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  1. #1
    bradhore's Avatar
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    Ephedrin v Clen ?

    Ive only ever done clen , but im a bit put off by the lack of sleep i get on it. Wondering is Eph ok to take and sleep whilse on it??

    Also what sort of dosages should usually be taken and how should they be spread out? should you tapper up and tapper down dosages?

  2. #2
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    Clen increases your body metabolism by about 6% to 9%. Ephedrine increases your body metabolism by about 3% to 5%. If you stack the Ephedrine with Caffeine and Aspirin you'll get a synergistic effect similar to clen. Clen was really effective for me. Just start low at 20mcg/day and work. You don't really need much if you're doing hard cardio. I take 20mcg every other day and I'm staying pretty lean.

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02;5815811[B
    ]Clen increases your body metabolism by about 6% to 9%. Ephedrine increases your body metabolism by about 3% to 5%[/B]. If you stack the Ephedrine with Caffeine and Aspirin you'll get a synergistic effect similar to clen. Clen was really effective for me. Just start low at 20mcg/day and work. You don't really need much if you're doing hard cardio. I take 20mcg every other day and I'm staying pretty lean.
    Where did you get these numbers from?

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Clen increases your body metabolism by about 6% to 9%. Ephedrine increases your body metabolism by about 3% to 5%. If you stack the Ephedrine with Caffeine and Aspirin you'll get a synergistic effect similar to clen. Clen was really effective for me. Just start low at 20mcg/day and work. You don't really need much if you're doing hard cardio. I take 20mcg every other day and I'm staying pretty lean.
    not sure about those numbers scotch?

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    eph is more an 'of the moment' drug for burning bf, around 6hrs iirc, whereas clen is working on you all the time.

    you def will not sleep on eph, you take it and train while you're getting the buzz off it, its not an around the clock thing
    Last edited by dec11; 11-24-2011 at 04:36 PM.

  6. #6
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    Good point. Always good to question origin of data. I read these number from a different forum as the same question was being discussed. We're not allowed to post links to different sites. PM me if you want more info.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Good point. Always good to question origin of data. I read these number from a different forum as the same question was being discussed. We're not allowed to post links to different sites. PM me if you want more info.
    id of thought ppl's metabolisms would be affected differently and it would atke alot of testing under different conditions to work out %

  8. #8
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    That's true. I don't think there's an exact science in this field in any of the AAS. There's always ball park figures we list. Even the "normal" range of natural Testosterone or IGF is large. I think the range of metabolic increase with Clen and Eph seems reasonable. IMHO

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Good point. Always good to question origin of data. I read these number from a different forum as the same question was being discussed. We're not allowed to post links to different sites. PM me if you want more info.
    PM me the link please.

  10. #10
    Ashop's Avatar
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    This will vary from person to person you will find.
    I prefer CLENBUTEROL handsdown without question.
    Take your first dose AM when you wake and another
    around noon and no later,,you should be able to sleep
    fine doing it that way.

  11. #11
    bradhore's Avatar
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    ive done 5 courses of clen and still struggle to sleep even when taking a 50mcg dose first thingin the morning.

  12. #12
    Standby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    eph is more an 'of the moment' drug for burning bf, around 6hrs iirc, whereas clen is working on you all the time.

    you def will not sleep on eph, you take it and train while you're getting the buzz off it, its not an around the clock thing
    i live in canada so i can straight up buy eph i can take a eca stack right before i go to bed and sleep fine. now that i think about it i sleep prefect on clen also.

    so i think it just depends on who you are. i cant tell eph is even in me. clen i can barely tell its in me. only sometimes when i hold my fork i see small shakes but i dont get cramps or anything. also dont see muc if any help in fat loss.

    but as dec11 said eph is a 6 hour thing. so you have to split it up through out the day or just pound it an hour before workout and call it a day

    **ive also tested this clen sleeping problem on myself. i took the whole 120mcg at 1:30am, worked out at 2:30am went to bed at 5am and slept fine no problems. and yes the clen was legit cause i gave some to a buddy and he was shaking his ass off at 40mcg

  13. #13
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    the one thing i do feel when using clen is my heart pounds hard. especially when i work out but thats it

  14. #14
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby

    i live in canada so i can straight up buy eph i can take a eca stack right before i go to bed and sleep fine. now that i think about it i sleep prefect on clen also.

    so i think it just depends on who you are. i cant tell eph is even in me. clen i can barely tell its in me. only sometimes when i hold my fork i see small shakes but i dont get cramps or anything. also dont see muc if any help in fat loss.

    but as dec11 said eph is a 6 hour thing. so you have to split it up through out the day or just pound it an hour before workout and call it a day

    **ive also tested this clen sleeping problem on myself. i took the whole 120mcg at 1:30am, worked out at 2:30am went to bed at 5am and slept fine no problems. and yes the clen was legit cause i gave some to a buddy and he was shaking his ass off at 40mcg
    I've take ephedrine with no problems, can take and go to bed right after and sleep like a baby

  15. #15
    bradhore's Avatar
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    hmmm strange

  16. #16
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    I know lol, took ephedrine off and on for like 2 years until I started to get real bad headaches so stopped using and also stopped working out

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