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  1. #1
    mr.trenoob is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2011

    Could use the advice of a vet.

    So I am nearing the end of week 3 of my first Test-E cycle. A week into my cycle I found out my sore ankle was actually torn cartilage so I had to stop doing legs and cardio and had to adjust my routine a bit so as to not put pressure on my bad ankle. So onto the good.. Since starting my cycle I have already put on 18 pounds which I am sure is a combo of cutting down my cardio and the added intake I included with my diet for running the Test. I have already seen strength gains and have experienced no sides. I am not sure how much of this added weight is water/fat/muscle but tomorrow I am going to pick up one of those things for measuring body fat and I will monitor it for the following weeks to make sure it isn't partially my fat going up. Now onto my questions..

    If my gains continue going at this rate and my bodyfat % does not go up I think I may cut my cycle to 8 or 10 weeks. How would I need or want to adjust my PCT if I decided on 8 weeks? Here is what I had planned for my cycle:

    10-12 Weeks
    200MG Test -E Monday Am, Thursday PM

    Anti-Sides (Taken if needed)

    Nolva 40/20/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Last 4 weeks of cycle 250iu's E3D.

    If I keep my diet in check and run pct what percentage of gains do you think I'd keep running such a short cycle?
    Last edited by mr.trenoob; 11-25-2011 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    you def wont have 18lbs muscle in only 3wks, that'll be fat and water. dont waste money on a body fat monitor, they're crap, ive used one priced at £800 and it was crap so anything you can quickly pick up like that is going to be BS mate.. 8wks on test e is a waste of time. do standing exercises seated and do a stationary bike for cardio or swim

  3. #3
    mr.trenoob is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    I wasn't going to buy the electronic ones. I'm just saying if in 3 more weeks I put on 20 more pounds and my bodyfat% doesn't go up I think it would be more than I would have even asked for running a cycle so I wouldn't mind cutting it short to help my natty test recover (assuming I'd keep 60-70% of my gains). I don't feel my body fat has gone up much if at all but maybe water retention.. idk. All I know is it's going better and faster then I expected running test-e.

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