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Thread: Puffy nipples

  1. #1
    nashvilleterror is offline New Member
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    Puffy nipples

    I bumped my Dbol to 40mg because it seemed under dosed and sure enough as soon as I went from 30 to 40mg I started seeing more what I was expecting (weight and strength gains that were bigger than normal). I did this on Sunday and saw a difference by Tuesday, so I am sure my tabs were just a little weak, but almost as soon as I saw those gains my nips started to get a little tender. Its mostly the right one that is just slightly puffy and I dont even know if its puffy because I keep squeezing it to feel for lumps..
    Just finishing up my second week of 500mg Test E weekly, 40mg Dbol and 20mg Proviron daily. I have Nolvadex and Clomid on hand and the Proviron as well that I could bump up if needed. What I really wonder is if I should act now on it or maybe Im being paranoid? If you have had some gyno before, how did it start? Mostly what I read in that section was itchy nipples or a lump behind the nipple.

  2. #2
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    Lower the dose or stop and take the Nolva, If you can get some Letrozole it will help. ( you have been taking thi from the start). If you don't do anything the itch can turn into a lump.

  3. #3
    nashvilleterror is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    Lower the dose or stop and take the Nolva, If you can get some Letrozole it will help. ( you have been taking thi from the start). If you don't do anything the itch can turn into a lump.
    Ok, Like I said in the post, my nipples are not itchy. They are just slightly tender to the touch and I think they are a little puffy, but I cant really tell. I guess Im just going to take 20mg Nolva daily and see if that helps.

  4. #4
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
    SufferToReturnHarder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    Lower the dose or stop and take the Nolva, If you can get some Letrozole it will help. ( you have been taking thi from the start). If you don't do anything the itch can turn into a lump.
    why would you tell him to hop on letro? Dont listen to that. I'm sure your just being paranoid. Everytime I cycle I worry about gyno, and I've never gotten it. Any way to get an ai? I'd save the nolva for your pct man.

  5. #5
    vBRAH's Avatar
    vBRAH is offline Member
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    This is why I think you should run an AI like Arimidex on cycle, better to be safe than sorry IMO. Is there any tenderness around/behind your nipples?

  6. #6
    nashvilleterror is offline New Member
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    I ran the Nolva for 3 days so far and it has cleared up. I have enough to still keep my PCT intact plus Im going to run clomid along with the Nolva for PCT, so that should be fine. Im going to take Nolva again tomorrow just to make sure its gone completely. Thanks for the Advice.

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