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  1. #1
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
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    Cycle Critique needed

    For the advanced bodybuilders, can you please help me! This will be my 4th cycle........

    My 10 week cycle (actual time 15 weeks w/ post cycle)

    AAS Usage:
    250/ml of Test E every three days for 10weeks (2ml a week Monday morning/Thursday night)
    50mg of Dbol ED for 12weeks (20mg in the AM and 30 mg before workout)
    Winstrol 50mg ED (Weeks 8-12)
    HCG : 300 IU every week (100 EOD Week 1-12)
    Clen /T3 starts on week 6-8 followed by two weeks of Epehdra then clen again weeks 10-12 (Dosage Pyramids for the Clen & T/3)
    Week 12 PCT:
    Clomid (150mg 1st day, 7 days 100mg, next two weeks 50mg)

    I have 20ml of EQ on hand as well, I never took this before and was wondering if someone could chime in on when to take this?

    *Armidex on hand for Gyno issues (20 mg on hand, .50mg EOD or only when symptoms show)
    **Starts last week of De***ber till end of March followed by 15 week break and Liver Cleanse
    ***Milk Thistle/vitamin b/tanning throughout for acne prevention

    Current Stats:
    -Height: 6’1
    -Weight: 230 pds
    -Body Fat: 10%
    -Similar to Cost of Redemption, Ron Coleman (4days training, 5th day rest)
    -20mins cardio after workouts (30 mins AM cardio the last 4 weeks based on where I am at)

    Thanks Everyone!

  2. #2
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Oct 2011
    50mg dbol for 12 weeks + an overlap of winny for 4 weeks? Where is the consideration for liver stress?

  3. #3
    Epic01's Avatar
    Epic01 is offline Junior Member
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    I wouldn't run dbol the whole cycle especially with u adding the winny.

  4. #4
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    What is your age and what were your 3 previous cycles?

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Dont run the Dbol for 12 weeks unless you get BW. If you do run it that long, dont combine it with Winstrol .

    Arimidex whilst "on", not "if showing symptoms".

    HCG 250ius 2x week, EOD is too frequent.

    PCT is not 3 weeks, its 5-6 and you need to add Tamox or Tore to it.

  6. #6
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    I do see where the stress can come in on the liver. After seeing what pros take I figured it would be doable but if the advanced members recommend this I can back off as it isnt necessary. What would you all recommend?

    1st cycle:
    250 Test E X2 for 12 weeks
    Clomid and nolva PCT
    2nd cycle:
    250 Test E X2 for 12 weeks with Winn for the last 4 weeks
    PCT Nolva
    3rd cycle:
    Dbol Pyramid first two weeks followed by Sustanon 250 for 10 weeks....and that ramped up to 750/ml per week on week 6 and came back down to 250/ml X 2 the last two addition to this cycle I did 2 weeks of Winn the last week and pyramid the t3/clen the last four weeks
    (PCT Clomid.....Nolva throughout)

    I have been clean for 15 weeks now....ready to go again...

  7. #7
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
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    And i opt NOT to do the susta250 again. It was the worst. I would get huge softball knots in my glutes to the point where I could barely do cardio and legs.....sleeping was absolute hell as I could only lay on one side. I feel it really messed with my training.....

    Also can i please get your take on the training? Originally I was doing one muscle group per day (With the legs split) the pumps were great, but I seemed to get better results hitting muscle groups almost twice a week. When i trained muscles individually i lifted really heavy, when i trained 2 a day I aimed more for full sets and high reps.....

  8. #8
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
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    My age is 27 as of last week. I started AAS when I was about 24. I was able to get to 220 naturally and never really considered it till I saw that documentary bigger stronger faster. My first cycle was done incorrectly then to top that almost no break in between the first and second cycle. My weight peaked at about 255 my first cycle, second was around 250 again, this past one I dropped to about 215, but there was a lot more quality. To give you an idea of how stupid i was...i injected into the fat for the first 4-5 weeks, never aspirated etc...... A lot of bad advice from local gym rats. I am lucky to have never picked up an infection....I am still learning and I have picked about a lot of knowledge over the past year from the forums BUT i am still not confident in putting a cycle together. It is nice to have advice from you guys, so THANKS!
    Last edited by mojoetcm; 11-29-2011 at 07:35 PM.

  9. #9
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Dont run the Dbol for 12 weeks unless you get BW. If you do run it that long, dont combine it with Winstrol .

    Arimidex whilst "on", not "if showing symptoms".

    HCG 250ius 2x week, EOD is too frequent.

    PCT is not 3 weeks, its 5-6 and you need to add Tamox or Tore to it.
    So stop at 8 weeks on the dbol? What is BW? As for the armidex.....can you please verify if nolva is even necessary on cycle if i have armidex just in case?

    For the PCT, how would I set that up with taking the Clomid and Nolva for 6 weeks? I would wait 2 weeks then start the PCT then correct? As for the HCG, got it.... Thanks Swifto!
    Last edited by mojoetcm; 11-29-2011 at 07:41 PM. Reason: stupidity

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