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  1. #1
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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    Anavar with p90x

    Hi guys, I'm new here, and have a few questions.

    First of all, I know we can't name sources, but I have recently purchased Anavar . I have a question as to whether using it with a fitness program such as p90x would be viable, considering the fact that Anavar is one of the mildest/safest orals out there, aside from the liver effects that can appear without responsible use.

    I've decided on Anavar because I am not looking for massive size, just cutting/definition/hardness.

    Also, how long should a typical cycle be? I'm guessing something like 8 weeks. I don't want to stack it with anything else, as I am looking more for definition and firmness rather than size. I'm currenty 6 ft tall and 205 pds. I'm not sure if weight has an effect on what I should use. Also, should I expect hair loss? Will I need some sort of testosterone booster after I finish the cycle?

    I'm asking here because I hear there are lots of knowledgeable posters willing to help. I recently finished my first round of p90x and dropped 45 pounds, and am looking to add a little something to boost results. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I am at about 19% body fat at the moment. I am not sure if any other stats are needed?
    Last edited by cuniasus; 11-24-2011 at 02:36 PM.

  2. #2
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    RB3232's Avatar
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  4. #4
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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    what do you need??

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RB3232 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by cuniasus View Post
    Hi guys, I'm new here, and have a few questions.

    First of all, I know we can't name sources, but I have recently purchased Anavar . I have a question as to whether using it with a fitness program such as p90x would be viable, considering the fact that Anavar is one of the mildest/safest orals out there, aside from the liver effects that can appear without responsible use.

    I've decided on Anavar because I am not looking for massive size, just cutting/definition/hardness.

    Also, how long should a typical cycle be? I'm guessing something like 8 weeks. I don't want to stack it with anything else, as I am looking more for definition and firmness rather than size. I'm currenty 6 ft tall and 205 pds. I'm not sure if weight has an effect on what I should use. Also, should I expect hair loss? Will I need some sort of testosterone booster after I finish the cycle?

    I'm asking here because I hear there are lots of knowledgeable posters willing to help. I recently finished my first round of p90x and dropped 45 pounds, and am looking to add a little something to boost results. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I am at about 19% body fat at the moment. I am not sure if any other stats are needed?
    31 yrs old.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-24-2011 at 03:18 PM.

  6. #6
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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    I guess it would be what the bear posted above:

    Age: 31
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 205
    body fat:19%

    anything else that is needed just let me know. Thanks for the help guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Anavar is a pretty safe steroid . Yes, it's the mildest oral but I always get good results from Anavar. 19% bf is high to be taking steroids . The general rule of thumb is that higher the body fat the more likelihood of getting side effect from AAS. You should start doing P90X and dieting to get yourself down below 15% bf before you start cycling. AAS is to increase your natural potential. It's not a short cut. Good luck.

  8. #8
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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    Thank you Scotch. That's exactly what I am looking for. A bit of an increase to my natural potential, nothing too obvious you know?

    Personally, I am unsure as to if the body fat % that I gave is even trustworthy, only because I used various online calculators and got anywhere from 13-19 %, depending on the calculator in question.

    Regardless, I am above average in the fitness department, have decent definition, and the abs are there, so I am guessing that the percentage of body fat is less than what the calculator predicted. I do think as you however, since I am not trying to do my body more harm than good, and want to fully investigate and get the opinions of experienced individuals before actually starting to cycle.

    If I were to cycle, and this can be answered by whoever wants to, what would be a good amount and time frame to work with? I was thinking 30mg for 8 wks. Too much? Too long a time?


  9. #9
    iluv2b_free is offline New Member
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    The Basic Points:
    1. VAR, WINNY and PROVIRON are ALL DHT derivatives (in increasing closeness to DHT; Proviron is the closest thing we have to orally active Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It's basically methylated (1-methyl) DHT)
    2. ALL the above are 17-alpha alkylated to remain orally active, as are all orally active AAS (including t-bol, d-bol and oxys)
    3.Liver Toxicity is based on having the 17-alpha alkylation.

    So why is VAR considered mild? becuase original pharma VAR (when all these studies where done, they where all pharma) came in 2.5mg tabs...

