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Thread: Reservatrol

  1. #1
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    China man's website says; "Resveratrol ! trained athlete without the training," Resveratrol significantly increases natural testosterone production from being both a selective estrogen receptor modulator and an aromatase inhibitor similar to arimidex ( ) plus its MAOI so lifts mood"
    WHAT? Im confused now. What is reservatrol and what is it used for? I thought I had a general idea, but am really confused after reading this?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    China man's website says; "Resveratrol ! trained athlete without the training," Resveratrol significantly increases natural testosterone production from being both a selective estrogen receptor modulator and an aromatase inhibitor similar to arimidex ( ) plus its MAOI so lifts mood"
    WHAT? Im confused now. What is reservatrol and what is it used for? I thought I had a general idea, but am really confused after reading this?
    I addressed some of this in the PM you sent me, so now let me finish.
    With the claims being made here, I would NOT purchase from this company. Too much hype!
    First, Test boosters do not work.
    Next. I have never seen in any scientific literature that it is an AI nor an MAOI.

    What resveratrol does do:
    It mimics the life extending benefits (in higher level mammals, or Mice) of a caloric restricted diet (by at least 30% decrease in calories) and extends life by about 30%. This has not been verified in humans, since just "recently" discovered, and human lifespan is long.
    It is a good antioxydent, and therefore a good preventative of cancer
    There are some anti-diabetic properties

    Always check the facts with Wiki (or similar) before buying ANYTHING off the net. There is so much bogus crap out there....


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