf .because he wants to run var on its own .its 1 of the few that can be run with out test.WHY NOT>>>>>>..l
    whether or not you can run var alone and be g2g is whether at the suggested dose rate and cycle duration, it will shut you down. of course everyone is different. If you know for a fact it will not shut you down, then no big deal. it becomes a big deal because it has been found that at 80mg/day for 6 weeks almost 2/3 of mates taking var will have a partial to total shut down. At low doses, it does not shut you down.

    So it becomes a calculated risk. I've taken as much as 100mg/day for 6 weeks, and before I went on trt, there was no doubt I was shut down.

    Because it is a calculated risk, most here will recommend, since advice should be conservative in general, that it would be prudent to run with test, then pct after.

    Whether or not OP decides to take the advice is up to OP. If an error in giving advice, better to be on the safe side, wouldn't you agree?

  22. #22
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    My first ever cycle was anavar and HCG,i was impressed with the results i got with it.The HCG will keep your test level in the high range of your normal levels..
    I have no experience with HCG , but this option, instead of test, could work too

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