    No one took (in the studies) 50mg of VAR... they took 2.5-5mg (designed for women and children); even d-bol was given in studies at 10mg (came in 5mg tabs) since that was considered te FULL adult repla***ent TEST dose for adult men..

    So yes in the studies, VAR caused the least liver disruption... and anapolon/anadrol -50 the most (50mg tab)

    Nowdays, most use UGL VAR, and dose at a hgher rate than oxys! every one shakes in their boots about doing 100mg of oxys for 4 weeks, but think nothing of 6-8 weeks on 100mg anavar ... and mg for mg, they have the same liver toxicity- they have the SAME 17-alpha alkylation!

    Next myth.. anabolic /androgen ratio:

    The androgenic :anabolic ratio of an AAS is an important factor when determining the clinical application of these compounds. Compounds with a high ratio of androgenic to a anabolic effects are the drug of choice in androgen-repla***ent therapy (e.g., treating hypogonadism in males), whereas compounds with a reduced androgenic:anabolic ratio are preferred for anemia and osteoporosis, and to reverse protein loss following trauma, surgery, or prolonged immobilization. Determination of androgenic:anabolic ratio is typically performed in animal studies, which has led to the marketing of some compounds claimed to have anabolic activity with weak androgenic effects. This disassociation is less marked in humans, where all anabolic steroids have significant androgenic effects

    actually the point is... anavar is meant to be somewhere between 1:3 and 1: 13 on the androgenic to anabolic ration, and oxys are 1:3. What does this mean? well from an androgen perspective I'd be more comfortable with my girl taking 12.5mg (quarter) of oxy-50 than 50mg of anavar... even low androgen: anabolic ratio AAS like anavar, are high androgens at higher doses.. its dose dependent...the overall androgen levels build up! (not a big deal for guys, but just be aware that at 100mg/day, anavar is not a low androgen...)

    Where anavar, winny, t-bol, d-bol, oxys etc differ? (well t-bol and d-bol are Testosterone derviatives, and Oxys are PROGESTERONE derivatives, and the others as I've said before are DHT derivatives) is that the differnces between them is the other effects- so anavar and winny have very little water retention, d-bol and oxys loads, and t-bol in between those.... so choose on effect..

    what does all the above mean? well from a value for money perspective, I'd use winny over anavar if I'm dieting and want low water retention... if on an oral only cycle, i'd add an equal amount of proviron; if taking injectibles I'd add masteron to keep hard and dry...

    there is nothing magic about anavar fat loss wise... its just low water retention.. and winny is just as good and half the price.. the rest is all diet and training for fat loss!

  10. #10
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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    iluv2b thx for all the awesome info and for your opinion. I am looking at anavar as an aid to reach my goals of not too big, defined, and solid. I understand that it's not a fat loss agent per se, although it does assist w/ midsection fat loss from what I understand. I am dieting and taking about 150 gms of protein throughout the day, along with my daily dose of creatine. It's my understanding that adding anavar would boost the creatine's effects. Is this true?

  11. #11
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Test should be added to the anavar .

  12. #12
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    P90 works, but you must follow the diet. You wont be able to keep up with all the workouts but need to keep pushing. I know one of the guys on the Video. And yes var will help you and you can do without the test. You need at least 50mg a day. Some pills are underdone so you can take more, Up to 100 mg or more a day. 80 mg will give you better results than 50. Make sure you have enough and try the different dosages to fine tune your needs.

  13. #13
    cuniasus is offline New Member
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    sizzle, I've already done one round of p90x and love the results as far as weight loss (45 pounds in 90 days) and definition. I am looking to build more size now though, and have heard var will help mildly, which is all I am looking for. Thanks for the input.

    What are the most common side effects of var? I know what they are in general, I was just wondering if there are one or two side effects I can (more than likely) expect


  14. #14
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    If you are looking for size then I suggest 80 mg of var. Start at 40 and see work it up. Like I said get enough and try it out at different dosages. As far as diet goes if you are trying bulk the you need more protein and a little more calories than the 90x Diet. More lean meat and at least 2-3 high protein shakes a day. No less than 1 mg of protein per lb of body weight. Sides are mild and you can look them up on this site. Also read about PCT.

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